avatar for Doces300
Have seen several comments on here about the amounts guys will spend on OTC, and wondered if the girl being your DS would increase you spending and how far would you go to bang your DS?


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I'll have to admit that I have run across a couple of dancers that I thought were so hot that I would have been willing to pay them more than I usually do, if that would seal the deal. How much more? I think $100 more than the I usually pay for a specific service. If I'm normally paying $150 for 1 hour in a hotel, then $250. If we're talking all afternoon at my house then the whole price goes up.
avatar for MrDeuce
7 years ago
Nominally my ATF was quite reasonable in her monetary expectations: $250 for a 4.5-hour afternoon date, $500 for a 16-hour sleepover. The problem is that she continually asked for advances and I foolishly paid them, expecting (wrongly) to get something in return, so in fact I paid considerably more than these prices. However, dates with her were spectacular, so I have no big regrets (except about some of those advances!).
God this is where I seem to have bad luck lately. All the 8+ I’ve dealt with in the past two years were very unreliable. The 6s and 7s were all very reasonable and very reliable. So I went for cheaper, reliable OTC sessions which I was paying around $150 - $200. Yes I would have paid more for the 8+ if they were more reliable.
Okay, as much as I love JS, and I do think he's a fantastic contributor, I find the entire concept of "Dream Stripper" to be douche-chill-causing juvenile nonsense. I can't help it, if someone asks me "how much do you pay for DS OTC", my first reaction is to ask them what the hell they're thinking. Hell, if you've internalized the concept of "dream stripper", you're already at a disadvantage in that you can talk yourself into anything.

So, pretending you were asking about OTC with my ATF, who I'm in total lust over and whose company I really enjoy, I might be aligned with shadow, I could probably talk myself into an extra hunnit. That's it.

While there's no right or wrong on this particular topic, I personally am NOT interested in paying an exhorbitant amount to bang some hot chick just once, especially since I think the sex gets better the next handful of times. So there's no amount of hotness that's going to get me paying $1000 a pop, because that's just not a sustainable number for me. Sure, I can afford spending $1000 once, but it's a non-starter to pay that amount 10 times, so not interested in bothering, and not interested in paying a whole lot more than I usually do. Totally understand some of you guys are fine with one-and-done, and if that was my philosophy, I might be talked into a far higher fee, once
I'm kind of with Subra on this. There are a lot of gorgeous women in the world. But I don't care to categorize any as dream strippers. I can also go along with overpaying by 100 for extreme hotness once in a great while but anything beyond that doesn't make sense to me. Everyone's financial situation is different but, as an average guy, I can't justify paying a premium. Some on here can afford more and I don't find fault with how anybody else chooses to spend their money. I'm just speaking for myself.
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