I caught a disease in a strip club. I'm sharing my sad story in order to warn other men about what can happen if they enter one of these dens of iniquity.
In June I traveled to the city of Atlanta. Having free time before my meeting the next day, I was drawn to a strip club called F*ll**s like a horny moth to a sexy flame.
F*ll**s, I learned to my detriment, has many beautiful young women walking around naked. For $10 they will dance on your lap and permit you many liberties that decent women won't give you until you have exchanged marriage vows. Alcohol is served in this unseemly establishment, and soon I had imbibed too heavily, which robbed me of my reason and judgment. I spent hundreds of dollars on scores of strippers, and my memory of the later part of the evening is a blur of loud music and naked flesh. The club did not warn me that strippers could harbor germs.
The next day on the plane back to Detroit, I received my punishment for my wicked ways. I came down with a cold! My nose began to run, my throat hurt, and I sneezed repeatedly. I suffered from this disease for three days.
So let this be a warning to all you men who think they can flout morality with impunity. If you visit a strip club, you may catch a cold.
Funny thing. I also visit this club on a semi regular basis. I also caught a cold about 6 weeks ago shortly after a visit. Guess I will have to find another club. Too bad, as this place has cute girls, $10 full contact dances, and great VIPs.
I have often wondered how many people got the cold or flu off a strippers nipple. As weird as it sounds it is a fear of mine. Dont get me wrong, It doesnt leave me so riddled with fear that i would ever contemplate not sucking on nipples.
You are a fuck head, jackslash. Go fuck them ebola infected gals in them fucking african country and don't come back. No point in your fucking post. And the fuck does "jackslash" stand for? Who comes up with these kind of fucked up names?
Oh yea, just had a bareback adventure (or is it doom) with my regular tonite, so this kind of shit posted by 13 yr old fuckers don't go over well with us old balding geezers. Go jump from them golden gate bridge, jacko boy.
last commentoh, sure, it starts out like a cold...
Yeah – you have to wait 6 months to know for sure :)