I dont want to sound too gay here but She doesnt look that good in those pictures, dont get me wrong I would totally fuck her if given the chance. I think William looks buff in them and that is where the hoopla should be.
ALSO think about it wouldn't it be better if people saw you all naked at your prime, and not when you are well the queens age. I dont get famous people who only are with being nude when they are older and no one wants to see them then.
Shit, how the fuck can you even tell that's her? Those shots are so grainy, that girl could be my SB, if the tits were bigger. And "William" could be any 30 something, pasty white doofus off the street.
I partly agree farmerart. I hold most of the tabloid press over here in contempt as well. And also the Guardian newspaper as well. But that doesn't make it right though.
ALSO think about it wouldn't it be better if people saw you all naked at your prime, and not when you are well the queens age. I dont get famous people who only are with being nude when they are older and no one wants to see them then.
I second farmarts comment