I have 5 favorite dancers at my favorite club. Two are day shift gals, and the other three are nights. Of those five I just started an otc relationship with 1 of them. By that I mean, I did an otc with her and I told her I wont be seeing her itc anymore, except for a few dances if Im there.
Of the two dayshift girls, 1 is a commuter who lives in a different state byt flies in to make money every few weeks. So that solves the who to visit during day shift.
Now at night that leaves two girls there when I visit. So how do you guys decide how to spend your time at the clubs. Do you like variety and shy away frim designating favorite. Or do you pick just one favorite and stick. Or do you do what I did and get multiple favorites and have to decide whuch one to spend on each visit? This creates much more drama than I anticipated. In hindsight I would have never given any of them my number, except for my otc girl. Then I wouldnt feel pressured everytime I visit.
At my favorite club I have had a similar experience. One on days(ATF), 1 other on days, try to play their schedules. One old favorite on nights that won't talk to me anymore (hell, it's my money and choice). It's a little uncomfortable, I hope she doesn't poison the well.
Multiple faves at the same club at the same time is an accident waiting to happen. You'd think that the customer would be the winner since they all might up their games to compete for your wallet, but it can crash and burn if your not careful.
Even when I carefully check schedules, they find out. Oh, so yo did a champagne Tuesday with Bubbles? I hear you spent lots of$$ on her. Aren't I good enough for you? If you've got so much money, I want more to suck your cock. Go to different clubs for different favorites.
No problem. I just play them against each other. Keeps prices down and mileage up. If they get miffed, they get over it quickly. Money or desire for, has a way of soothing things.
Shadowcat please elaborate on your post about playing them against each other. If this can really drive down prices then hell yea. However I fear I may not have this skill neccesary to pull it off.
I've never had much luck juggling 5 dancers. Usually the bouncer is grabbing me by the collar about the time I get the third one in the air, and really you need to be Louis Ferrigno to toss them hard enough to start the momentum. And even if the bouncer lets me do it, it really ends up being nothing but an AIR dance. Although if I ever get it down it would make an interesting show at Ringling Brothers....
Farmerart's, Sclvr's, and Hugh's comments all remind me of a current TV commercial where some guy is juggling chain saws, while they're running.
However, I've been able to successfully juggle multiple faves. It just takes money. When I had several faves in the same club at the same time, I'd make certain that I got the same number of dances (usually four), from them. They were all happy with that. I even encouraged them to get to know each other. I like it when all of my faves know each other. (Even though that seems contrary to usual logic. It has worked well for me.)
But now, I'm in a different situation and I have to watch my club spending. Like Victor2 said, "play their schedules." I'm able to do that. At one club I have three faves. Fortunately they work different enough schedules that I can go in when just one of them is in, or two, and even all three. So, I plan my trips accordingly. (And, I can get all three for OTC when I want to.)
I'm surprised RickyBoyDugan hadn't chimed in here yet. You see he had this terrible problem a while back that sometimes both of his favorites would be working in the same club on the same night. Now you can imagine hat a terrible dilemna that put him in. After all if he talked to one it might offend the other. Nevertheless, out RickyBoy is quite the clever one (inventor of The System after all, as you may recall). Thus he came up with the brilliant solution of just not going to club at all on those nights even when he wanted to. In fact, he was so clever he this man months. Now someone say that just makes him a fool and a giant pussy, but don' you think, in reality, it is proof of what a RICH STUD he is?
I have a number of favorites at my favorite club, and they all know that I like to play around, and since they all know they're getting some of my money, mostly all they do is wait their turn.
Variety vs. fave is kind of a personal preference just as the type of dancer one is attracted to, IMO.
I tend to love variety. When I SC, I like to get dances from whom I feel like getting dances from in that particular visit – not get dances, or feel obliged to, from the same girl just b/c I have in the past or b/c she wants/expects me to.
I go to the SC to be entertained and get away from it all – I don’t want to deal with any dancer drama along the lines of how many dances I need to get from her or how much I am going to spend on her to keep her “happy†– I SC to have my needs met and not to worry about keeping so and so “happyâ€.
