I just got back from the club and I'm puzzled. A fav of mine, Sindi, called at 1PM and asked if I could come in. Being a nice guy, I said yes, and I got to the club about 2PM. The place was dead. There were many more dancers than customers.
Sindi had just got off stage, and so we sat at a table and had a few drinks. Then she took me upstairs to the private booths. I had a lot of good full contact lap dances, with my finger up her pussy while I sucked her big tits. She asked if I wanted BJ or FS. I declined and told her I really preferred OTC for such intimate activities. She did not say no to OTC but I could tell she was not going to meet me outside the club.
Sindi is a 28-year-old hottie. She also works as a professional trainer and she has a great toned body (and large enhanced tits). In the past she has given me blow jobs in the club. But she has never met me OTC. I really prefer OTC for FS and BJ, because I like to get totally naked with the girl and spend an unhurried quality time.
Why won't a dancer meet me OTC for things she's willing to do ITC? I don't get it.
Apparently there is NOT a level of trust in you that would lead her to seeing you OTC. Sounds like your club doesn't have enough privacy. I've gotten naked in at least 2 Detroit clubs, with no fear of discovery. Now unhurried time ITC is a whole other matter involving more $$$ for more time.
Keeping club life separate from your outside life. There are some that prefer to go to work and thats it. When they leave the club, they leave work behind
"Keeping club life separate from your outside life. There are some that prefer to go to work and thats it. When they leave the club, they leave work behind"
That could well be a reason too. You would not know unless you ask her & get a reply to your question.
I agree with the safety and psycological reasons. Inside the club, it's more of a fantasy, while outside, it would be too realistic.
I would feel too awkward to meet someone at a hotel, etc. so I always decline.
In my area, OTC is very common though. A lot of dancers I knew in the past made no secret about the fact that they saw customers at a well known hot tub place (it's now closed).
If Sindi is your favorite I would assume you spend a significant amount of money and time with her. I'm surprised she would not go outside the club to meet you. The trust issues should be history!
I've been told by certain Dancers that they have had bad experiences OTC, in which a good situation has turned less than good....So, some based on experience or their personal situation hesitate (at least), and some just won't do....
Be happy that she have you the vibe that she didn't want to do OTC. I have had a stripper endlessly lead me on about OTC, only to bail at the 11th hour. It's best to know early on, so if OTC is your goal, believe me, there are plenty of others who will accommodate you.
I think security and the (perceived) ability to hide activities from SOs are the primary reasons. I've known lots of girls who were up for anything in the club, but wouldn't even consider OTC. Most of them cited one of those reasons.
I'm not really sure what to tell you. Most strippers are DTF, at least in my experience. I also don't have the creeper look or talk like a stalker. On the other hand, some girls dance strictly for the money and when it's time to go home they just want to go home. If your lookin for that kind of time, hit up backpage or your local strip I guess.
you are over thinking it get the bj and pay her less than you would otc and tell her i pay x for itc and xx for otc that might do it. And FS tell her but the positions i want you in just arent feasible here.
i don't know why either jack. I prefer OTC to ITC anyday. There is a stripper names brooklyn like that at Club Rio here in Indy. she will do anything with you in the VIP booth but won't hook up outside. Probably just doesn't feel safe. And no Alucard it's not me that is not making her feel safe! Before you make some white knight comment I thought I'd add that! She doesn't hook up with anybody OTC. I stopped returning her texts.
What jester and clubber said. In mu humbel opinion, safety is the biggest factor for them, especially when they can already earn p4p cash inside the club.
I have also run into this phenomenon in areas where ITC activities are wide open and where the girls are already earning p4p-level cash without having to leave their clubs. OTC has historically been my preference vs. ITC, but in places like Providence and Pasco County (FL) I have found it to be absurdly easy to have fun ITC but much more difficult to convert it to OTC. Same held true in one club in Atlanta last year, where she easily gave it up ITC but was initially reluctant to take it OTC.
I think what contributes to this is that, in places where the girls perform the acts ITC, girls are not propositioned as much to go OTC. Many guys, when given the choice, prefer to do all of their business ITC if they can. Conversely, in areas where ITC activities are far more controlled, OTC becomes the only way of earning p4p money.
