Another PUA Article about How to Pick Up Strippers

avatar for LecherousMonk
The article itself is asinine, repeating the same, "Don't be a customer; don't buy dances," nonsense that would certainly never work (maybe if you were hot enough to be a male stripper). The comments might be worth a browse, though:….

Does anybody have any experience or knowledge of strippers in legitimate, non-sugar, relationships?


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avatar for DallasCowboys
8 years ago
So I went to go log in to the site and on the banner it said "You get laid, she gets paid". That pretty much answers your question..
You better not buy anymore dances until you find a job!
avatar for joewebber
8 years ago
this all presupposes

a) she answers her phone
b) texts back
c) is a rational human being

none of which are usually true.
I understand the "don't pay for dances" philosophy but if you go that route, it's a process. The point is to meet her as a person and not a customer but unless you're lucky or in LE, it's almost impossible with a dancer unless you get her cell #. That's not going to happen if you don't buy dances.

I have an escort as a current FWB that first I saw on BP, and I didn't meet her by paying her for sex. I "stalked" her quite a long time by finding out her real name from her phone # (not an easy feat but she once used her escort # to sell a tropical fish), becoming a FB friend, getting her to notice me on FB and actually read my page, and now we're friends. I told her the whole story and I think she was flattered as opposed to being creeped out, so I got lucky there.

I think the best way to fuck a dancer is to offer her money. You don't want dancers as actual g/f's anyway. My escort g/f has all the same SS as a stripper...although she IS more reliable in that she has yet to break a date.
I wonder if all these PUAs have a forum, where they write each other articles, "How to write PUA articles about strippers"... lol

-->"Does anybody have any experience or knowledge of strippers in legitimate, non-sugar, relationships?"

I think many of us have. I've had a handful of non-sugar relationships with strippers. I've said this any number of times: in 100% of cases, I was already her regular first. Even on SW, in the occasional "have you ever dated a customer?" threads, most of the girls say that have at least once, and it's always clear by their descriptions that it was an actual paying customer, not some guy who came into the club trying to pick up girls for free.
Stupid bullshit. I've had sex with more strippers than that guy can count. However, I did like this sentence: "Throwing your money around in a strip club is like cutting your foot (off) and sticking it into a piranha infested lake.".
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
The way you pick up strippers is very simple. You become a RICH STUD like me. Any other System is BS.
Most PUAs often have an overinflated opinion of themselves and their game .

But I'll play devil's advocate - yeah IMO once you spend $$$ on a stripper she will see you as an ATM b/c that is how she's wired; not to mention she's either in need of $$$ to begin w/ and thus why she dances; or she just loves $$$ and it's never enough - and yeah I know; there are always exceptions.

So yeah - *some* guys may be able to pick up strippers either b/c of their looks or they are excellent manipulators.

But for most guys, especially those that have been strip-clubbing for a while; they SC b/c of the convenience and are not necessarily interested in putting in the time and effort required to maybe pick up a stripper - i.e. most of the time you will end-up empty-handed and having to put in effort and time; a PL spending $$$ will get what he wants way more often than a PUA using his smoke-and-mirrors - sorta like giving someone tips and how to avoid the bill at a restaurant; most of us would not want to go thru that trouble and effort.

So yeah; - some of the stuff he says makes sense but some doesn't like:

"... If she gets restless or worried about making cash, you can say “go and make some money and come back later” this is a great way of getting her to come back ..."

99.9% of the time you are not gonna see that chick again - if she's "restless or worried about making cash" then why come back to a non-spender - most dancers will avoid your ass

And also this guy uses the word "punter" to describe a PL - I assume he lives or is from a different country (UK, Australia, etc).
MrDrSteve-->"So I believe that the question is "Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of strippers in litigimate non-sugar relationships?" Which to my ear doesn't necessarily mean relationships that revolve around sex and money. "

MisterDoctor, I think you're mis-reading his intentions (or I am). He's asking about relationships with strippers that DO involve sex but DON'T involve money -- or, in other words, has anyone scored what that PUA article is trying to sell. So, girlfriend or friends with benefits. My answer applies directly to friends with benefits: yes, have scored a handful, I was always a customer first. You have the exact same answer -- customer first -- but more like a girlfriend. Which doesn't surprise me at all ... what would surprise me is if it were common to pick up strippers without spending in clubs
Letting girls sell you dances is a chump's game.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I think "punter" is also a term they use at MIT. tooling and punting.
I like the RICH STUD theory: more money + fewer calories = hotter pussy in your life.
avatar for Timbuck12
8 years ago
It's really not that complicated: if you can pick up regular civilian girls then you can pick up strippers. You just have to adapt to strippers' inherent flakiness and learn to recognize (and avoid) the ones who are too-far-gone hustlers. All those articles are just worthless click-bait.
avatar for Timbuck12
8 years ago
"Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with strippers in legitimate, non-sugar relationships?"

Over the years I've had several relationships with strippers that were entirely unpaid, including one now. In each situation it was much closer to a Friends With Benefits scenario than a girlfriend/boyfriend thing. Anyone that tries to get in a real, emotionally-attached legit "relationship" with a stripper is a damn fool. Enjoy them for what they are, don't get emotionally attached or involved, and know when to break the ties.
I started seriously strip clubbing a little more than two years ago. In that time I've had three fwb non-paid hangoutso, and two more where I was friend zoned. But everyone of those FWB absolutely started out with me saying "let's take care of business first (minimum required dances for the night) and then we can chit chat and I'll pay for your time. I legit got two strippers ask me for a ride home by being a patron (not exactly their customer) who understood strip club protocol and respected the girls time.

The other girls liked me for my rep/image I established
avatar for K
New Jersey
8 years ago
" I wonder if all these PUAs have a forum..."

Yes they do. Search for them for a good laugh. Most posts are success stories that end without them getting laid. "I knew I could do anything I wanted to her so I went home alone "

There was also a PUA Hate forum, which figured into the Elliot Rogers, the spree shooter, matter. I would like to read it if it is still up.


"To separate the deserving from the undeserving... and to do so by creating a stigma attached to those they consider undeserving. It is very similar to Psychiatry. The moment you introduce Psychiatry, remember Michel Foucault, and the story about the madhouse, you create a narrative of reason and unreason, you create a power structure. The person who has the certificate to be the Psychiatrist decides who is sane and who has the right to be a free citizen."

Yanis Varoufakis: Basic Income is a Necessity…
SJG, PUAHate is still around, but it's called SlutHate now.……

So as I know, PUA Hate closed because of the Isla Vista Shooter Elliot Rodgers. They may have had some complicity.

But why would anyone hate PUA's? For myself I just laugh at them because I don't agree with their ignorant anti-feminist stance.

For Elliot Rodgers, as an English Major, and as someone women have said was not bad looking, he should have been able to do quite well as a PUA. So why the hate.

And what is Slut Hate and how to I get to read their threads?

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