You ever wonder if they keep copies of the camera's in the club. In particular the ones in the private rooms. I was surprised when a dancer at club near me told me after we had done a room that the managers will review the video to make sure nothing inappropriate was going down. In the back of my mind I was like shit are the keeping these videos or is that shit illegal to keep. Anyway wondering everyone's thoughts
No, it would cost too much money for storage media or server space. Most likely it is only reviewed as needed, but then recorded over after a couple of days. It makes sense to tell the girls that to keep them from breaking the law, but I doubt very much that they are kept unnecessarily.
I was in Skybox in Harvey IL and the camera troll came back to the lap dance room and started threatening the customers. He came around to each booth and cursed each customer threatening them he was watching. At that point I stood up letting the girl fall to the floor (I was getting ready for a dance but had not paid yet nor had the first song started) and left. I told the bouncer at the door that there was a creep in the back room threatening everyone back there with bodily injury claiming to be an employee, that I was leaving and would never be back.
They are mostly digital recorders with hard disks, these days instead of tape. They probably don't store/archive a lot of footage, due to cost reasons. Plus I doubt they are using cloud backup. (Again, cost reasons -- club owners are cheap about things that don't make them money) Most recycle disk space either every few days or a couple weeks. It depends on the particular setup.
One hole is it might be possible to access the DVR files over the internet, if the owner had the I.T. person set up port forwarding on the router back to the DVR. Then you run the risk of someone surreptitiously accessing and copying the footage over the internet. This is especially vulnerable if the persons have not changed the default password for remote access to the DVR or if the DVR allows unauthenticated access. Some do. Some small shops set up access like this in order to access the footage from home (E.g., the owner).
It is possible some of the staff might be making person copies to keep at home. You never know these. It's unlikely, but it could happen.
You might also run the risk if you are famous or wealthy, and your wife hires a PI who pays off club staff to get the footage. Hopefully none of these very unlikely scenarios applies to your situation. I do agree with you I often feel uneasy about scumbag strip club owners have access to footage of me inside a strip club. I trust owners about as far as I can throw them. The saving grace is they are very cheap and there is little way to profit off of me besides the normal, legal strip club business.
Do try to ignore all of that and try to just have fun. :)
Tiredtraveler, I have been threatened/reprimanded at both Skybox and Heavenly Bodies. They are under the same management and are paranoid about customers touching dancers. I will never return to either.
I try not to interact with the management at clubs I'm in. If I'm actually spending more than pocket change in a club that gets enough attention. Half the drama I read about could be avoided if people would just be cool and not try to prove a point or get the last word on things. As for cameras, unless some serious stuff goes down the last thing any court wants to worry about is what some random people are doing with strippers in a dark corner.
Most clubs rarely (if ever) even look at the cameras that they have installed in dance areas. Unless there is a complaint by either customer or dancer, it's assumed that no one is looking. Often the cameras aren't even turned on.
Sclvr is right. The main reason they are there is to resolve issues (dance count, robbery, aggression,...).
They need them for liability purposes, but they don't want the recordings any longer than they feel they need them. I would imagine keeping them would open them up for issues if they ever got supoenaed (spelling looks way off, but you know what I'm getting at). I'm no lawyer though.
The existence of the camera is enough by itself to make me say "no gracias." Why? Because any nonsense posted by anyone here or anywhere else about whether they record and, if so, how long they keep the footage, is pure speculation. It is downright goofy for any guy who has any potential exposure issues to knowingly allow himself to be caught on camera in a backroom with a dancer. Even things that we consider to be tame by our perverse standards might be misconstrued or otherwise found to be compromising by anyone else who might see the footage. Clubs can get raided, employees can become bitter, etc.,etc. Once someone records you, you lose control over who sees it or how it is used.
there are cameras in the main areas at popular Atlanta clubs. These are used to discourage theft. there are no cameras in their VIP room areas. it would make the club liable for any illegal activity that might occur.
