
Condoms for LD?

Avatar for Lurker_X
Lurker_XNorth Carolina

Suppose you are in a classier club and do not want a stain? Want to stay a while inside and not need to change shorts, or pay another fee to get back inside. Any preferences among pervs?


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Avatar for mark94

You’ve got to admire classy places where people discretely cum in their pants. The height of elegance.

Avatar for RandomMember

^^^ Grammar lesson for the day: if you're going to engage in the sex industry, please learn the difference between "discrete" and "discreet."

Avatar for skibum609

Discreet is the appropriate word.

Avatar for flagooner

^ because you will never get laid if you don't know how to spell it?

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

I do both in my pants. No stain and no condom too.

Avatar for LDJunkie

I almost always use a condom. Besides the stain in pants i don't like the sticky sensation in my wet pants

Avatar for rockie

In all the banter about preferred "splooge" absorption, "cum in mouth" is my preferred deposit! Personally (if given a choice): I don't want a spitter, I don't want to shoot my dna on my entertainer, the wall, the corner ..., and I'm perfectly fine with my 100% cotton boxers taking the hit (second choice actually.

Sex is always messy (with or without a condom) no matter how you experience it and I don't do condoms. As a caveat, have I occasionally wished I was wearing a fully body condom after some strip club adventure? Definitely!

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Just curious about a condom + LDK from a feel perspective. Does it numb the feel significantly compared to no condom? Also does is rub against clothing and cause added/unwanted friction?

Avatar for ArtCollege

I'm fine wearing a rubber under my pants. At a good rubbing club, definitely the way to go. At a club where the dancer will open you up, being already covered saves time. When I first started this, I was afraid it would slip off when i was limp, but that has never happened, even when it was full.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Try a Depends adult diaper, they really absorb well

Avatar for MrDeuce

My first two lapgasms, back in the mid-90s, were a surprise -- the first time, I literally didn't know it was possible to cum in a strip club and the second time, several months later, I knew but was taken by surprise by a dancer determined to get me off. Ever since then, if I'm at a club where the lap dances may lead to orgasm, I wear a condom. The vast majority of my 1000+ SCOREs (Stripper-Caused Orgasmic Release Events) have been lapgasms, though in recent years they have mostly been BJs. The best place to deposit one's load is in her mouth -- no muss, no fuss.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Buying dances is a chumps game. Paying for ejaculation services is simply using your own money to further exacerbate your own sexual frustration. Using strip clubs for sexual gratification is perverted.




Avatar for LDJunkie

@SirLapdancealot. In my opinion the condom helps the rubbing feel way better than without the condom, because of the lube. Usually when i used ti get lap dances without the condom i would get a rash on my dick with all the friction with my clothes. That doesn't happen with the condom, plus i get the benefit of unloading my cum on the rubber instead of the making a mess in my pants.

Avatar for TFP

Sounds ok but I worry about two things with a condom. 1. If the dancer is one of those feely types and puts her hand down your pants. Now I know if she's willing to do that chances are she's not gonna mind that you're already wearing a condom. But if it IS weird to her then that's just plain awkward after that.

  1. What happens if during the grinding you can hear the rubber swishing around? Would also make for an awkward situation.
Avatar for SirLapdancealot

@LDJunkie I get what you are saying about the lube + condom = no chafing friction on your dick. With or without a condom, reducing chafing friction is the key. And by chafing friction I mean there is no material directly rubbing across the skin of your dick. With lube + condom, the lube prevents the chafing friction.

Without a condom, I use polyester or cotton microfiber boxer briefs with thin material slacks. The microfiber material of the underwear stays in place over my dick and it is my outer pants layer that rubs across and over it. I used to go commando without a condom and it would chafe my dick, but now I've found that the microfiber underwear is nice in between barrier that eliminates the chafing and it helps me keep a hard on.

Also FWIW I have never worn a condom in a strip club.

Avatar for mr1212

I always use a condom + a drop of lube. Makes for a smoother ride with no mess. I also sometimes want the dancer to keep grinding for a while after I cum, which could be awkward with a wet stain on my crotch.

Avatar for Jascoi

absolutely cim.

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