
Comments by farmerart (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Paul Harvey
    Ummm.....gotta say that a SC would be about the last place I would be counting my stacks of money. In a SC....."I just wants me some pussy!" Who the fuck is Paul Harvey?
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Spring has sprung
    Still snow up here in the far north but pure slush and mud during the day. I am as horny as a pimply-assed teen age boy.
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    11 years ago
    "Really" excited dancers
    Many dancers have claimed the Big O after my ministrations in the VIP but I am very sceptical about those claims save for perhaps the moronic squirter that I enjoyed in a Mississauga club. My current sweetie is a different story. My first encounter with her at Club Pro was my most powerful ITC sexual experience. Sweetie was as uninhibited and as animalistic as a woman had ever behaved with me. She claimed her best orgasm for twenty years. My shirt was ripped and I was scratched, bruised, and minus a handful of chest hair so I tended to believe her. Sweetie and I have since shared many sex weekends and a couple of trips to Hawaii. She tells me that the prospect of more such orgasms is now as much of an incentive as the money for her to make time for me. Now she is comfortable enough with me to tell me when it doesn't happen for her when we fuck. "You verk harder next time, OK!", she orders me in her thick Hungarian accent after one of those bouts.
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    11 years ago
    Man loses life savings on carnival game
    I once lost my life savings on a carnival game, too. The game was that machine that cost a nickel at a chance to pick up a package of 5 nickels or a silver dollar with the jaws of the crane-like machine. I was 7 years old. At that time my life savings amounted to about $1.30 (bounty income from killing gophers @ $0.01/gopher tail).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I am NOT Gay
    Did you ever give it a trial run, motorhead? Just to be sure?
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    11 years ago
    This just in...Rich People are Happy (Duh!)
    I dunno about this. I've been poor. I've been rich. I've always been happy. I will say this. Since I hit the big money I have had more spells of mind-numbing boredom than I ever did when I was building my wealth. My brief retirement was a trial of boredom for me. Useful, challenging work, not money, makes me happiest of all.
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    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Dumbing Down of Americans or Stuffy Corporate Types Out of Touch ?
    @baconator, I did almost exactly that during a job interview when the idiot asked if he could take a call while we were going through the interview. I was so pissed that he did not even think to shut off his phone for the interview that I told him to go ahead and take the call since the interview was now over and he was no longer a candidate for the job in question. I did not drop an f-bomb on the idiot.
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    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Procuring Rubber
    How important is the 'best before' date on a box of Trojans?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    How Many Flags Do You Have?
    Countries visited in my lifetime - perhaps 45-50. 'Flags' collected - 0
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    $100 Bill
    @Hugh_G_Reaction, If you are stupid enough to leave a $20 bill on the dashboard of your car you almost deserve to lose it - more probably to a thief not to melting from high temperatures. We have had plastic $50 and $100 bills in Canada for the last year and a half with NO verified incidents of what you describe. Plastic $5 and $10 bills come later this year. Drunks at SC bars are not necessarily unimpeachable sources of info.
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    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Old Guys with Young Girls
    @shadowcat, Last two years I have taken my 'niece' to Hawaii with me for a week at New Year's. We go to isolated resorts. 'Niece' hates to wear her bikini top. Uncle farmerart is A-OK with that!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dick Johnson's threads........ralphyboy's reviews...........and..... #1 tuscl all-time classic........ BaddJack's review of Lucky Lady - check it out.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How do you make a living?
    Think of me when you fill up your gas tank. I have spent almost 50 years finding that stuff in some of the world's crappiest places.
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    11 years ago
    Car Jackers
    The first time I ever drove an automatic was when I borrowed my sister's car for a quick trip while my truck was up on the hoist for repairs. I was lost! All my company F-150s are manual transmission as, of course, are all the semis and tankers. As I age, however, I will admit to appreciating the convenience of an automatic whenever I rent a car on my travels in strange cities (except in Europe where automatic rentals are very rare and very expensive, if available).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Boycott Chicago area strip clubs!!!
    I like Arnies in Harvey, It is a clean, well run SC cum brothel. I have a completely different impression of Chicagoland than does smokeybear. My two excursions to Chicago were very pleasant. I like the downtown. I like the lakefront. I like Wrigley Field (but not the pissers). Cripes, I even liked visiting the refinery complexes southeast of Chicago. I stopped at a sand dunes park at the bottom of Lake Michigan in Indiana. Looking back across the lake to Chicago was an unbelievably surrealistic experience. The park was a joy of natural beauty contrasted so starkly with the views of greater Chicago across the lake. I am an unsophisticated western Canadian hillbilly so I blithely traveled wherever I chose while I visited Chicago. Sure, some parts of Chicago are gritty; but so what? Other urban areas that I have visited elsewhere in the world are even grittier. Even hillbillies have basic common sense. I use that common sense whenever I visit places like Chicago.
