
Instagram models

So I'm looking on Instagram and I'm seeing these hot models. I'm thinking to myself, "who are these models fucking?"

These girls usually never put their boyfriends (if they have one) on their social media. I've heard stories of some of them dating professional athletes and celebrities. Mostly though when they put their boyfriend on their social media, it's usually just a normal guy (maybe that guy has a lot of money?).

I also thought to myself, "I'm young, I live in LA, I make good money, why can't I get with one of these girls?"

Who do these popular online models date? Do they want a rich nigga or just someone who will fuck their pussy right?


  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    "Do they want a rich nigga or just someone who will fuck their pussy right?"

  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Maybe he's a guy who treats her with respect, doesn't put her up on a pedestal, and makes her laugh.

    Having a lot of money and a horse cock probably helps too.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I also thought to myself "I'm young, I live in LA, I make good money, why can't I get with one of these girls?"

    Confuses me too. I thought strippers thought guys who make it rain are really cool.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    While both, MAINLY a rich guy so they can reap the benefits while being a lazy hoe. If you got game and are good looking you won't have a problem getting you an instathot. Some may be loyal because they know these rich dudes will fuck em and toss them in the bushes. Others though...be wary because they are quick to hop from your dick to lil Wayne's dick. As Chris Brown wisely said: "these hoes ain't loyal"
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I'm mainly talking about the popular models like these girls


    I read that these popular Instagram models make several hundred thousand dollars a year just modeling on Instagram. I would think the guy probably has to have a lot of money to get with them. I think dating these athletes and celebrities probably boost the girls portfolio, so that's one reason why they do it. On the other hand dating these famous people makes their personal life even less private, and I think they like their privacy (too many stalkers), so that might a reason they would date a regular guy (with a lot of money). Also a lot of times the rich famous guys treat the girls like they're a toy, and I don't think the girls like that.

    Kind of interesting.

  • Clubber
    8 years ago
    Ego trip!
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    I have a live/hate relationship with Instagram. Great looking girls, no nudity. Kind of like going to a bikini club, or a strip club requiring pasties.

    I've heard, but have no idea if it is true, that some of these girls make a fortune from posting on Instagram? And the four you provided links for have millions of followers: 8.6, 4.1, 4.7, and 4.4 respectively. Those are some big numbers, but those are some great looking girls too.

    And I think @Clackport is fucking them!
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    They are with athletes, rappers. photographers or married to a guy with $. I follow lots on IG and that's what I see.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Their looking for drug dealers that make bank, fuck pussy right and supply them with free drugs for their relationships

    That guy basically looks like this

  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Corvus- yes some of the top Instagram models make millions of dollars a year modeling on Instagram.
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    If u can manage this image with the money, drugs, rap and youth then yeah u can fuck those online models
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Ever girl with a photo filter on their iPhone is an "Instagram model" now.

    Correct some do make big money by taking photos with certain products but most do not.

    No boyfriend photos because it hurts their marketing.

    Also it's been known that if you see a girl hawking diet supplements or work-out / protein shakes etc. it's a call sign that they are escorting and advertising.
  • Corvus
    8 years ago
    Shailynn, your last comment is interesting. There is a Vegas girl on Instagram who for some reason I have a major attraction to, Shanda Rogers. She looks like a model but certainly promotes protein shakes, etc. Sorry I can't prove link to her Instagram account, but if you're interested you can easily find it I'm sure. If she is an escort I'm sure she charges a premium, but...
  • JamesSD
    8 years ago
    There really are tiers of instagram/snapchat models.

    There are the girls who can actually make a living modeling, who probably have had some commercial and music video work. They're below VS model level, but they make good moneto. Those girls will be dating athletes and guys with cash.

    The next tier are the girls who post stuff aboUT their retail or waitressing jobs. Cute girls, but they'll never be full time models. Those girls are more likely to have regular (young, attractive) boyfriends.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I haven't heard of the diet supplement thing as escorts...interesting.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Good breakdown JamesSD, your first tier are the girls I'm talking about.

