someone with no reviews= no information

From : bossman2586
Im trying to get info on a girl from nicoles in salisbury nc. Her name is alese big tits a lil chubby peircing on her face. Did u visit her? What type of deal did u get?
last commentGlad you shut him/her out. Possibly LE!
Glad you shut them out especially with the name bossman. (for those of you who remember the The Big Boss Man from WWE lol. His character was a policeman)
WTF? The unwritten rule is that we do not give specific information on dancers. LE is real.
Possibly retarded you might want to not reply to him
Better yet reply with this
No I havent got a dance from her, but I did run into her at the free std clinic had a great conversation about herpes!
Or tell him you got a little weirded out and chickened out of the extra sexy vip dance when she put your cock in a hot dog bun and proceeded to squirt ketchup and mustard on it, but if it was chili that would have been a whole different matter.
I remember The Big Boss Man when he was called Bubba and was Jim Cornettes bobyguard back in the old NWA days. Sadly he was one of the wrestlers that died young from a heart attack. Thank goodness Jerry Lawler is doing good after his heart attack Monday night.
No clue. I only know Wilbur Snyder and Dick the Bruiser.
The Big Boss Man's feud with Al Snow was wrestling gold...where's "Pepper"? lol
Interesting how the conversation turned to Pro Wrestling. As an amateur wrestler in high school in the late 60's I followed the fake stuff as a hobby. I remember Wiber Snyder and Dick the Bruiser that Motorhead mentions. They were both Northern wrestlers, but Bruiser occasionally came to Atlanta for some special matches. My hero was Freddie Blassie, before he became "Classy Freddy Blassie". I lost interest during the Big Boss Man era, but do know who he was. I think he was one of an extremely large group of pro wrestlers who died very young (before 40). The combination of extensive travel, lots of alcohol, steroids and other drugs was a common thing among those guys. Probably still is judging by the size of some of them.
Don't forget Gorgeous George. :)
Wahoo! Wahoo McDaniel just might be my favorite wrestler of all time. What matches he had in the old Mid-Atlantic back in the day. Sadly he died about 10 years old at age 62 I think. He was a real life tough guy.
To Bossman:
That is what text messages are for.
Our sight is a fun forum where lonely pathetic losers lie about beautiful women.
All TUSCL members are liars.
PS. Alese and I had passionate sex for hours after our dinner date last night. She really enjoyed my 9 inch dick, and she was so tight I could barely get it in. And the best part......she did it because she likes me and wanted to give me a present, that's the deal.
I met Dick the Bruiser. He was a former NFL player back when those guys ate raw meat before games.
I've actually spent some quality time with the real Alese!
I was even planning to go to Nicole's tonight, but I think I'll pass for a month or so...
And shame on P-A to suggest that anyone on TUSCL would be less than 100% truthful..!
Now as for being lonely pathetic losers, you get no argument from me! Where's my Jack Daniels?
Tojo Yamamoto!
Moose Cholak!
Theres alot of comedians on here!! I asked about alese she gave me a show it was horrible to many stretchmarks & has a man voice. I believe she stole from if the guys enjoying her and bragging about sex with her, has concerns for me lmao!!! Ill never return to nicoles alot of trashy hoes that dont have brains to do anything else so they depend on low lifes like most of u to pay them for sex for trailer rent. Omg lol. I got fooled once by on hoe, you guys got to be regulars WOW you guys must be living the dream.lmao....if you like dancing whales trying to get to water and ur wallet stolen go to nicoles LOSERS!!!