Rap/Hip Hop and the GFE

avatar for nickifree
As far as GFE I am truly turned off by all the Rap/Hip-Hop girls that are the mainstay of strip clubs these days. I don't think these type of girls know how to mentally satisfying me.

For me Rap/Hip-Hop equates to thugism, and I hate that since that mentality just isn't me. I want more than just having a dancer shake (or God forbid) clap her ass at me. I want a dancer that can work a pole and can provide some TLC in between dances.

You see, I went to college and have somewhat of a Monty Python sense of humor. And ten years ago I could mention "The Lumberjack Song" and a dancer typically knew what I was talking about.

It pains me to say it. But I prefer the GFE from white girls than from "ethnic" girls because the white girls are closer to my disposition. The ethnic girls seem to be playing more toward the Rap/Hip-Hop guys. And now even most of the white girls seem to be doing the same thing.


last comment
avatar for smokeshopjoe
12 years ago
I know what you mean. I listen to old Jamaican music. I just tune out the carp that most of the clubs play around here. Not to mention that I have had VERY few intellectual conversations with many dancers. I have taken to wearing nerdy themed t shirts when going to the club so that I can rapidly judge how much I want to struggle to have a conversation with them.

Also it shouldnt pain you to say you prefer white girls over the ethnic ones. Shit I will be the first to say it; My penis is a racist. I like people in all colors and would say 70 percent are decent people when dealt with one on one. But I really dont like black girls in my lap they might as well be a guy sitting in my lap. All they are doing at that point invading my personal space
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I love hip-hop. I say it has helped in making fucking customers for money no big deal to so many of these girls these days.
avatar for Rod84
12 years ago
I've been told time and again the clubs play the music girls want to hear and dance to. If the same thing happened at Starbucks or Macy's, management would hear holy hell about it. They instead play the kind of music that most customers with money either want to hear or facilitates a pleasurable experience in their stores.

For the most part, and I don't mean all, guys with money in the clubs are older and more established. We don't like hip-hop/rap and want something pleasurable to listen to while our while hot girls grind on our dicks. I'll take the girls with the shitty music if I have to, but why more clubs don't play the kind of music the majority of their best patrons want to hear is beyond me. It makes good business sense.

But then again, where strip clubs are concerned, they seem to make money hand over fist by sticking a naked girl on stage, regardless of whatever else they do try to mess it up, so maybe there's not much incentive for them to do otherwise. I obviously haven't stopped going, but I can say the music choice determines to a degree the number of dances I'll get and how long I stay in the club buying drinks.
avatar for Rod84
12 years ago
But I do have to agree with Dougster - Hip-Hop has drilled into many of the dancers' heads that grinding laps and sucking dick is what it's all about. To quote a few lines from Hip-Hop/Rap that any white guy in his 50s has no reason knowing, if it weren't for strip clubs...
* "I'm in love with a strippa..." T Pain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
* "Make it Rain" Travis Porter (Featuring the lyric, as naseum, "You wanna see some ass. I wanna see sum cash...") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
* "Tits and ass, tits and ass..." Can't find it on the internet, but clearly this song isn't about subtlety.
* "Do Sumthin Strange" Ludachris (Featuring the lyric, "She says she need to pay her condo. Yeah, well I need some daddy long stroke..." I guess real rhyming is no longer required.

Give me "Kiss" or "Cream" by Prince any day...
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
"For me Rap/Hip-Hop equates to thugism"


If that's what you honestly think, then you're either old, or only listen to the radio. Probably both, haha.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
"Give me "Kiss" or "Cream" by Prince any day..."

As I white guy in his 50's myself - I agree.

If one frequents strips clubs and pays *any* attention at all to the music, one can't help but learn a little bit. Two of my last three favorites were white girls, but pretty much danced exclusively to rap/hip-hop.

Over the past 5-6 years, there have been a couple of songs I've actually came to like. (Amazing, from a guy with a Motorhead avatar and proud owner of the complete collection of Led Zeppelin 8-track tapes.)