I only have eyes for my ATF...since i dont pay for extra's why would I fuck up a good thing? Got an LD from another stripper once cuz my ATF was in the VIP with someone else as soon as I arrived. Was slow so felt like being nice and she was new to the club (first day supposedly, never seen her before so gave benefit of the doubt). Jeez would have thought my wife caught me in bed with another woman the way my ATF acted. Was in the doghouse for a week or two.
I currently have five favorites at my local club Kahoots. One normally only works fridays, and the other only saturdays, so I usually only have to worry about four any given night, and most days only two or three of my favorites are there, which is perfect since I normally don't get lap dances from more than three dancers a night. For when there are more than three working I have it down to a priority. Stephania is currently my main favorite and is usually only there Friday nights, and if she working when I visit, then she gets the most songs and is the my finale for the night. Brenna is my second favorite, and if available is my first for the day if Stephania is also there, my last otherwise.
I choose among the remaining three based on who I hadn't gotten dances from my last visit or two. All the dancers seem to know this too, and usually say, "Oh here to see Stephania today," or something similar when they see me.
Don't under estimate how much goes thru the stripper grapevine. I ended up with 2 faves at the same club and dancer b wanted to try working at another club i was very familiar with. I had met dancer a at the other club. Dancer b asked me to go with her to the other club her first night there. Dancer a somehow found out and got pissed. Ended up good for me though. I got better dances from both and they competed over who could get away with giving the naughtiest dances at a no milage club
I've had several favorites in the same club at the same time. No problem. If you spot one or hook up with one, you can spend time with her or tell her, you wanted to wait a while before you get dances. If you want to get dances from another favorite, go get busy. Then if you still want more dances, you can get dances from any of your other favorites you want to. If you want to skip out on some of your favorites, just tell them you just had a bunch of dances and want to wait a while or maybe catch them on another night.
I try to stick with them all giving me the same deal on dance prices. I have run into two of the dancers talking to each other a lot. One found out from the other that I had a deal going on with the other that was just not two for $30, but two for $20 if I got more than 4 dances. When the other dancer found out, she told me she could do that deal too. I have gotten that deal a few times, not always. I usually get tired of getting dances from the same dancer after 4 songs if not sooner. Some of my favorites like to sit and talk for a while too.
If you have multiple favorites at one club, they will keep you busy. I remember one time I saw 8 favorites show up. Now I'm down to only 2 or 3. I don't ask what their schedules are. I hope at least one favorite shows up but sometimes 3 or more show up. One draw back if you don't like it, one favorite might go and tell the other girl you are here after you got dances from the first even if you were thinking about skipping out or avoiding her for a while.
I even have one favorite I pay more than the others. I try to leave myself an out if I ever get caught on the price. I usually only buy one set of two dances from her. I believe she doesn't talk to the other two. No complaints so far. She only seems to show up sporadically. If all Memphis dancers used to be like her, I see why that was a popular club. She's hot.
I would get more favorites but it gets expensive having too many favorites. I know of a few dancers who would like to be favorites. It's easy if almost all the dancers are willing to dance for the same price. Then you just get to pick and choose.
Now if you talking about sleeping with muliple dancers in the same club who work at the same time, I do believe that is asking for drama unless they are ok with it. I've experienced some major drama just because one dancer thought I was doing that at one time. hmmm, solution, get them to agree to a three way? :) Either you'll be in luck or experience some major drama. It might be fun to watch.
I have zero success in dancer herding. They do what they do, and I just roll with the punches. With the majority of dancers, if they are actually motivated by trying to make good money, it's a complete mystery to me how they are doing it. Before you try any complicated juggling, I'd suggest trying to set it up so that you and they are there early, when they normally make little money. I prefer to get a lot of dances rather than get a few and give a big tip. That's a lot easier to get away with when the girl's alternative would be to be making nothing.
A year ago, seeing two girls I've met OTC used to freak me out completely worried about drama. Last week I was at my favorite club and there were 4 girls I had previously enjoyed and one I've been working overtime to get her to meet me. As discussed in another post, two of them actually sat down together and figured out that they had both banged me.