While I generally would agree with a lot of the reasons for not keeping the video, I've personally seen clips from at least 2 locations of one popular chain here that were many months old. I'm not talking about some leaked shitty little video on PornHub or something, I'm talking about a organized archive of all the activity in the dance/champagne room areas of the entire club. Searchable by timestamp and location, and in some cases where the floor host was doing his job the dancer name (ie, floor guys are supposed to enter the dancer name into a system when she goes in for a dance/room, but don't always do it.) Storage is not that expensive anymore, compression is effective, as is motion detection. There was a time when we all thought our internet histories, call histories, and even call contents were too expensive to retain indefinitely. Hopefully, we all know better now.
I'm with Rick on this one. If there's a camera in the room, I'm out. I'm okay with being recorded out on the floor, but I'm keenly aware of it and act accordingly. I'll tolerate it in a dance area in some situations, but again I act accordingly. As he mentioned, once its recorded you've lost control over it.
I suspect that we'd all agree that we'd prefer clubs that don't have cameras, but it's nearly impossible to know who has them, who doesn't, and what each clubs policy may be on monitoring vs recording.
I have heard that many clubs simply monitor in real time but don't record to strike a balance between security vs legal/evidentiary obligations if they're raided. But, I've heard that some clubs keep recordings. And it's nearly impossible to spot the camera lenses the days. Very easy to conceal.
I think all the risks being cited above are reasonable concerns, particularly for those of you who have a lot to lose (wife, family). That said, to my knowledge, the number of incidents where something like this happened in the past 20-ish years of videos cameras is: exactly 0. Which, I suppose, doesn't mean there haven't been quieter incidents of blackmail based on video, but unlike the zillion stories of "guy brings stripper home, she and her boyfriend kill guy", I've never seen a single one on strip club video being hacked, ending up on clips4sale, getting subpoena'ed in a divorce case, or otherwise EVER causing any type of trouble whatsoever. And you'd expect that to make the news ... except, again, in quiet blackmail cases.
Anyway, not trying to convince anyone of anything, just an observation.
Often times when you do a lap dance or VIP room....the room you're in is obviously dark.
Therefore, I'm usually totally unaware if there's a camera in the room or not.
One time I was doing a 15 min VIP with a dancer and asked if she'd go a little further and said she would like to, but can't, because they are watching us. Whether that was true or not, I have no clue
I always thought cameras were in VIP rooms for the dancers' safety.
Buddy of mine that bounces at a club (not a strip club but doesn't matter in this case) told me that with the new digital recording equipment that they can save a wholes weeks worth of recordings (and they have several dozed cameras there) on a single thumb drive. He told me that the owner buys them buy the box and only end up costing about $5 per drive. Since it has gotten so inexpensive they save them indefinitely. If that is the case, I can't see a SC owner not doing the same, just in case he ever needs them in the future.....
If you don't want to go to a SC if they have cameras don't go to a SC. I've never seen one without them.
If I were a dancer I wouldn't dance in a club that didn't have them for my protection.
Since I don't push boundaries, I figure that cameras would be more for my protection than something for me to worry about. It can protect me against accusations of rape, assault, shortchanging, theft,... since I don't do those things.
Of course I could try to be cool and complain that getting recorded in a SC would ruin my life. C'mon get real.
Quoting the best advice my Dad ever gave me: "Don't be such a pussy!"
All good points. The ones in my neighborhood clearly have camera's in the VIP areas. I only paid attention to this one because the club got raided and I was told by a few of the dancers that they took the camera's and footage. They told me that this was a good time to do a room because there were no camera's up because the police had them. That's when I actually started looking up in these rooms and noticed where the camera's were. Anyway I'm sure these video's rarely get leaked for legal reason but with the internet and porn sites I'm just worried one day I will come across a video of me in a the back of a VIP room. Ha!
flagooner, you do realize that you just posted like you have a vagina and then told the rest of us not to be pussies, no? But if you need those cameras to feel protected from those dangerous little ladies, then go ye forth and all. ;)
And I think most of us were talking about the back rooms, not the main floor. If you're going to take us to task for not wanting to be on candid camera in a private room, you need to focus girl! :)
Now maybe a combination of a shitty job, lack of enough balls to pursue fun in a back room, and the inability to keep someone in your life who might object to backroom antics, all make you feel somewhat impervious to recording issues and maybe you are. Fortunately, some of us "pussies" (lol) aren't in the same boat as you, something for which I am extremely grateful but which comes with added concerns that must be considered.
