"I Only Make It Rain 'Cause Dances Are For Perverts"

avatar for Timbuck12
I was at Follies yesterday late afternoon and there was one guy making it rain profusely on a shapely young black dancer. He spewed at least $200-300 while she was on stage. I watched with amusement. I overheard some dancers say he had been doing that to every girl on that stage. They were semi-fighting amongst themselves to get up on stage next.

One of them asked him if he wanted some dances. His response: "I only make it rain 'cause dances are for perverts". He said with an air of smug wannabe-coolness. Of course, the dancers laughed and acted like it was the greatest thing they'd ever heard.

What a waste of money---even by strip club standards.


last comment
I've seen a few of those nuts at Follies. I wish they would just take it to Magic City or V Live where it would be more appreciated.
Since I mostly get dances from black dancers some have told me in the clubs I visit that there are young AA guys that tell them "dances are for chumps" - I think part of it may be that they think it might look unmanly and looking desperate to be groping all over dancers - I guess they wanna "look hard" - to each their own I guess but not rare in the black clubs I visit
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
I've only seen one dude really launching bundles of cash. He had about ten of the finest dancers at his table. Definitely made me wonder who he was. If I won a large lotto I would probably being doing the same shit. It looked like fun.
Probably some truth to that statement.
avatar for Timbuck12
9 years ago
Just call me a chump or a pervert then. I spent a fraction of what he tossed on stage and I'm sure I had a much better experience. To each their own.
avatar for Timbuck12
9 years ago
Shadowcat, the only good thing about them is that if they're only focusing on the stage girls then they aren't tying up anyone that I'm trying to get dances with. I'd rather have the Make It Rain Stage-Tipper than the whale who sits in a corner and hogs the hottest girls all day.

Timbuck12- True. I've never seen them making it rain on any dancer that I was interested in. Papi_Chulo maybe. :)
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
its not a waste though tim-buck. its just different strokes for different folks.

i'm black and i get nothing from making it rain--so i don't do it. dances all day for me!

My 2 responses:

I only get dances because making it rain is for narcissistic morons.


I only get dances because I'm a pervert.
"dances are for chumps"

That does make sense, to me at least. I mean if you are King of the World, then you don't need to pay for anything, but you can still pass out lots and lots of gratuity.

If you got that much money to throw around and to make it rain, then probably you can take which ever girl you want home with you.

avatar for Aaron_hip
9 years ago
It's his money.

I have read stories on Stripperweb where the dancers say some men buy VIP without getting all handsy. I guess you have confirmed some of them are real.
I do think these types raise strippers expectations of receiving money for minimum effort and in addition contribute to the dreaded GPS syndrome. But I think the guys that try to finger them and suck their tits and more(uninvited) and grope them non stop are just as bad. They shouldn't be subjected to that and no doubt discourages a lot of dancers.
Imo, the two extremes offset each other and balances things out.
And good point about the rainmakers vs whales. They are definitely preferable to whales hogging the hottest dancer or multiple dancers.
avatar for joewebber
9 years ago
the night crowd at follies hardly use the vip rooms. it's all a competition to them (the guys) as to see who can make it rain more.
I'm at peace with the statement that dances are for perverts; hell, I wear it like a badge. But if that guy thinks he's in some way better, that the psychology behind making it rain may be far less flattering than "I want to touch a woman in the VIP", he thinks Denial is a river in Egypt
It's natural for a dude to wanna touch and be touched by an attractive nude woman - one could argue that it is more "perverted" not to want to do it and one can argue that dudes like that may have some unresolved issues/hang-ups - as long as both parties are in-consent then it's all good - sex, and a woman's body, is something to be enjoyed b/w consenting adults; not something to be abstained from.
Hell i don't spend much on tipping but i do tip and we almost always have a lot of girls at our table. I guess being a regular has its perks
avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
I don't want to destroy the dancers fantasy that I'm rich and won the powerball lottery. I heard a dancer saying it would be cool if I won the powerball lottery and made it rain 100's. I was thinking as soon as I did that, it would destroy her fantasy. :)
-->"It's natural for a dude to wanna touch and be touched by an attractive nude woman - one could argue that it is more "perverted" not to want to do it and one can argue that dudes like that may have some unresolved issues/hang-ups"

Exactly what I was getting at, Papster.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
I'll tell my favorite "making it rain" story again. I was at Jimmy's in Chicago Heights a few weeks ago late on a Thursday night, when the crowd (both dancers and customers) is heavily black. I went up to the stage to tip a stunning black girl and a young black guy on the other side of the stage threw at least $100 in ones at her. I put one more single on the pile and said to her "Him and me made it *rain* up in here!"

She ended up doing lappers with me :)
avatar for Ch3ll
9 years ago
I'm black and I think making it rain is a waste. I feel it's all a show for that person to make like they have a lot of money. Some may, but I'm sure some don't truly. To each their own though. Even if I did have thousands to blow in one night, I wouldn't make it rain. I wouldn't want to bring unnecessary attention to myself.

I feel putting a couple dollars or more in their g string and saying come over after probably saves and yields the same result as making it rain.

Though I have not really done this, I think a guy has to get beyond the place where he is trying to "get" something for his money. Making it rain is a way to pass out money, lots of it, in a theatrical fashion.

I saw one guy let about 20 x $1 dribble out of his hands one by one, and on to his girl. He was standing by the stage, and that way it didn't go all over everywhere.

I think that often it is a way of trying to monopolize her attention. Other times it is just a way of making an impression.

And if a guy considers himself King of the World, why not. As he can have any girl he wants anytime. He doesn't need to pay for it, though he would usually be generous with them.


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