I don't make promises. I don't claim exclusivity. In fact, I tease them all the time when I see them talking to another guy "WHAT? I thought what we had was special and you weren't dancing for anyone else" in a very sarcastic tone of course. I lay the groundwork with most of them that this is what it is. Also, once I've met a girl OTC, I almost never get dances from her again. Hell, I don't really get dances from anyone except as an audition for a new girl. I always tell the girls I like to save my money for outside the club.
Then, when I'm in the club and I see one or more girls I've met before, I simply say something like, "Im not up for meeting tonight, just hanging out. Feel free to sit here and have a drink if you'd like, or, if you want to stalk the room and make some money, I won't be hurt" If they mention a dance i just remind them that that's not my thing.
Now.....sometimes I do play the dating card and act like there's a connection. that makes juggling a little harder. But, to be honest, I'm close enough to those girls that they rarely even go into work when I'm in town. If I make the trip into their city and they go into work instead of going out with me, then they made their decision to dance for other guys over me so I have no qualms about talking to other girls in front of them.
If you're not sleeping with the dancers at the same time, I don't understand the problem of having multiple favorites working roughly the same time in a large club. Other than it could get expensive if you buy too many dances. It's not like you are married or dating these favorites. Even when I was sleeping with one among many favorites, I still got a number of dances from other dancers in the club. It helps when they come and go and no one feels attached. The worst or best that I can remember was one night when at least 8 hot favorites showed up. I club hop too. If you have too many favorites, one way to cut back is to not show up or not stay too long. You probably won't get dances from all the favorites you recognize that way. If you only have one or two favorites, it's often easy to pick up new ones in a wanna dance club.
If you're sleeping with someone, I would keep her happy if you want things to continue. The last time I didn't really care too much about keeping anyone happy. But I was friendly to most.
That is what is nice about lots of favorites, even if one or two accidentally get pissed off for whatever reason, there are lots more who aren't. After a week or two, the ones who were realize you aren't married to them and come back around. If not, then no problem. The only time I haven't seen a dancer come back is when she got fired.
When I first started going to strip clubs, I originally let one dancer dominate and she seemed to dominate all the other dancers as far as I was concerned. After one night when she got super pissed off for no good reason that she quit the club for 3 months, I was surprised at how many other dancers came up to me so quickly. I started missing her after 3 months but then she showed back up with a better attitude.
I have to say that is one pissed off dancer who quits a club just because you might be there. I think she really thought I was some kind of sugar daddy or something. She was crazy. got all super pissed off because I didn't buy her something. This something had nothing to do with strip clubs. It was contact lenses she wanted. I have no idea what kind of crazy idea she had that made her think I would pay for them. So I did experience lots of drama with a dancer who I never slept with who expected something for a reason I never understood and she got so pissed off about it she quit the club for 3 months just because she knew I would be there on some nights. That is crazy.
I have 2 co-fave AA spinners at a club in central IL. I'm trying to get them on a schedule with monthly visits for each, 2 weeks apart. The one I met second is happy with the idea. The other girl probably won't like it but its better than losing ALL my money.
I'm with shadowcat, on *both* of his posts. It ain't like we're gonna get married or some such. I like sex with different women, so don't get all butt hurt over me blowing my load in some *other* face once in a while.
This from the guy who spend the better part of three years having an all but exclusive relationship with one stripper. But she's gone so, as shadowcat so eloquently put it, I get to be a slut again.
last commentI have two favorites. Different clubs but they know each other (vaguely).
One is a 10 but lower mileage. I've been using the other one to ramp up the mileage with the 10. should I feel guilty, cuz I do. Lol
However, I've been able to successfully juggle multiple faves. It just takes money. When I had several faves in the same club at the same time, I'd make certain that I got the same number of dances (usually four), from them. They were all happy with that. I even encouraged them to get to know each other. I like it when all of my faves know each other. (Even though that seems contrary to usual logic. It has worked well for me.)
But now, I'm in a different situation and I have to watch my club spending. Like Victor2 said, "play their schedules." I'm able to do that. At one club I have three faves. Fortunately they work different enough schedules that I can go in when just one of them is in, or two, and even all three. So, I plan my trips accordingly. (And, I can get all three for OTC when I want to.)