"Bring it Back" - Travis Porter
"Ayo Technology" - 50 Cent and Justin Timberlake
"Shake That" - Eminem

Of course, even when AM radio was playing "Rapper's Delight" in like `79, I found it a refreshing change.

avatar for Longneck
12 years ago
What the I go to the club for beautiful women with great asses and limited IQs. Hell I've got two degrees but I have no interest in talking shop on industry practices with a nude twenty year old. I guess my point is if your old, hate hip-hop, nice asses require intellectually stimulating conversations at strip club perhaps your in the wrong place. Truth is most smart college students aren't going to talk market shares with you. Why? Cause it's a strip club it's built for the little head not the big head. If you want GFE pay for that but generally strippers don't excell in English they do math.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
I love hip hop, but the music doesn't matter to me in the strip clubs. I will say though most of the young girls are into hip hop, so you probably better get used to it.
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
Dude, were you the guy who started a thread "where are the white women" on the pink site a few days ago ?
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
It is NOT Rocket Science nickifree. If you don't like the music, try different clubs or shifts. I've experienced less rap music on the day shift at clubs.

Regarding the GFE, if you don't like dancers who just shake & slap their ass, try different clubs or shifts. I have received true GFE at plenty of clubs. A clue - try dancers in their late 20's and older.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
They play music?
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
My ATF, who's whiter than me, knows all the rappers and all the lyrics to rap songs. Nick Minaj is her current favorite. She says rap music gives her energy when she's dancing on stage.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
@Daddy'sGirl- Part black huh. What other ethnicities/races do you have in you? I love exotic looking women!
avatar for Digitech
12 years ago
Rap and hip hop is the best music for clubs and lap dances. You just have to have that beat and heavy bass.
avatar for chessmaster
12 years ago
honestly there is not enough ass clapping/shaking in strip clubs. on the topic of hip hop/rap music i like it better than most other music strip clubs play. i can listen to rap and hip hop and rock. thats about it.
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
In my various articles on strip club management one of the points I make is that the dancers do not pick the music, the club management does based on the target audience of the club.

Think of it. The dancers are women in their 20's and maybe 30's while the customers are men in their 30's through 60's. If you were programming two radio stations targeting those demographics would their playlists be the same? Of course not!

Besides at any given time there may be a dozen or more girls giving a dance to the same music. Why does the one on stage, the only one NOT interested in getting more dances from the same customer, set the music.

Club management picks the music based on one simple criteria, what makes 30 to 60 year old men feel horny. Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
I hate rap music. If I were to go into a normal business and they were playing rap I would immediately leave. That being said, we all know strip clubs do not operate under a normal business model.
Despite my dislike/hate of rap music, I spent about 4 hours in a club today that plays nothing but rap music. I had a wonderful time getting 10 full contact $10 dances from two different spinners. Both were hands on all areas, both ways (mine and hers). So I guess the moral of this story is that the music is a non factor in the overall strip club experience if you are enjoyig the dancers. If you are having fun watching or getting lap dances, you can tune out the rap music. It sort of becomes "white noise" and becomes a non issue. If , on the other hand, I did not find the dancers attractive, I think the rap music would cause me to make a quick exit.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Oh come in! Let's get real. These PLs sit around alone waiting for their ATF to call them in, and then wait in the club while she services three other guys before getting around to him, but it's going to cost anyone money because the old PL wants to hear the Eagles instead of Jay-Z? I don't think so... Jerikson still needs to knock some sense into some of y'all...
avatar for Longneck
12 years ago
Well said Dougster...well said
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
First of all, black girls are hot. Asian, too. Nothing wrong with hip hop, and booty smakin', and big long fingernails, and tattoos, and weaves, and big asses, and nasty black girls who jack you off with lotion.

And the combination of black and asian can be incredible. Which is why I'm intrigued by DaddysGirl. She says she's part black, with some Hawaiian and Irish in her. Reminds me of the joke, "do you have any Irish in you?", "...would you like some?"

Okay, that's just inappropriate...

Back to the subject...

Now I need to talk to DaddysGirl alone for a minute, so the rest of you guys take off, okay?

Okay, DaddysGirl, sit down a minute. I want to talk to you. Now, tell, me, honestly, why "DaddysGirl"? Because, I've gotta tell you, that's really hot. I love it when a girl calls me "daddy". Combine that with the fact that you're part black and Hawaiian, and damn girl, I just about get a boner.

Black girls are the ones who like to call guys "daddy" during lap dances, and it makes me nucking futs. Really. So do you like to call guys daddy when you're having sex? Because that's just awesome.

And another point...could you, and all the other dancers here, post some really good photos of yourself? Hell, anyone can figure out who you are anyway, so don't worry, just post some photos. We won't tell anyone. BTW, what ever happened to that hot dancer Christal (?) who posted a bunch of really nice photos of herself? Damn, I had a crush on that girl.

avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Christal retired from working strip clubs but she can still be found here.

avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
I really liked her. She seemed to have this "I'm a stripper, and a damn good one, and proud of it", and she really seemed to care about the customers. Though never actually saw her in person, just from what little I read from her here.

