So I have been searching for a new CF. I thought I found her. I got her number 2nd time. Went to see her 3rd time at club and had a great face to face talk and good dances. I ask her about meeting OTC. She looks right at me and says she can tell I am a nice guy and she trusts me but then kept saying in other sentences she still needs to get to know me better inside the club so she can trust me to go do dinner. I saw one of the other dancer's Facebook page and it had a pic of the other dancer and my potential new CF. I clicked on it and realized what my new CF real name is even though she looked right at me and told me her stage name is really her real name. It is a normal name so I believed it until I saw the Facebook pics and saw her real name shared with a guy together on the same Facebook account. She also told me she wasn't dating anybody right now. So I texted her and asked if she had been honest about everything she has told me and she said she has and asked why I would be questioning it. She can't talk on the phone but has sent me 4 different LONG texts talking about how she has no reason to lie to me. I didn't tell her what I saw on Facebook. I didn't want to do that thru text. What would you guys do if you have evidence of a dancer lying about things but getting defensive because I haven't told her yet what I saw. Would you tell her what I saw on Facebook?
It depends on how much you care about the lie. Do you want to meet her outside the club? It's not like this is the girl you are going to marry. Just try to make sure you don't end up getting robbed or something crazy. If you've got concerns, maybe try lunch first if you can swing that.
I would move on to a new dancer. Not because she lied. They all lie, and details of her personal life are really none of your business. I'd move on because I don't think she has any intention of a date and she's dragging you along to get as much money as she can before you learn the truth. Cut your losses.
It's understandable a dancer wanting to get to know a custy better b/f seeing him OTC, BUT "I need to get to know you better ITC" *is* a classic stripper string-a-long hustle to keep a custy on the line & spending often w/o any intention of seeing the custy OTC
I know they lie but to look me in the face and say it is the truth then I accidentally see the Facebook thing. She shared alot of personal stuff with me. So even if you knew she was lying about a couple of things you wouldn't say anything to her about it on next visit? Like I said I didn't want to text about it
It's not your place to know anything about her she doesn't want you to know, custies also lie to dancers all the time about themselves including their real name - it's not as if you guys are getting engaged
I had a former CF tell me all kinds of lies similar to that when i was first getting to know her in the club. Everything from her real name to relationship status and more. over time and a couple OTCs later it was amazing how much more truthfl she was about shit. And a completly different stripper told me she had no kids and was single. I saw the opposite on FB and busted her out about just because I really didn't care and she acted offended and said I was FB stalking her and we never talked again. Almost all of them lie at first. She is trying to get you to spend more money on her in the club. She may or may not eventually do OTC with you.
At the time she answered your question, she wasn't dating - she was working you. In her place of employment her real name is the name she gave you. She either entertains you well, despite her inconsistent narrative or you buy your entertainment elsewhere. Do yourself a favor and don't pursue the absolute truth in a strip club.
One of my favorite strippers *ever* hung out with me for hours on a Thursday in April, sucked my dick in the VIP room on Friday, agreed to OTC . . . and then disappeared for 2.5 months without a word! In the meantime I learned some things that she lied about, but she's back to work and back to sucking my dick, so I am *not* going to call her out. There is no gain, only pain, in confronting a stripper about her lies. If you can't deal with the lies, I suggest that you get your lap dances at a convent :)
Calling her out on her lie to prove a point is not going to help you out at all. A stripper will tell you her real name when she is ready. My last otc it wasn't until we were actually out on a date is when she told me her name, she told me without me even asking.
I have never found it necessary to be "friends" with strippers or their stripper friends on social media, a number is good enough for me, sometimes we find out a little too much information that we should not.
I agree with this. In fact, it's almost an "end thread" point. Why were you even asking about her real name, why bother calling her on it if she lies? None of this makes any sense to me -- it's creepy stalkery.
