
Comments by joewebber (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    the clothes aren't even pink. or at least they don't have to be.
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    8 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Another PUA Article about How to Pick Up Strippers
    this all presupposes a) she answers her phone b) texts back c) is a rational human being none of which are usually true.
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    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    Playing stupid
    trust me, the hot attractive dumb blonde is dull as hell if she is really stupid. reminds me of the eloy from The Time Machine
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Business cards to hand out to strippers
    strippers will ask you for a card to get you to leave them alone. they end up in the trash or on the floor. NO ONE CARES ABOUT CARDS
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    here is the text from "Stay Away" "the lights were totally out and all I could see was her shadow. Got closer... yeah... pretty fat. Not in a pretty way... just her stomach was bigger then her boobs. She kept the lights off... know she was embarrassed but not embarrassed enough to take the cash. .... She didn't do anything... just got in the fat saddle, rode her for 10 minutes and that was it. She got up, getting dressed and I'm getting pissed, not showing it... just knew it was a worthless 250 I just spent. Then she started complaining about those other men, calling everyone douche-bags and worthless pieces of shit for having to pay for sex. No second pop, no fun,. just ride a fat chick who is past her prime and more interested in eating then being an escort. She had a great boob job... if you consider it years ago... now it's just a fat mess that is not worth the money, attitude and bullshit. She belongs in the 80 bucks for a quarter hour crap, not 250 for an hour that you will never see."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Got to love google lol
    one of the only links left (first image was in 2009) http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgd871PBRS1qf8zx3o1_250.jpg
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Daily dose of strippershit
    some strippers really mean it. some don't. it' rare that the ones that mean it will be able to get their act together to a) respond to a text b) make plans c) be where they say they're gonna be.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL VIP day at Follies.
    I was thinking the same think VBD.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    Stupid is as stupid says
    today's dancers have no concept of how to 'entertain' a customer. in the past, customers would come in to the club and the dancer would listen to him vent, and then indulge his fantasy. the dancer would be young and attractive, and while she was listening, she would give the customer the impression that he was still attractive. now, the dancer tells the customer the hardship story (boyfriend that abuses her, bills due, dui, drug addiction, children without good clothing, school, christmas, ) and expects the PL to give her money. When I go into a club, I want to forget about stupid people and stupid mistakes that they make, not reminded of them (and oh my God the stupid tattoos!)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Instagram models
    this explains it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFzKi-o4rHw
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    8 years ago
    Locked down by a whale
    the logic is not there most of the time. granted, a whale that comes through with the cash is always better than having to work the club. but, i've watched girls sit with someone for HOURS just to get a $300 VIP. i find it puzzling that in the time it would take her to earn $300 (30 $10 table dances or 15 $20 couch dances) she's wasting her time kissing up to someone.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Dancers as interrogation artists
    if it's not a 'wanna dance' girl, it's a 'want some company' girl Dancers ask the same questions. not because they want to run game, but because they are in auto-pilot. most won't even remember anything about you including your name once they move on. 1) what's your name 2) where are you from 3) what do you do 4) come here often 5) are you having a good day so far the girls that make the most money remember every last detail about you, and ask about you when you come back in.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Bringing your ATF home ( part 2)
    Having dealt with drug abusers and alcoholics on this level, I feel your pain Gawker. Sadly, your ATF will not remember any of the trouble she caused you. In your case, you might benefit from the Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby or Seeking Arrangement websites to find someone rather than 'put up' with all the SS you encounter at the SC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ask them yourself?
    it's not just the one decision. it's every decision they make after that as well. each decision becomes another point of no return.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Attn: Tattoo experts
    probably artist availability and cash availability.
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    8 years ago
    reboot time
    filmed in Atlanta. possibly the Gold ROOM nightclub. Some of Atlanta's strippers are in that movie.
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    8 years ago
    they have been brainwashed by the "music and lyrics" of the club. it's difficult to have a conversation with a girl that is intermittently rapping lyrics of the "song" playing. it used to be that the girls would try and seem interested in you, laugh at your bad jokes, remember what kind of work you did, and present the fantasy girl to you. now, you're lucky if they don't present their entire financial dilemma to you (complete with lack of child support from deadbeat boyfriend/sperm donor), rent, probation, methadone, outfits, tattoos, hair, nails, drugs. the disconnect is not because they're younger than us. it's because their background (especially being in a strip club) is radically different, and their priorities and work ethic are not the same.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The Camera's in the Club
    there are cameras in the main areas at popular Atlanta clubs. These are used to discourage theft. there are no cameras in their VIP room areas. it would make the club liable for any illegal activity that might occur.
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    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    Can you loan me money for rent?
    you never loan money to a stripper. they never pay you back. when the rent's due again, or the car payment's due the next month, they'll ask again. there's usually a lot of drug abuse going on when they need a "loan" one stripper used to text me every month when her probation was due the next day. sorry. if you do it once, and refuse to do it again, suddenly you become the bad guy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What did they do before they became strippers?
    hooters waitress is common. it's kind of like stripper in training
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    "I Only Make It Rain 'Cause Dances Are For Perverts"
    the night crowd at follies hardly use the vip rooms. it's all a competition to them (the guys) as to see who can make it rain more.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    You know she is a mediocre fuck but she looks so damned good
    if she's an 8 or 9, but she is dumb as a box of rocks, it's a turn off. i had a CF (8.5) that I took to VIP a few times. had a great time. at least until she opened her mouth to talk. then it was all about outfits, nails, hair, shoes, and gossip. she doesn't need to be a rocket scientist, but she should at least be able to carry on a conversation about something other than vanity.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Follies bath room troll
    he's the same guy from Tattletale during the week nights. he keeps the ones for the night shift at Follies where the urban clientele likes to make it rain
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    move on. it's a strip club, not a dating service. the boyfriend has a lot on his plate without his stripper girlfriend being texted outside of work. she doesn't want to hurt your feeling, but lies hurt more. don't put her in a position that ruins your ITC relationship. accept the fact that most dancers lie to keep them isolated from the PLs. hence, stage names. most clubs used to prohibit phone number exchange in the club. the clubs still have a policy of not allowing a dancer to leave with a custy, and sometimes bouncers will escort the dancer to the car.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How can they be broke?
    they waste it on new tattoos. they usually have kids from different fathers, none of which have jobs, or want to pay child support, so they end up supporting their family all by themselves. they buy purebread dogs, usually pitbulls, which makes it impossible to find a place to live because of pet fees and dog breed restrictions. they drive drunk and will often get a dui. so a lot of their money will be spend on court costs, probation, and a new car. they like to find places to stay that are easily 40 or 50 miles away, so the commute costs them a fortune. they have a boyfriend in jail, either because of domestic violence, drug sales, or any number of valid charges. so even more money goes to lawyer fees, probation, or child support the boyfriend's other baby-mama. i've even heard of situations where the boyfriend will come into work with her, wait until she makes some money, and then take her money to buy dances from other girls.