DTW thoughts

avatar for BillyJones
Traveling some and I get to the DTW a few times a year. I usually save up some cash as it tends to be one of my favorite trips. The challenge is the clubs naturally ebb and flow a bit and you can lose half a week getting a feel for the current landscape and reviews are only so helpful. I prefer mid range clubs with some chance of high value or the right LDK, but also very much enjoy that occasional diamond in the rough at a blue collar club as I don't mind cutting bait and moving on if I just can't find my type. I could swing the price of high end but just not really my thing. Any current feedback for a visit next week?


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Dancers come and dancers go. And schedules are ever fluid (or non-existent). So there are no guarantees of talent at any of the clubs. That said, the clubs near DTW are:
blue collar clubs: Bogarts and Henry VIII North
mid tier clubs: Cricket and Landing Strip
high end clubs: Flight Club (which has greatly improved its reputation for talent).

Have fun and post a review.
Another club near the airport is the Playhouse on Middlebelt Rd. It's a mid-tier club.
avatar for Htxx
7 years ago
Play house is a disaster last few times I stopped valet said only one girl dancing. Skip it. Flight club, criket Bogarts and Henrys are where you want to hit. All within 5 minutes of each other. Looking for variety after that and drive a little? Landing strip Subi's and BTS. Trust me you won't go wrong.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
^ Excellent advice from Sal69. On my annual pilgrimage to Detroit, I stay near the airport and usually visit only clubs from his short list: Flight Club, Criket, Bogart's, and Henry VIII North. The next ones I would try are Landing Strip, Henry VIII South, and Subi's.
avatar for DrStab
Motor City
7 years ago
Sal nailed it. If you are open minded and value oriented, his clubs are winners. Personally, I don’t like Henry’s — prefer Bogarts for low-end action. Some may go the other way. Like Criket for mid-tier. Have fun in the Motor City!
At the Penthouse Club, yesterday, I was strongly impressed by the lineup in the late afternoon. Bogarts is my standby by the airport.
avatar for stanlee
7 years ago
I'm two weeks from my DTW visit. I'm hitting FC. IF I can't find the one I'll hit cricket. Never been there. Much looking forward to my visit
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