
Why I love my daughter

Atlanta suburb
After smoking for 55 years, it finally caught up to me. I just spent 2 days in the hospital. While I was there, she came to visit me. She had her IPOD with her I asked her acces my email and send snowtime a PM to let the guys know what was up with me. She composed and sent the following email.

"Hello [snowtime], this is john's daughter, he wanted me to let you know the sex change went fine. Kidding. Dad's in the hospital, he went in last night and is being treated for bronchitis. We're hoping he'll be out tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. Please send chandler and magicrat a pm letting them know. He'll be in top lap dance shape soon. Thanks [daughter]."

I gave up alcohol. Now I am giving up smoking. But I am not giving it strip clubs.


  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I am glad you are giving up smoking. My dad has smoked for 50+ years too. Almost to that point of needing oxygen, yet he keeps on going. Surely will blow himself up one day when the oxygen comes to be needed.
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    I was a little surprised when I got the e-mail last night. Shadowcat usually sends PM so the when i got the e-mail I knew something was different.
    Although we both live in the Atlanta area, I first met Shadowcat about 4 years ago at Platinum plus in Columbia while I was working in the area. His reputation on TUSCL made him easy to spot. I have enjoyed meeting him recently at our favorite Atl. club, Follies. We usually find one or more TUSCL members at the club to visit with and swap stripper/club info.
    I have not met his daughter and the e-mail last night was the first contact I have had with her. I do know that she seems very cool with his strip club hobby, or is that strip club habbit. As you can tell by the last line of her message, she knows where his interest lies. He is lucky to have a nice daughter who will help him when needed and lets him enjoy the things he finds pleasure in. I suspect she finds it amusing that her 70 yr. old father is spending her inheritance on naked women, a third his age.
    He seems to be doing well and I think he will be successful in giving up cigarettes, just as he was in giving up alcohol. Now, he can spend all is spare money on the dancers.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Glad to hear you are going to be OK Shadow. I'm sure the ladies at Follies and PP will take good care of you when you return. :)
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    We are all pulling for Shadowcat's speedy recovery and adjustment to a healthier lifestyle. I've heard giving up smoking prolongs erections. Worth a try.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Shadowcat, hope you are out of the hospital and back to clubbing quickly. Love your daughter's sense of humor too. Classic.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Get better.

    Smoking is NOT good, and as an OR Nurse I've seen the results of many yrs of smoking. NOT a pretty sight. For those who are doing it, please stop.
  • smokeshopjoe
    12 years ago
    I think snowtime has just given him the motivation he needs to quit the cigs 2 packs a day of even the dregs is $10 and probably is closer to $17 where I live. That is almost a vip dance a day. Also I will say E-cigs can get you the buzz with none of the carcinogens. I make ganja tinctures so I can get medicated in public with mine.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I have a reliable report that shadowcat's daughter was not kidding about the "sex change" operation. LMAO.

    Hope you are up and clubbing soon, my very good friend.
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Wishing you a speedy recovery SC.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    True story:

    I walked into my local Kroger grocery store earlier today, and taped to the entrance was a large, handwritten sign that read

    "Cancer Sale Today"

    Ok. I'll take two.

    I know I probably offended some sensitive posters, but I thought the sign was funny. I hope Shadowcat appreciates its too. Get well soon man.
  • Otto22
    12 years ago
    All the best to you, 'Cat!
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Perhaps now that you have discarded cigarettes you will no longer be in need of Vitamin V.

    Be healthy, shadowcat.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Get well soon Shadowcat. Fortunately smoking is one bad habit I never started.
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