
Day light savings time ends tonight.

Atlanta suburb
Any body going to stay up until 2AM to reset your time pieces? :)


  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Thanks Shadowcat, I had no idea it was tonight.
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    Thanks for the reminder. I live in AZ, so no change there. But I am in Las Vegas currently and based on the tourney right now, we may be still be playing at 2 am.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Most of my devices automatically reset via the internet--Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad, computers, etc. But I still have an old Casio watch and the clock on my stove that I have to reset by hand. It's a pain.

    Let's do away with daylight savings. It's a chump's game.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    Id rather stay on the same time as well instead of changing it twice a year.
    I would prefer staying on daylight saving time to have an extra hour of sunlight in the evening year round. I believe recent studies indicate nothing is saved anymore. The constant time changes cause millions in damages from extra car accidents from people being sleepy and millions in injury costs. With everyone using digital devices and turning on lights, not much change in energy use either. That means logically doing the same thing over and over again is stupid and insane expecting something different to happen. However we don't have politicians that think logically.
  • Eve
    7 years ago
    Just got home from work. Had to stay there for an extra hour, so for me... near impossible for me to forget to set it back.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    I got up early today, just because I think my body is used to getting up early. DST time change has something to do with it. No big deal. I agree with Rick999 pretty much. DST was enacted to give farmers an extra hour of daylight for working their farms and I agree that the accident rate does increase with the stress to the body from adapting. But I doubt the politicians will do anything about it.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    DST doesn't give you an extra hour of daylight. It just shifts the daylight hours to a different place on the clock.

    Farmers could care less about DST. They work the daylight, no matter where the daylight falls on the clock. I had two different girlfriend in my youth whose family owned farms and their clocks only had two entries: sunup and sundown.

    DST is still around cause everyone is too set in our ways. If we want more daylight hours after work, why not work 6am-3pm. If I had complete control of my work schedule, this is what I would do. Winter is tough on me cause I go to work when it's dark and usually don't leave until it's dark again.

    I just realized something: is this why strip clubs get more business in winter? If guys only feel comfortable going to one when it's dark, and it gets dark earlier, there are more evening hours for guys to spend in clubs.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    ^ Word! DST does *not* give us an extra hour of daylight. It also didn't truly give us an extra hour of sleep last night, since studies have shown that we lose more sleep over the next 5 days due to disturbance of our circadian cycle than we "gained" last night!

    DST may have been enacted to give farmers an extra hour of daylight, but farmers could NOT care less -- they work when it's light, not when the clock says it's a certain time.

    I live in a state (Indiana) that went the wrong way on this issue a few years ago, unnecessarily adopting DST -- and the wrong time zone to boot! Why should western Indiana be on the same time as Bangor, Maine?
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Really? Who wrote and why would you write that daylight savings time was designed for farmers, that is just too ducking ridiculous. They go by the sun you ritard, not the clock.

    The main reason was to save energy but even more importantly it is so kids can go to school safely while it is light outside for the northern most states, otherwise they would be walking in the dark to school.

    Some people really like to see themselves spew shit imagining they are an all knowing Genie that can provide answers to things they do t know shit about.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    ^ What a charming post!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    the whole world should be all GMT/ZULU time. or use the international date line.
    no time zones and DST.
    the clock time is simply a number reference point. enough of this confusion.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Pain in the ass: Two digital alarm clocks, stove, microwave, wall clock, grandfather clock, four watches... and that's all I found so far. Maybe I should move to AZ.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    And Massachusetts wants to switch to ATS(Atlantic).
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Txtittyfag for the win.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    I didn't realize it till we went out for breakfast at our normal time which is during the later church services. Fewer people dining. So when we arrived we were an hour off. Had to switch places or wait. No waiting for me!
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I wish they'd pick one and go with it. This changing clock shit is for the birds.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Get your rest ShadowCat. It’s coming whether you stay up for it or not. Last night was a great night to see the Beaver Moon! It was big and bright - and apparently not hairy! Lol!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Shadowcat, good to see you back out of the hospital. Hope you are doing well.

  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I've decided not to move my clocks back, and will instead live one hour in the future.

    I greet you, people of the past. Your ways are quaint.
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