Joined Jan, 2004
Last Seen May, 2022
Front Room
13 years ago
Surprised Part II
So in a followup to my last ever been surprised thread, met my ATF at a local club where she does not dance, and she met a nice young latino...
Front Room
13 years ago
Ever Been Surprised?
So I am heading to one of my favorite spots in Philly and I text a dancer whom I have known for several years; always a great dance and attitude...
Front Room
13 years ago
Appreciate the ATF
So, I posted under another discussion thread I was hitting my favorite club last night. I had been away on buisness since middle of February, prompting many texts from several...
Front Room
13 years ago
Things You Like to Hear
Planning a nice night at the club tonite, texting with some dancers and so on, when I get this text from a dancer I've known for a while and has...
Front Room
13 years ago
Christines Steakhouse/Club Closes
Not a suprise to this writer, Christines, literally about a mile from Oasis in Philly, closed their doors. This is a club I have reviewed several times. Very plush inside...