^^^ More know nothing talk from Rick. Honey's was prime ITC territory here back in the day before they closed 'er down, and also prime OTC ground. Cheetah's in Vegas is another example of how abundant ITC can also mean abundant OTC.
Rick seems to think that girls can make just about arbitrary money by doing ITC and OTC, up to the point where they just run out of hours in the week. So with an unlimited number of guys to put in a limited number of time slots they can be selectively, right, and choose only the real guys who are high rollers + studs to do it with right?
In reality it doesn't work like that though. There is a shortage of both OTC and ITC clients for the girls who do fuck for money, plenty of open slots (pun intended!), so the customers still have the power in these transaction if they are willing to realize that they do.
It's definitely not safety. Girls realize that customers, especially old white dude regulars are harmless (and the harmlessness is part of the reason they can't get any pussy w/o paying, but that's another topic).
Also I've heard "seperation" suggested by some whores I've known. It's a weird concept that I guess would make sense to the mixed up mind of a whore. For some reason having sex ITC is whoring but that's just part of the job, but OTC it would be more like their private lives. I don't buy that one either.
I think it's simply a matter that for OTC there is more time overheard, so, in a sense she is just kind of lazy. Some girls prefer OTC because of the lazy factor too. OTC with one guy beats running around the club trying to hustle a bunch of guys, doing the stage shows and what not.
In any case, it's not set in stone. Just ask her about periodically, and maybe her "no" on OTC will change to a "yes". If she already decided she is okay with being a whore, so that the main hurdle cleared. The others are now about a quarter of the height of that one.
What Stiletto25 said, duh, and safety as indicated by them strippers. Some of it is SS but they do seem to come across weirdos by the tales they tell. jackslash is probably an outstanding citizen but the name's a bit on the geeky side.
last commentThat could well be a reason too. You would not know unless you ask her & get a reply to your question.
Hmmm, just curious - did you happen to mention that part to her?
Doing it at work is one thing, going elsewhere would cross a whole new boundary.
Doing it at work is one thing, going elsewhere would cross a whole new boundary.
I would feel too awkward to meet someone at a hotel, etc. so I always decline.
In my area, OTC is very common though. A lot of dancers I knew in the past made no secret about the fact that they saw customers at a well known hot tub place (it's now closed).
Some guys are ok with anything ITC (the job) vs. OTC (different, some how)
get the bj and pay her less than you would otc and tell her i pay x for itc and xx for otc
that might do it. And FS tell her but the positions i want you in just arent feasible here.
I have also run into this phenomenon in areas where ITC activities are wide open and where the girls are already earning p4p-level cash without having to leave their clubs. OTC has historically been my preference vs. ITC, but in places like Providence and Pasco County (FL) I have found it to be absurdly easy to have fun ITC but much more difficult to convert it to OTC. Same held true in one club in Atlanta last year, where she easily gave it up ITC but was initially reluctant to take it OTC.
I think what contributes to this is that, in places where the girls perform the acts ITC, girls are not propositioned as much to go OTC. Many guys, when given the choice, prefer to do all of their business ITC if they can. Conversely, in areas where ITC activities are far more controlled, OTC becomes the only way of earning p4p money.
Anyway, just my two cents.
Rick seems to think that girls can make just about arbitrary money by doing ITC and OTC, up to the point where they just run out of hours in the week. So with an unlimited number of guys to put in a limited number of time slots they can be selectively, right, and choose only the real guys who are high rollers + studs to do it with right?
In reality it doesn't work like that though. There is a shortage of both OTC and ITC clients for the girls who do fuck for money, plenty of open slots (pun intended!), so the customers still have the power in these transaction if they are willing to realize that they do.
Also I've heard "seperation" suggested by some whores I've known. It's a weird concept that I guess would make sense to the mixed up mind of a whore. For some reason having sex ITC is whoring but that's just part of the job, but OTC it would be more like their private lives. I don't buy that one either.
I think it's simply a matter that for OTC there is more time overheard, so, in a sense she is just kind of lazy. Some girls prefer OTC because of the lazy factor too. OTC with one guy beats running around the club trying to hustle a bunch of guys, doing the stage shows and what not.
In any case, it's not set in stone. Just ask her about periodically, and maybe her "no" on OTC will change to a "yes". If she already decided she is okay with being a whore, so that the main hurdle cleared. The others are now about a quarter of the height of that one.