You can see the monitors in the CR in my club when you check in, and it's a grainy b/w picture. The bouncers usually seem to only use them if you start fucking or something, although if it's a new bouncer, he can make live miserable for everyone. Luckily the same guy seems to be working when I go in the afternoon, and he lets me get away with whatever the dancer will allow.
I would prefer to not have cameras watching my every move when getting a LD but I understand the need to cover themselves when it comes to safety and illegal activities.
Besides, am I worried my wife will find out I'm at a SC?
lol. I just thought of something. Good thing we don't have any of the silent (headphone) clubs. The last thing we need is audio recording capabilities, too! See. All that thump, thump, thump from the speakers is good for something!
On topic: I would be worried that some of my actions may technically be against the law just because Ohio is very restrictive of what sex businesses can do. I would not be thrilled if local vice squad can get a court order to review footage that might include me. That sounds like a fishing expedition.
Other bring up a good point about S.O. I am sure my wife, although understanding of what I do, might have find it emotionally difficult to watch footage of me in the club with a dancer. It's one thing to have some awareness of what might be going on. It's entirely another to have her nose rubbed in it or have her dignity taken from her over it. Right now, she says, or at least she feels like she believes, that she is OK with me going to the club to see dancers. It's hard to predict how she might act when the action become real to her.
Budgets today are very tight, so something beyond an undercover agent claiming he fingered a pussy is unlikely as far as the vice squad goes. Unless it's an FBI/terrorist investigation, or SOMETHING with Fed dollars behind it, it's not happening. Local police can't afford to try to round up P/L's on charges based on video that probably wouldn't even stick in the end. And what PD wants to bust the people who donate money to police entities?
While I don't agree that you guys are being paranoid -- I think this is absolutely a risk you should think through -- I do agree that whether you know about it or not, there's a good chance your club has cameras. Most clubs here have cameras, I have no idea how you'd find out about it if you didn't have someone on the inside telling you. In addition, most VIP booths are dark, while I guess is some small solice -- it is hard to recognize someone who has been video'ed under low light conditions
@rickdugan I reread my post and I have to admit that I do come across as a pussy. Oops. I wasn't v ery eloquent.
I'm not going to try to restate the post. No need.
I read these whiney little complaints about cameras on here often. Y'all still go to the clubs even thiugh you know they are there. So why whine about it?
Think of it logically. What are the real risks? Do you really think the club is going to blackmail you? If they did that they wouldn't have a business anymore. Nobody would go.
Are you afraid of getting arrested? C'mon. The worst that would happen its a fine. And the chances of that...
Are you afraid of getting arrested for rape? Don't rape anyone. Or is it being a pussy not to do that? If so, yes i'm a pussy.
Either go to the club knowing there a cameras, or don't go because there are cameras. But don't go knowing there are cameras and then cry about it.
This is why i don't get regular dances at my normal club and only do vip. They have cameras in the normal dance area and no touching. And in vip there are no cameras and the most dancers encourage touching.
^ I wasn't intending that post just to rick. I was responding to his post. It was intended for those who are going to clubs and complaining about there being cameras.
My favorite day club has a VIP room in which all kinds of activities go on, as I can personally attest. My fellatrices have affirmed that there is a camera and have even shown me the monitor under the door guy's counter. They tell me that no one watches the monitor during weekday afternoons, which is when I go, and they certainly don't seem to be inhibited by the presence of a camera -- so I'm not, either, and I just don't worry about it.