JohnSmith69-->"I would move on to a new dancer. Not because she lied. They all lie, and details of her personal life are really none of your business. I'd move on because I don't think she has any intention of a date and she's dragging you along to get as much money as she can before you learn the truth. Cut your losses."
And I agree with this... except that, eternal optimist that I am, I might well give her another couple of trips before I cut bait. That's because I actually have had girls give me the "I have to get to know you better ITC", and then, true to their word, go OTC with me. Probably more luck than anything; JS's advice is the better advice.
To re-iterate though, you need to work on yourself and your attitude, as far as why this is bothering you so much. Things like her real name and relationship status are none of your business, you shouldn't be asking, and if she simply offers the info, an experienced PL should assume that this type of personal information is an area that's fair for her to embellish
Well jayhawk that's what they do. That's good you found her Facebook. I wouldn't bring it up or try to have her "supposedly" start telling you the truth. I'd just use the Facebook to get a better feel of the kind of person she is and that's that. If y'all start dating that's all the more better you have her Facebook and she doesn't know.
This is one of those rare posts where there is a pretty much of a consensus on the advice given in response to the questions asked. When that happens in response to questions that I post, especially if it involves a stripper, I've found that the advice that the board gives is always solid. Usually this happens when I'm blinded by love, lust, or other feelings related to a dancer and everybody else is able to see the situation more objectively.
Q. How can you tell when a stripper is lying? A. You can see her lips move.
The truth is overrated. Yesterday in the club I was fucking a dancer, and she kept telling me how much she loved my dick. That was preferable to her saying that my wizened old dick made her skin crawl.
I have no idea what I would do as I would never ever allow a paid sex worker to become part of my real life. OTC is just an ignorant expensive way to pretend a prostitute likes you. Hire an escort and be honest with yourself.
So she lied. That's like saying water is wet. And?
The fact that you care and that you are talking about dinner, rather than p4p OTC, leads me to believe that you are taking it personally. You felt like you made a connection when "she shared alot of personal stuff" with you. LOL. Shake it off dude, it was just a hustle. Taking it personally and confronting her is just a waste of time and emotional energy, nevermind how creepy it will seem to her when you tell her that you went through the trouble of digging her real information up online. Just let it go and keep your dignity intact in the process.
me. So even if you knew she was lying about a couple of things you wouldn't say anything to her about it on next visit?. it sounds like y
I think of it as mutual improvisation of a fantasy rather than lying. I would rather hear "the bouncer is really overbearing tonight" than "my whale regular just walked in and unless you're willing to drop $1500 tonight, get lost" even if I know the second case to be true. The kernel of truth of the situation is that she would like to spend time with me at a better time rather than challenging me to increase spending to ridiculous levels or talk about other guys.
If you can't handle euphemism, you have to be ready for her to say JAYHAWK123 WAS *LYING* WHEN HE SAID HE WANTED TO GO TO DINNER! HE WAS JUST TRYING TO SCREW ME!
"The truth is overrated. Yesterday in the club I was fucking a dancer, and she kept telling me how much she loved my dick. That was preferable to her saying that my wizened old dick made her skin crawl."
move on. it's a strip club, not a dating service. the boyfriend has a lot on his plate without his stripper girlfriend being texted outside of work. she doesn't want to hurt your feeling, but lies hurt more. don't put her in a position that ruins your ITC relationship. accept the fact that most dancers lie to keep them isolated from the PLs. hence, stage names. most clubs used to prohibit phone number exchange in the club. the clubs still have a policy of not allowing a dancer to leave with a custy, and sometimes bouncers will escort the dancer to the car.
I'm "Mister Honesty" and even a dancer using a fake name doesn't register as a lie for me. She's entitled to her private life. For example, my CF confided in me that she was really born in 1988 and not 1991 like she claimed (made her 27 instead of 24 .. she said being 24 was better for business). She said she felt bad for being deceptive. I told her it didn't matter. I'm not even sure if the real answer she gave was the "real" answer. Again, it doesn't matter.