I tend to love variety. When I SC, I like to get dances from whom I feel like getting dances from in that particular visit – not get dances, or feel obliged to, from the same girl just b/c I have in the past or b/c she wants/expects me to.
I go to the SC to be entertained and get away from it all – I don’t want to deal with any dancer drama along the lines of how many dances I need to get from her or how much I am going to spend on her to keep her “happy†– I SC to have my needs met and not to worry about keeping so and so “happyâ€.
Just my personal view/preference.
I choose among the remaining three based on who I hadn't gotten dances from my last visit or two. All the dancers seem to know this too, and usually say, "Oh here to see Stephania today," or something similar when they see me.
Seems some clubbers are dealing w/ SOS (Significant Other Shit) at the club and paying for it :)
I try to stick with them all giving me the same deal on dance prices. I have run into two of the dancers talking to each other a lot. One found out from the other that I had a deal going on with the other that was just not two for $30, but two for $20 if I got more than 4 dances. When the other dancer found out, she told me she could do that deal too. I have gotten that deal a few times, not always. I usually get tired of getting dances from the same dancer after 4 songs if not sooner. Some of my favorites like to sit and talk for a while too.
If you have multiple favorites at one club, they will keep you busy. I remember one time I saw 8 favorites show up. Now I'm down to only 2 or 3. I don't ask what their schedules are. I hope at least one favorite shows up but sometimes 3 or more show up. One draw back if you don't like it, one favorite might go and tell the other girl you are here after you got dances from the first even if you were thinking about skipping out or avoiding her for a while.
I even have one favorite I pay more than the others. I try to leave myself an out if I ever get caught on the price. I usually only buy one set of two dances from her. I believe she doesn't talk to the other two. No complaints so far. She only seems to show up sporadically. If all Memphis dancers used to be like her, I see why that was a popular club. She's hot.
Either you'll be in luck or experience some major drama. It might be fun to watch.
I don't make promises. I don't claim exclusivity. In fact, I tease them all the time when I see them talking to another guy "WHAT? I thought what we had was special and you weren't dancing for anyone else" in a very sarcastic tone of course. I lay the groundwork with most of them that this is what it is. Also, once I've met a girl OTC, I almost never get dances from her again. Hell, I don't really get dances from anyone except as an audition for a new girl. I always tell the girls I like to save my money for outside the club.
Then, when I'm in the club and I see one or more girls I've met before, I simply say something like, "Im not up for meeting tonight, just hanging out. Feel free to sit here and have a drink if you'd like, or, if you want to stalk the room and make some money, I won't be hurt" If they mention a dance i just remind them that that's not my thing.
Now.....sometimes I do play the dating card and act like there's a connection. that makes juggling a little harder. But, to be honest, I'm close enough to those girls that they rarely even go into work when I'm in town. If I make the trip into their city and they go into work instead of going out with me, then they made their decision to dance for other guys over me so I have no qualms about talking to other girls in front of them.
That is what is nice about lots of favorites, even if one or two accidentally get pissed off for whatever reason, there are lots more who aren't. After a week or two, the ones who were realize you aren't married to them and come back around. If not, then no problem. The only time I haven't seen a dancer come back is when she got fired.
When I first started going to strip clubs, I originally let one dancer dominate and she seemed to dominate all the other dancers as far as I was concerned. After one night when she got super pissed off for no good reason that she quit the club for 3 months, I was surprised at how many other dancers came up to me so quickly. I started missing her after 3 months but then she showed back up with a better attitude.
I have to say that is one pissed off dancer who quits a club just because you might be there. I think she really thought I was some kind of sugar daddy or something. She was crazy. got all super pissed off because I didn't buy her something. This something had nothing to do with strip clubs. It was contact lenses she wanted. I have no idea what kind of crazy idea she had that made her think I would pay for them. So I did experience lots of drama with a dancer who I never slept with who expected something for a reason I never understood and she got so pissed off about it she quit the club for 3 months just because she knew I would be there on some nights. That is crazy.
I'd tend to agree.
This from the guy who spend the better part of three years having an all but exclusive relationship with one stripper. But she's gone so, as shadowcat so eloquently put it, I get to be a slut again.