Again flagooner, to be clear, we are talking about LD/CR/VIP areas with cameras, not the clubs as a whole. Yes every club has cameras, but not every club puts them in the more private areas. Get the difference now, or do we need to put a bouncing ball on each word next? ;)
And to be crystal clear, I DON'T go into private areas with cameras if I know that they are there. Ever. Only a moron gets caught with his pants down or even just with a tit in his mouth on camera. Why? Because you have no control over who sees it or what happens to it. You are relaying upon the club to do the right things in securing and destroying it. That's an awful lot of faith to put in the asswipe owners and shitbag employees of most of the strip clubs that I visit. ;)
There have already been multiple strip club raids in which video footage was taken offsite by LE. Also, mark my words when I say that, sooner or later, some bitter ex club employee or even an ex dancer is going to post video footage of a club backroom just to fuck a club over - it is only a matter of time. Whether its LE, a vengeful ex-employee, a video feed hacker, or anyone else, I can assure you it won't be me they see getting the lube job on candid camera.
I sometimes get a dancer that tells me she can't do this or that in the private dance rooms because of the cameras, when I know for a fact that there are none. It's useless to argue with them. So I just cut my losses and bug out.
My reg SC has cameras. Some girls use the "cameras" excuse to do zero mileage. One GPS told me the manager fires any girl caught doing extras and it is a clean club. I just said "yeah" with no further comment (I hid my grin very well). My last 2 favs wouldve been fired a long time ago with the stuff I did in VIP infront of the camera. The cameras are unmonitored, or the manager lets me get away with it because I'm a reg. IDK the answer.
My ex-ATF quit a SC once because the bouncer and owner wouldn't let her do extras, and would take her cut of VIP $ as a fine if they caught a customer touching her on the VIP cameras and she DIDNT stop the dance in camera, but 2 other strippers, who were the owner's favorite strippers were allowed to do "no cameras" dances in VIP to any customer that small talks the owner and the owner walks upto the bouncer with the customer and the stripper and tells him "this is no cameras". A "no cameras" dance means the bouncer still sees what goes on in VIP on his monitor, it is just forbidden for him to interfere, walk into VIP and stop the dance, or fine the stripper.
Another high roller clip joint around me, no cameras in VIP, but waitresses walk into the VIP every 2 minutes asking how you are doing and if you want to buy her a drink in VIP (fuck LDs, she aint touching you in VIP, just drinking and talking). Bouncers also walk in every 2 minutes with the flashlight, so every minute the curtain is pulled back while you are in VIP. The secret is $100 to the waitress to fuck off, and $100 to the bouncer to fuck off, then you can fuck in VIP. You aint fucking for less than $1K in this SC, but there are couple success reports on TUSCL of extras in this SC between all the bouncer beatdowns and manhandling.
I'm sure I've been on camera hundreds of times doing illegal things with strippers. I stopped worrying about it a long, long time ago. No way I can change it, and no way I'm going to stop going to strip clubs.
I've always assumed there are cameras everywhere. Just like in casinos. And I still believe they are. It only makes sense to have them.
While I don't regularly go to the private rooms, it's not what I need in most of my visits and they aren't available at my local clubs anyway. But I have used them in SoFla clubs when I was a bit younger. I just always assumed there were cameras mainly to resolve issues that arise and to protect the club.
I recognize there is a risk and don't let it rule how I live my life. I also don't act in a way that would instigate someone to retaliate against me specifically.
BTW I drive to work and go outside without sunblock too, even though there are inherent risks in those activities as well. ;-)
I do think it's funny when you accuse someone of not having balls if they don't partake in backroom shenanigans. That's ridiculous. Why assume everyone has the same needs and goals as you do? I look at my SCing as a fun temporary escape from reality. I enjoy going home to my pretty wife to take care of our needs and desires after clubbing. If I didn't have that maybe I would search out someone who doesn't care about me and pay her a lot of money to get me off. ;-)
There have been other threads and an outside Strip Club Hound blog about this. Often the camera's are fakes. Sometimes they are just for plausible deniability. Sometimes they are just in case some injury occurs and so the club want to protect itself.
Sex is not criminal. Sex in a strip club is not criminal. So especially if the girl seems not to care, I would not either.