    @Shailynn- that supplement thing is interesting. I've seen quite a few girls on Instagram promote stuff like that. Do you know any popular Instagram models that are escorting? I recall you once saying Abigail Ratchford escorts, but apparently she's dating Johnny Manziel now, so I doubt she's escorting anymore.

    Speaking of Instagram models, Jen Selter must be the most overrated Instagram model of all time! I can't post a link right now, I'm not in front of my computer at the moment. But basically she's a fitness model who has close to 10 million Instagram followers. What everyone talks about is her ass. Her ass is nice, but honestly it's nothing special. She has a butterface. I had thought she was in her early 30's, but Wikipedia says she just turned 23, that shocked me.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    There's a reason Jen Selter hides her face - because she's average in the face at best. I think she has so many followers because she was one of the early Instagram "models."

    Yes, it's been long rumored Abigal R. was a high end hooker. She better nail somebody down because she's dumb as a brick and is getting fat. Her photos are heavily photoshopped.

    If you go browse thedirty.com sometimes they expose some "Instagram models" for being hookers.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    There's no such thing as a famous instathot. They just have nerds that like their pictures. Try being even remotely like that banks then come back and cry famous. I don't pay attention to Instagram hoes to know who's popular or not BUT... they're all the same. They looking for some rich sexy dick. Take that chick Rick Ross ALMOST married before throwing her in the bushes.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Following instagram models seems more pathetic than going to SCs.

    Just an unqualified opinion as I've never been on instagram.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    At my upscale reg SC, my last 3 girls I LDed have IGs that never reveal what they do for $, reveal any male friends or love interests. If there is someone other than them in the pic on IG, it is additional hot chicks. All 3 said, they can't be strippers and have civie BFs. One said she has no love life and free OTC fucked me, but wont go out with me anymore because she retired from the stripping life style. 2 of 3 aren't US citizens and say they use student visas to stay in the USA, but they dont goto class, tuition is just a cost of making $ from men in the USA they said vs back home.

    My last girl I LDed, I saw her in a IG pic of my ex-fav over Labor Day weekend and wondered, can I have that ass? I'm sick of my ex-fav, but her friend in that pic is pornstar/GF/wifey hot. I goto the SC on tuesday, and whatdayaknow, chick from the IG pic is there as a stripper. No chemistry, but still, I won, saw that pussy on IG first, grinding ITC the next day. Fantasy fullfilled.

    I'll comment, the 3 girls from the SC I mentioned, isn't a normal SC. Its more of a swingers party, sex club, or brothel. Look at https://www.snctm.com/ for an idea. The point is, these IG models that have no visible source of income, will NOT work at a SC with an open door policy (the typical TUSCL SC), but only at a SC with a members only policy/VIP list, or a SC with no obvious way to join it or apply to it.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Half of those girls are high end hookers. Seriously.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Tiburon-this is Rick Ross ex girl you're talking about right?
    She looks all right. I like them thick, but she is too thick for me.

    Here is the overrated Jen Selter

    @Shailynn- I wouldn't put too much stock into thedirty. A lot of times it's just jealous people or exes on here that spread false rumors about someone.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago

    ^^^This bitch is only 19! Her future is bright! This is motivation for me. I gotta get my money all the way up so that I can get bitches like that.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    My previous post should have said Trya Banks. Fucking typos.

    @larry yeah but her ass and tits are fake. I don't follow her so I don't know what she's doing these days
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    Sommerray looks just alright. For women like her all you have to is be clean and have a nice body
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    ^^^yeah her face ain't nothing out of this world, I'm talking about her ass tho! I don't eat booty, but if she wanted me to eat her ass, I think I would. She's 19, she's only gonna get better. You gotta invest in these girls while they're young. That's what Tyga did with that Kardashian, and now he's reaping the benefits!
  • comedydoc
    8 years ago
    I never fuck a model or stripper unless she pays me.

    Other than my wife, that is....
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    and you will pay top $$$ when you separate...
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