I've discovered something else that I like about SCing

I recently realized that I actually like rejecting and turning down pretty girls half my age that otherwise wouldn't give me the time of day LOL! I mean the way they approach you looking for your attention / money wanting to do dances and asking if they can sit with you they seem a little put off or surprised at times when I'm short with them or reject them probably not something they're used to outside the club maybe I'm an asshole cuz I kind of get a kick out of it just saying...


  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    What a prick !!! Buy that man a beer !!!
  • Roadworrier
    7 years ago
    That will last about 10 minutes in most clubs. The girls will figure you out and not come by if you keep refusing the opportunity for feeding them money. They'll come and sit with me instead. LOL
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Revenge of the nerds.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Where i come from this is called allskate where they have all the girls on stage at once. And sometimes we doing this girls will take notice and say things like they've seen that I only talk to a select group of girls and want to know what they need to do to get in that group
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Q: What has 40 tits and an IQ of 200?
    A: All-Skate at Brad's Brass Flamingo!
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    What I hate worse than rejecting dancers is being in a club where I have to do so.
  • lotsoffun201
    7 years ago
    I’ve always said strip clubs are useful for practice with civvies.
  • Roadworrier
    7 years ago
    If the club has to depend on 2-for-1's to liven the atmosphere up instead of offering reasonably priced dances to begin with, something is definitely wrong. The clever approach ("The System"?) is to get the gal you want to sit with you before the discount parade, and then she comes back to you for the 2-for-1 so you don't have to bat the lesser girls away like flies.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I think guys underestimate the appeal that an older guy can have for some younger girls.


  • minnow
    7 years ago
    I get the impression BM is someone who would enjoy : A) Watching a train wreck in slow motion B) Pulling the wings off a fly, and watch fly walk around till it dies. C) Going to NASCAR event with hopes of seeing a multiple car crash. D) A, B, and C.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I usually feel bad turning down girls b/c they are just trying to make a buck, and in the dives I visit making $$$ is not that easy.

    But if a chick has GPS or a bad-attitude I do get a bit of satisfaction turning them down - feels like some justice has sorta been done LOL.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    A week ago I had a curvy ebony w/ natural Ds dancing for me - her Ds were what I was attracted to the most - she starts dancing for me and doesn't take her top-off - I give her about 30-seconds then ask her to take her top-off - she doesn't react and I kinda let it go - 30-seconds later I ask her again thinking maybe she didn't hear me over the loud music (dances are on the floor) - the 2nd-time she acknowledges me by nodding her head but still doesn't take off her top - she waits till song #2 to finally take her top-off even though I had asked her twice during song 1 - I end up doing a few songs and she tries to over-count me which these days doesn't get me that bent out of shape as when I was a less experienced and less TUSCLarly educated PL - anyway I just tell her we did X songs and that's all that she was getting; she did not push too-hard as she knew she was over-counting me, I guess she was just giving it a try.

    I'm in the same club 5 days later - I see her lazily walking-in in her street-clothes and she's looking good in her tight white tank-top tightly fitting over her natural-Ds.

    A while later she's on the floor and approaches me for dances - she was looking good and I almost gave in to her natural Ds (my weakness) but decided for the common PL-good to turn her down not so much for the over-count a few-days earlier but for her being a lazy bitch and and inconsiderate of my time and $$$ by giving me a half-ass dance during song #1 until I was buying a song #2 - she was a bit of an inconsiderate bitch and it showed just in the way she carried herself and she was having a hard-time selling-dances - she tried hard to convince me to get dances and I almost gave-in b/c I liked the way she looked but she was too-much of a bitch for me to reward her w/ $$$ - so yeah felt good to kinda put her in her place
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    It’s amazing how fast a customer’s jerkiness, or politeness, becomes known to dancers. The over/under is about 5 minutes. I don’t know how it happens that fast, but it does.