I don't think it's anything to keep you up at night worrying about. When was the last time you heard of a PL being outed or blackmailed by a club's video content? Never.
last commentOne hole is it might be possible to access the DVR files over the internet, if the owner had the I.T. person set up port forwarding on the router back to the DVR. Then you run the risk of someone surreptitiously accessing and copying the footage over the internet. This is especially vulnerable if the persons have not changed the default password for remote access to the DVR or if the DVR allows unauthenticated access. Some do. Some small shops set up access like this in order to access the footage from home (E.g., the owner).
It is possible some of the staff might be making person copies to keep at home. You never know these. It's unlikely, but it could happen.
You might also run the risk if you are famous or wealthy, and your wife hires a PI who pays off club staff to get the footage. Hopefully none of these very unlikely scenarios applies to your situation. I do agree with you I often feel uneasy about scumbag strip club owners have access to footage of me inside a strip club. I trust owners about as far as I can throw them. The saving grace is they are very cheap and there is little way to profit off of me besides the normal, legal strip club business.
Do try to ignore all of that and try to just have fun. :)
They need them for liability purposes, but they don't want the recordings any longer than they feel they need them. I would imagine keeping them would open them up for issues if they ever got supoenaed (spelling looks way off, but you know what I'm getting at). I'm no lawyer though.
there are no cameras in their VIP room areas. it would make the club liable for any illegal activity that might occur.
I'm with Rick on this one. If there's a camera in the room, I'm out. I'm okay with being recorded out on the floor, but I'm keenly aware of it and act accordingly. I'll tolerate it in a dance area in some situations, but again I act accordingly. As he mentioned, once its recorded you've lost control over it.
I have heard that many clubs simply monitor in real time but don't record to strike a balance between security vs legal/evidentiary obligations if they're raided. But, I've heard that some clubs keep recordings. And it's nearly impossible to spot the camera lenses the days. Very easy to conceal.
It is a risk. How much? [shrug]
Anyway, not trying to convince anyone of anything, just an observation.
Therefore, I'm usually totally unaware if there's a camera in the room or not.
One time I was doing a 15 min VIP with a dancer and asked if she'd go a little further and said she would like to, but can't, because they are watching us. Whether that was true or not, I have no clue
I always thought cameras were in VIP rooms for the dancers' safety.
If I were a dancer I wouldn't dance in a club that didn't have them for my protection.
Since I don't push boundaries, I figure that cameras would be more for my protection than something for me to worry about. It can protect me against accusations of rape, assault, shortchanging, theft,... since I don't do those things.
Of course I could try to be cool and complain that getting recorded in a SC would ruin my life. C'mon get real.
Quoting the best advice my Dad ever gave me:
"Don't be such a pussy!"
And I think most of us were talking about the back rooms, not the main floor. If you're going to take us to task for not wanting to be on candid camera in a private room, you need to focus girl! :)
Now maybe a combination of a shitty job, lack of enough balls to pursue fun in a back room, and the inability to keep someone in your life who might object to backroom antics, all make you feel somewhat impervious to recording issues and maybe you are. Fortunately, some of us "pussies" (lol) aren't in the same boat as you, something for which I am extremely grateful but which comes with added concerns that must be considered.
Besides, am I worried my wife will find out I'm at a SC?
On topic: I would be worried that some of my actions may technically be against the law just because Ohio is very restrictive of what sex businesses can do. I would not be thrilled if local vice squad can get a court order to review footage that might include me. That sounds like a fishing expedition.
Other bring up a good point about S.O. I am sure my wife, although understanding of what I do, might have find it emotionally difficult to watch footage of me in the club with a dancer. It's one thing to have some awareness of what might be going on. It's entirely another to have her nose rubbed in it or have her dignity taken from her over it. Right now, she says, or at least she feels like she believes, that she is OK with me going to the club to see dancers. It's hard to predict how she might act when the action become real to her.
