
Comments by joewebber (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sandy Springs Strip Clubs lose appeal
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    7 years ago
    Lapdance requirement
    if you're the first of the day...otherwise why would you want to suck on the same tits that were just sucked on by some other PL?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Checking out stripper phone numbers.
    what is the for-fee lookup site that you use?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripping must be paying well now.
    do any of you really believe that her $800 phone was spent with 'extra money'? the reason most of them are in the club is that they have a messed up sense of priorities. most would rather spend their money on a new phone, a new tattoo, an impractical over-priced car, a $2000/month high-rise apartment, an expensive present for their deadbeat boyfriend/baby daddy, or a $200 new outfit, rather than pay their bills, or save their money. that phone will end up broken, lost, thrown in the toilet by her kid, or shut off within the next 45 days. it's the sad truth of world of dancers and especially the millennial generation.
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    7 years ago
    Honesty is it's OWN reward
    thanks Estafador! you're an effing a-hole! most of these girls are insecure as it is and they equate money to their appearance. i've had girls come home crying because d*cks like you think it's ok to criticize the girls in the club. one a-hole was so bold as to tell a girl that her inner labia were lopsided. it took a month of positive conversations and therapy to convince her she didn't need vaginal rejuvenation surgery. before anyone here decides to criticize a woman in the club, take a close look in the mirror and imagine some hot young girl identifying all your faults in public. are you overweight, bald, wrinkled, big nose, sweaty, smelly, bad breath, cross eyed, whatever? your stack of hundreds will only get you so far before everyone in the club will conspire to get you kicked out. you just don't do it. it's no wonder so many of them get collagen, and lip injections, and ruin their faces. i don't know anything about you or your looks or your finances, but you need some lessons in decency. one of my friends says that whatever you say to a woman, write it down and give it to your mother.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper Logic (... or non-Logic)
    rh48hr is right
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    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Altered nipples
    you're talking about Ace, and she must've just gotten it done recently. I think she just got tattoos that extend out into hearts. Cream has bow shaped tattoos on her nipples. I personally don't like this trend, nor do i see the necessity for these girls to get tattoos all over their booms. some random word or drawing just haphazardly placed on a boob just doesn't make sense.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    The Stripper Deadbeat Boyfriend
    strippers want to be in control. most will find someone less educated, less ambition, or less everything. it makes them feel better about themselves. they also have kids with these deadbeats.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Follies Atlanta Question
    i heard Chase is newly married, and trying to sell real estate
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    7 years ago
    Explosion in my pants
    Pajama Bottoms
    JUST STOP! when you guys do this, you give credence to the term PL. wear thin pants or shorts if you want, but stop coming into the club in pathetic pants that you wouldn't wear to meet someone. the girls and management laugh at you guys that do this.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Stripper Settlement
    these girls are stupid. they win a class action lawsuit and collect money. even if it's a big settlement, the money they win is taxed down to nothing. some clubs are now asking the girls to sign a form claiming independent contractor status before they can work there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are strippers' boyfriends really that stupid?
    when you see this dancer walking out of a VIP with another guy, and she comes up to you claiming that all she did in there with him was dances, who's the stupid one now?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Next Moves
    a few things to remember. a lot of these girls wouldn't be dancing if they could keep a commitment to a full time job and a weekly paycheck. this could have honestly been a situation where a she had to work because a very good customer was coming in and had contacted her. the fact that she texted you at all is a good sign. as everyone else has said, and I have stated above, always consider them unreliable. I've had girls tell me a week in advance that we will get together on Sunday afternoon, or we'll go see a movie together, or we need to meet for coffee. most of the time, they flake. for some reason, most of these girls can't keep a working cell phone for more than a week. i have a very simple system now for any dancer that says they want to get together for whatever. if i don't have any pressing plans for the day, and I'll probably be able to catch up on some paperwork at home otherwise, I ask them to contact me in the morning (text, voice, whatever). if i hear from them, great, if not, i haven't wasted any time. dating advice (especially for civvies) from the 80s and 90s doesn't work any more. the old advice was to make a date, arrange to pick her up at her house (which you'd get the address when you made the date), and have very little contact before then. girls used to say that you should call the day of to confirm (this was for their benefit because it would give them an opportunity to bail if something more appealing were to come along) so you would always respond that there was no need to confirm a second time as they'd already confirmed the date just then. most of these girls can't even get their act together to get out of the house for something that would benefit themselves (not including you). accept the fact that they are unreliable, and if you manage to find one that keeps a cell phone, keeps appointments, and saves money, you found a unicorn.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    ' i read your message, i forgot to push send' 'i don't like to text' i should offer a cell service to strippers that allows outgoing calls, deletes voice mail upon receipt, replies to text messages with "who's this?" then nothing, and is an automatic deduction from any of 5 PL's bank accounts. i'd make a fortune.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    #1 reason strippers will say is why they didn't return your texts/calls.
    'my child dropped it in the toilet'
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Who SCed on Mother's Day ?
    stopped by follies. about 10 girls working around 3 pm tons of guys in there
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Watching the girls in the parking lot just coming in to work.
    sometimes, i'll see a dancer drive up or i'll see her get out of her car headed in. some of those girls are even hotter before they put on their stripper costumes and apply a whole ton of makeup. it's kind of a girl next door appeal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Economics Driving Club Strategy?
    as I commented on the review: it's possible that when the management kicked out most of the drug dealers and pimps, the white girls stopped working there. also, follies night shift has few VIPs. it's all about the attention the custie wants by 'making it rain' out on the floor. the black clientele at night is all about conspicuous consumption.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Flat tummies
    after pregnancies
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Too good to be true: the perfect stripper?
    yeah. me neither.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    what is better two girls for 1 hour or 1 for one hour and then the other for the
    if they both know you, and are comfortable with each other, you can do them both for an hour. if they don't know each other, or try to make these multiple arrangements all the time, you will be disappointed. they won't do anything with you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper Gave Her Info. Next Steps?
    offer to meet her for lunch, dinner, or coffee. you pay. don't mention sex or money. if she's legitimately attracted to you, she'll suggest going somewhere either afterward or another time to hook up. again, if she's into you, she won't talk about charging you for her time. if she brings up her finances while you're out, you can either talk about how you are financially strapped as well, or you can change the subject. if you give her the impression that you are not a 'whale', and she's still interested, she might just really wanna fuck you.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Follies - Angie
    from what I was told, Angie had just gotten out of her car and either dropped something or was bent down. the dancer in her car backed up over Angie not realizing she was there, and then drove forward. The dancer still claims to be alcohol free.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Follies - Angie
    angie has a broken leg. the dancer was sober and drug-free (and on day 20 of sobriety as she has been announcing every day on social media). She wasn't paying attention.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How soon do you DATY?
    one things is for certain. if you decide to do it, make sure that you do it at the beginning of her day, rather than after she's been working a while that day.