    In my experience, good behavior ( basically, good manners ) means every dancer will approach you. Rudeness will result in quickly being shut out, at least among the more desirable dancers.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I hate turning down these girls. They’re just there trying to make some money like Papi said.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if dancers in a club had some sort of simple communication system like baseball players, only much more subtle. Like, if you see me hugging the guy at the end of our table/bar side conversation, he is nice and tips. If not, he may be a jerk or a cheapskate.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    Also, I sometimes do feel bad about turning girls down, especially if they are hot but I am pacing myself or on a budget, but I get their hustle.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I’ve noticed that there are cliques of dancers, with maybe 3 to 5 members, who gather briefly when they are between dances. Often, after a good dance with one of their members, the others will approach me, one by one, within a half hour. It’s as though someone designed an efficient communication network, maximizing for speed.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I get approached by young women half my age outside of clubs. So I guess I'm coming from a different perspective. I dislike turning down young women either in or out of clubs, but particularly in clubs. It's the number one thing I dislike the most about going to strip clubs.
  • Juslovin
    7 years ago
    "It’s amazing how fast a customer’s jerkiness, or politeness, becomes known to dancers" - Yeah i've seen this. As previously mentioned by one of our female posters i've seen how dancers are taking notice of whats happening especially when it's slow.

    "2nd-time she acknowledges me by nodding her head but still doesn't take off her top - she waits till song #2 to finally take her top-off" - Papi hit the nail on the head with this one.
    I recently went back to a club i hadent been in a while, where its a nude club but for dances some girls will do the "I don't get nude until the 3rd dance" hustle. I was into her and had a good although brief interaction with her so i forgot to ask. We get to the back and she tells me. I had to stop the dance before we even got started.At least she let me know before we started.

    When i do have to let down i do try to make it easy though.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    Some of you guys are so soft on here these days LOL. I mean this is TUSCL right? You mean to tell me you don't get a little kick out of giving them some lame-ass excuse as to why you don't return their text anymore I usually say I've been busy:) because you know no stripper has ever given us a silly excuse like that before right. I'm just being honest about it it's a complete role reversal then what they're probably usually accustom to.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    They've claimed that guys get a thrill off rejecting girls for years on StripperWeb. Here's the proof.

    I don't get anything out of it myself. But I guess some dudes do.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    it's not a role reversal at all, b/c they're not expressing interest in you, they're expressing interest in your money, a dancer in a club asking for a dance isn't that far removed from a homeless lady on the street asking for money, i dislike saying no in either case, but since I have no way of knowing what they will do with my money, I prefer to make my charitable contributions in other ways, i really dislike it when dancers put me in that position, because my preference is to approach the dancers myself.

    having a young girl flirt with me outside of a club is role reversal, but there when you decline they tend to get bitchy and mean, as in hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, so that's not fun either.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I disagree but I'm sure u could have figured that out LOL. And it's not about being bitchier mean it's not even that serious it's just a fun thing when they all come running up fine for your attention when everyone knows it's not genuine
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m looking to get dances - and I’m looking for the dirtiest dancers in the club. That being said - I don’t enjoy turning dancers down. But if I’m not getting what I want - I have no problem moving on. I’ll be polite - and I won’t be short or curt with anyone.

    The girls are trying to earn a living - and they have a challenging job. It takes more balls than I have - to shake your ass on stage in a thong - so I tend to respect dancers a bit more.
  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I actually discovered that I enjoy this somewhat because one of my CF who I've recently gave the boot to for saying a couple of disrespectful things that I didn't appreciate keeps approaching me and texting me about wondering when we're going to hook up again and I discovered hey I kind of like ignoring this girl and giving her a lame-ass answer like I've just been busy LOL
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    To be honest. I don't think most dancers mind being rejected. The ones that been around for a while understand that customers have a certain preference, and she just may not be it.

    It was only one dancer who told me that she doesn't like rejection and she's fine as hell. She doesn't get rejected in the "real world" so she just can't fantom being turned down according to her.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago

    "I get approached by young women half my age outside of clubs. "

    Wow, @Analvone, you are truly amazing!! You must be a stud. Me? I pay for sex and they count every microsecond until I get off of them.

  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    I am indifferent about rejecting a dancer. It's not personal, just business. But that said, if she is a thirsty ROB that doesn't give up and is starting to annoy me by repeat asking, then I start to enjoy rejecting her. In 99% of all my dances, I have already known whether or not I will get dances even prior to her approaching, so the conversation over it tends to be short and sweet. I'm straightforward with strippers. If I say "no thanks", that is pretty much it. If they don't accept that answer and are upset about it, it's her problem, not mine.
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