Budgets today are very tight, so something beyond an undercover agent claiming he fingered a pussy is unlikely as far as the vice squad goes. Unless it's an FBI/terrorist investigation, or SOMETHING with Fed dollars behind it, it's not happening. Local police can't afford to try to round up P/L's on charges based on video that probably wouldn't even stick in the end. And what PD wants to bust the people who donate money to police entities?
I reread my post and I have to admit that I do come across as a pussy. Oops. I wasn't v ery eloquent.
I'm not going to try to restate the post. No need.
I read these whiney little complaints about cameras on here often. Y'all still go to the clubs even thiugh you know they are there. So why whine about it?
Think of it logically. What are the real risks? Do you really think the club is going to blackmail you? If they did that they wouldn't have a business anymore. Nobody would go.
Are you afraid of getting arrested? C'mon. The worst that would happen its a fine. And the chances of that...
Are you afraid of getting arrested for rape? Don't rape anyone. Or is it being a pussy not to do that? If so, yes i'm a pussy.
Either go to the club knowing there a cameras, or don't go because there are cameras. But don't go knowing there are cameras and then cry about it.
It was intended for those who are going to clubs and complaining about there being cameras.
And to be crystal clear, I DON'T go into private areas with cameras if I know that they are there. Ever. Only a moron gets caught with his pants down or even just with a tit in his mouth on camera. Why? Because you have no control over who sees it or what happens to it. You are relaying upon the club to do the right things in securing and destroying it. That's an awful lot of faith to put in the asswipe owners and shitbag employees of most of the strip clubs that I visit. ;)
There have already been multiple strip club raids in which video footage was taken offsite by LE. Also, mark my words when I say that, sooner or later, some bitter ex club employee or even an ex dancer is going to post video footage of a club backroom just to fuck a club over - it is only a matter of time. Whether its LE, a vengeful ex-employee, a video feed hacker, or anyone else, I can assure you it won't be me they see getting the lube job on candid camera.
My ex-ATF quit a SC once because the bouncer and owner wouldn't let her do extras, and would take her cut of VIP $ as a fine if they caught a customer touching her on the VIP cameras and she DIDNT stop the dance in camera, but 2 other strippers, who were the owner's favorite strippers were allowed to do "no cameras" dances in VIP to any customer that small talks the owner and the owner walks upto the bouncer with the customer and the stripper and tells him "this is no cameras". A "no cameras" dance means the bouncer still sees what goes on in VIP on his monitor, it is just forbidden for him to interfere, walk into VIP and stop the dance, or fine the stripper.
Another high roller clip joint around me, no cameras in VIP, but waitresses walk into the VIP every 2 minutes asking how you are doing and if you want to buy her a drink in VIP (fuck LDs, she aint touching you in VIP, just drinking and talking). Bouncers also walk in every 2 minutes with the flashlight, so every minute the curtain is pulled back while you are in VIP. The secret is $100 to the waitress to fuck off, and $100 to the bouncer to fuck off, then you can fuck in VIP. You aint fucking for less than $1K in this SC, but there are couple success reports on TUSCL of extras in this SC between all the bouncer beatdowns and manhandling.
While I don't regularly go to the private rooms, it's not what I need in most of my visits and they aren't available at my local clubs anyway. But I have used them in SoFla clubs when I was a bit younger. I just always assumed there were cameras mainly to resolve issues that arise and to protect the club.
I recognize there is a risk and don't let it rule how I live my life. I also don't act in a way that would instigate someone to retaliate against me specifically.
BTW I drive to work and go outside without sunblock too, even though there are inherent risks in those activities as well.
I do think it's funny when you accuse someone of not having balls if they don't partake in backroom shenanigans. That's ridiculous. Why assume everyone has the same needs and goals as you do?
I look at my SCing as a fun temporary escape from reality. I enjoy going home to my pretty wife to take care of our needs and desires after clubbing. If I didn't have that maybe I would search out someone who doesn't care about me and pay her a lot of money to get me off.
Sex is not criminal. Sex in a strip club is not criminal. So especially if the girl seems not to care, I would not either.
Grope on, my friends.