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    11 years ago
    Springtime is here!
    Spring is definitely in the air up here in the north. 6:00AM - bright sun overhead already, temperature is a balmy -5C probably rising to +8C this afternoon, no wind, birds singing. As for hitting Hooters before a club visit? I think you guys are nuts. Hooters food is pure shit and the Hooters girls are bleeeeee. I hate those gym shoes, white socks, and impregnable tights. Those tights look radioactive. Have any of you guys had the opportunity to get inside a pair of those Hooters tight? Did you need a hazmat suit and cutting torch?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Unlimited Budgets
    DandyDan makes an excellent point. For me, time is much more precious than money - because of my age and because of what else is going on in my life. I do have unlimited cash for my SC hobby but I do not have unlimited time for the hobby.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How to juggle Favorite Dancers
    Do you have a death wish?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Time on TUSCL
    For me, I spend infinitely more time on tuscl than I do in clubs these days. How many clubs do you think I can find in the uninhabited bush 100km south of Fort Simpson, NWT?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami meet up
    I think I am fucked for this trip. We moved one rig on Sunday and will be spudding a new well today. A second rig is moving today with the aim of spudding that new well on Thursday. Those will be the last two wells drilled this season. All is not yet 100% lost. I am applying a full court press and some heavy handed blackmail to get my partner to come up here tomorrow (Wed) to keep an eagle eye on the intricacies of the next few days. I may even resort to bribery (my partner covets some of the rare Bordeaux in my wine cellar at Rancho farmerart). clubber, if I have to part with one of my bottles of Chateau Latour '45 to get this deal with my partner done, YOU will have to find me a FS dancer at Tootsies worth $15K!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    washington dc
    Bathrooms at sc's and expectations
    I have no great expectations about perfectly hygienic conditions in SC bathrooms. Cripes! During my career in the oil patch I have shit on the ground in a Borneo jungle, wiping my ass with leaves; pissed in the wind in a Saudi desert, picking grains of sand out of my foreskin for days after; letting it all hang out in an Arctic winter, worrying if Mr. Wood had been frostbit. If the need arises I will shit or piss anywhere and worry about consequences later. I have seen many SC bathrooms that have made my stomach churn with revulsion but (apart from one particularly revolting example) I have always been able to get the deed done in whatever disgusting SC bathroom I may have found myself. The one example that was even too stomach-churning for me was the bathroom in the old Cannonball Cabaret in Brampton, Ontario. On the vomit scale of putrefaction that bathroom surpassed any armpit that I have ever encountered in any poor third world sailors' bar. Cannonball is now closed.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Unlimited Budgets
    I have seriously thought of going the 'trophy mistress' route; even discussed it seriously with my Toronto sweetie who has spent vacations with me in Hawaii the last two years. Sweetie is willing to give it a try (go figure, eh?). But, the logistics of the whole deal mean that it isn't going to happen. My unhappy experiment with retirement guarantees that I will not be giving up work any time soon. My rural lifestyle is another deal breaker. Sweetie is resolutely urban and I have created my paradise at Rancho farmerart that I will never give up. So, I will continue my ramblings in the underworld of escorts, massage parlours, and strip clubs. One thing that I have discovered in my time in this world is that the amount of cash spent does not necessarily equate with the quality of my experiences with the denizens of this underworld. My first sexual encounter with my Toronto sweetie was my absolute most exciting ITC ever and the cost was just a normal amount for such services at that particular club ($300). As we spend more time together over the years and get to know each other the sex has remained spectacular for me. To her credit, sweetie is not upping the price of her services as she has come to realize that I have a few bucks. In fact, she now gets mad if I slip her an envelope of cash. She does like a shopping excursion with me and, funnily enough, I kind of enjoy a shopping trip with sweetie.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Bucket list
    When I finally became sexually active my bucket list included having sex with women older than my mother and younger than my sister. My sister is now in her early 60s; I have had sex with many women younger than that. My mother is pushing 98; never did have sex with a woman older than her. That particular wish has now been removed from my bucket list.
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    11 years ago
    Explosions at Boston Marathon an hour ago
    When you guys catch the buggers send them up to me in the far north. There is a good supply of ball bearings in camp and it is not entirely impossible that I might be able to put my hands on some trinitrotoluene. My licence is still live and we can always do more seismic surveys up here. The wild scavengers would quickly dispose of any evidence.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT. City fathers?
    Aah, londonguy, those canny Yorkshiremen! As I have discovered and as many Yorkshireman knew before me: "Where there's muck, there's brass." (You had better explain "tossers" to the Yanks.)