How was she doing laps and stuff? Was she one of the dirty girls? yeah, baby...
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Lets just say that she was well liked, including by me. :))
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Jerikson, your a straight weirdo you know that lol? But don't see the problem with rap, hip-hop and r&b. Though I'm black so maybe you white people will take my opinion as invalid because of it. Anyway, I have NEVER gotten booty shaking or assclapping in my lapdances so I feel pretty damn unlucky.
avatar for TortillaChip
12 years ago
I'm not black and I do liston to rap and hip hop. Having said that, I think anybody who says rap and hip hop don't go to great lengths to project an image of thugism is in denial or perhaps delusional.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Rap and hip hop culture are for non white kids what punk is to disenfranchised whites.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
equating it with negative shit is racist AF
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Thats more like fag rap.

Real hip hop is extremely realistic. I can relate to most of the lyrics
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
6 years ago
I hate rap and I'm a rock music girl at heart. I have danced to KISS at my club and it cleared the tip rail. Because of the "culture" of my club being mostly booty popping/twerking, I had to adjust and change my music. I don't dance to rap on stage often - mostly dancey top 40 stuff now. It's what makes the customers tip.
I don't twerk because there's not enough fat on my ass lol. I'm a professional pole competitor, so I just try to put on a cool stage show with a lot of pole tricks.
But fuck rap.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
I like rap and hip hop, and have since the early 90s, so that's a lot of years of listening to it.

I am, nevertheless, very supportive of the policies of my fave club policies, to not play rap at all, or limit it only to approved happy rap
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
yeah everyone loves hip hop but not at the club and they all have a black friend lmfao
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Hip hop isn't just music. Its a way of life. Its one thing for some suburban kid to hear a song and like it and another when you actually know the places they're rapping about and can identify with the situations. Its the voice of urban poverty. The shit you hear on the radio is more like pop music marketed to white middle class kids in the suburbs, its not hip hop.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
the only real rap is gangster rap. it doesnt promote anything negative it just brings awareness to the reality people live in.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
and WTF does rap have to do with a GFE?
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
they're not real rappers. 6ix9ine especially. Those niggaz would be the first to get shot if they acted like that in the hood. There's a difference between real gangster rap and shit marketed to suburban white boys.

I NEVER met a real OG who glorifies violence or the gang life. Real gangsters are just victims of circumstance and hustle for a better life. They're usually humble about it and don't brag about shit. Thats why they smoke so much weed when they put work in. Its a way to forget.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
No they don't. Just saying you're a gangster doesn't make you one. I can say Im a dr and give medical advice, doesn't mean I am.

A lot of what you hear in the media isn't true. You'd have a different view if you were from a hood. Gangs fill a void.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
You have to be a gangster, otherwise you're a fake. Oh and coz your anonymous ass defines who I am lol
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
How can you be a GANGSTER rapper if you've never been a gangster and not even from the hood? You can't know what you're rapping about.

@TrapBaby304. RHGO? You on a winning team?
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
I have the best King lol
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Its not a genre its a way of life though. If youre not bout that life you can't know what its like.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Im no ones troll account. Calling me a troll doesnt make you right
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago

you seem like a real bad bitch, how well can you twerk that ass?
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago
on another note, op is a racist POS
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
its really about your hips, lower back and abs. real twerking is more than clapping and shaking your ass
avatar for Lil_Baller100
6 years ago
i do like a hoe who can clap and shake her ass but if you think you know how to twerk it, ill be there to make it rain on your booty
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Most bitches cant really twerk
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
Real gangsters move in silence.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
real shit
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Anywaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyssssssssssssssss 50 Cent is the last real gangsta rapper to make it mainstream.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
And he's a snitch, so...
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Accused by a nobody. Bitch swerve
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
It is well known in the hip / gangster world that 50 Cent is a snitch.

And bitch I will swerve as long as you stay in your lane.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
I own the road bitch.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
pay a toll or fuck off
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
I'm still here, so clearly you don't own shit.

And I think bridges are your thing, not roads.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
says the bitch bragging about her felonies
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
A lot of hostility here lately.
avatar for NinaBambina
6 years ago
"says the bitch bragging about her felonies"

Idk who you're talking to like that because I don't have any felonies.

You must be a two_shits stand-in.
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