From previous posts I think the OP still doesn't get it or is not ready to accept that these girls are not meant to be our love-interests - it appears to me he is trying to find his love-interest/GF via the club/strippers and is not ready to accept the reality.
Dude, if a woman can pass for 24, she can be 34 and I wouldn't really care. The only possible concern would be if you were worried about her keeping it up long term. I've had a few Co workers who looked damn good at 35, but by 40 it all went to shit
^She mentions she wants out before 30. Well, she exact words "There's no way I still want to be doing this shit when I'm thirty. At least you have a future with that science thing and can keep doing it and have a viable career past thirty and not worry about your income going down. Wanna settle down, lol?"
And your thought on ages fit mine. 24, 34, whatever, it simply does not matter as long as she's over 18.
if this either surprises you or bothers you, you need to move on you're only going to get yourself in trouble. And for the love of god don't confront her about the shit you found out by creaping her Facebook these dancers talk you'll not only ruin it with her you will make thing hard with other girls.
last commentYou should know by now that strippers are not 100% honest. They are like politicians and will tell you what you want to hear.
She lied about her real name so guys like us don't find out where she lives and hangs out.
I have never found it necessary to be "friends" with strippers or their stripper friends on social media, a number is good enough for me, sometimes we find out a little too much information that we should not.
I agree with this. In fact, it's almost an "end thread" point. Why were you even asking about her real name, why bother calling her on it if she lies? None of this makes any sense to me -- it's creepy stalkery.
JohnSmith69-->"I would move on to a new dancer. Not because she lied. They all lie, and details of her personal life are really none of your business. I'd move on because I don't think she has any intention of a date and she's dragging you along to get as much money as she can before you learn the truth. Cut your losses."
And I agree with this... except that, eternal optimist that I am, I might well give her another couple of trips before I cut bait. That's because I actually have had girls give me the "I have to get to know you better ITC", and then, true to their word, go OTC with me. Probably more luck than anything; JS's advice is the better advice.
To re-iterate though, you need to work on yourself and your attitude, as far as why this is bothering you so much. Things like her real name and relationship status are none of your business, you shouldn't be asking, and if she simply offers the info, an experienced PL should assume that this type of personal information is an area that's fair for her to embellish
Fuck bitches, Get money
Enough said
A. You can see her lips move.
The truth is overrated. Yesterday in the club I was fucking a dancer, and she kept telling me how much she loved my dick. That was preferable to her saying that my wizened old dick made her skin crawl.
The fact that you care and that you are talking about dinner, rather than p4p OTC, leads me to believe that you are taking it personally. You felt like you made a connection when "she shared alot of personal stuff" with you. LOL. Shake it off dude, it was just a hustle. Taking it personally and confronting her is just a waste of time and emotional energy, nevermind how creepy it will seem to her when you tell her that you went through the trouble of digging her real information up online. Just let it go and keep your dignity intact in the process.
me. So even if you knew she was lying about a couple of things you wouldn't say anything to her about it on next visit?. it sounds like y
If you can't handle euphemism, you have to be ready for her to say JAYHAWK123 WAS *LYING* WHEN HE SAID HE WANTED TO GO TO DINNER! HE WAS JUST TRYING TO SCREW ME!
the boyfriend has a lot on his plate without his stripper girlfriend being texted outside of work.
she doesn't want to hurt your feeling, but lies hurt more. don't put her in a position that ruins your ITC relationship.
accept the fact that most dancers lie to keep them isolated from the PLs. hence, stage names.
most clubs used to prohibit phone number exchange in the club. the clubs still have a policy of not allowing a dancer to leave with a custy, and sometimes bouncers will escort the dancer to the car.
All that matters to me is if she on time, drama drug free, and good fuk. Like any SB it is p4p.
Don't. B a PL - just realize they will fuk who they want as mine says "I answer to no one fuk who I want."
And your thought on ages fit mine. 24, 34, whatever, it simply does not matter as long as she's over 18.