Unlimited Budgets

avatar for motorhead
For those of you that may read the Michigan TwoSheds forum, the moderator (TwoSheds), often has stated he has an "unlimited" budget.

Other that perhaps farmerart, does anyone truly have an unlimited budget.

There's gotta be limits, right? There are hundreds of cases of professional athletes, actors, and rappers going broke. Strip clubs can't be entirely to blame, but...


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I would say in practical terms, probably yes.

There are some people for whom how much they spend is not an issue – IMO.

For those that have *made* (past tense) $$$ (e.g. athletes, performers), going broke is a real possibility. But there are others whose $$$ makes them even more $$$ and are bringing it in often times faster than they can spend it.

Not the norm – but there are cases IMO.

avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"For those of you that may read the Michigan TwoSheds forum, the moderator (TwoSheds), often has stated he has an "unlimited" budget"

I wasn't aware [LOL] TwoSheds had a bankroll like our farmerart. If he does have a "Unlimited Budget", why run a Strip Club forum? HELL I'd be spending that unlimited money in clubs around the clock! LMAO
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Me too! Lol
avatar for mayberrywell
12 years ago
Some pockets are deeper than others. Regardless all pockets in in lint eventually.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
The only unlimited budget I kmow besides farmerart is the juice man... he has unlimited cucumbers
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I think the article posted today supports Bullwinkle


Profits have increased at McD's but people are shunning the expensive Big Macs in favor of the Dollar Menu sandwiches.

avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Kind of an interesting acticle that correlates with today's strip club spending habits.
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
A former ATF stopped working and stopped taking my calls. Then I saw Facebook pictures she posted from all over the world. A year and a half later she called me and we got together OTC. She had hooked up with a billionaire who has his own private jet with crew. As he travelled the world he brought her along and left his wife and kids at home. He tired of her and left her high and dry with a Rolex, a trust account which she can draw living expenses from, and a cocaine habit. She says he has an unlimited budget ( stop and figure out how much $1000000000 really is.).
She's in detox and rehab now.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Joe thanks for that love man....

Mo head I thank in all seruanas that we all have budgrts and if we don't we all will go broke.......
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
First off... Is that really "high and dry"?

Very few people have unlimited. But I think there are several on here who can easily spend as much as they want without missing a beat.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
How about those Arab cheeks bathing in oil – they spend money like it was coming out of the ground – oh wait – it is in their case.
avatar for steve3003
12 years ago
Yea, Bullwinkle's got it right. Assuming "unlimited budget" means having at least a black amex card and a law firm on retainer for tax matters and such, outside of rappers or former enron employees you don't hang around SCs too much. Sugar babes are aplenty and trophy girlfriends (and wives) are what it's about.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
I have seriously thought of going the 'trophy mistress' route; even discussed it seriously with my Toronto sweetie who has spent vacations with me in Hawaii the last two years. Sweetie is willing to give it a try (go figure, eh?).

But, the logistics of the whole deal mean that it isn't going to happen. My unhappy experiment with retirement guarantees that I will not be giving up work any time soon. My rural lifestyle is another deal breaker. Sweetie is resolutely urban and I have created my paradise at Rancho farmerart that I will never give up.

So, I will continue my ramblings in the underworld of escorts, massage parlours, and strip clubs. One thing that I have discovered in my time in this world is that the amount of cash spent does not necessarily equate with the quality of my experiences with the denizens of this underworld.

My first sexual encounter with my Toronto sweetie was my absolute most exciting ITC ever and the cost was just a normal amount for such services at that particular club ($300). As we spend more time together over the years and get to know each other the sex has remained spectacular for me. To her credit, sweetie is not upping the price of her services as she has come to realize that I have a few bucks. In fact, she now gets mad if I slip her an envelope of cash. She does like a shopping excursion with me and, funnily enough, I kind of enjoy a shopping trip with sweetie.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
If you truly had an unlimited budget you would have them come to you. I suspect Farmerart budgets his excursions to some extent. Making it Rain Like a Rap Star attracts ROB's. I think you are better off be fair without being cheap to attract a girl you want to have fun.
avatar for Otto22
12 years ago
Well Steve 3003, I have a black AMEX and lawyers for all my business transactions but I assure you I do not have an unlimited budget. Who really does? Even Mr. Obama is learning that there are limits.

I believe Twosheds is speaking rather metaphorically about his unlimited budget for SC activities. He has written about getting a $1,500 hj in Houston (well above market prices) as something he is willing to do if the girl is 10 and he is in the mood. I have never met such a girl and I probably never will be in that kind of mood.
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
Ive hit this hobby pretty hot and heavy. Spent thousands in a few months span. Im not hurting financially, but at my current pace I very well could. I am going to change tactics now, after reading this post and the post about money spent. Ive been getting over charged, which is ok. But I am going to try to downgrade my standards and my must speak english rule in order to get better prices. I know for a fact that in south florida I can get a non english speaking girl for everything I want at a very low price.
avatar for steve3003
12 years ago
@farmerart: You seem to have a good thing going with your Toronto sweetheart (sugar babe wanna be?). It's probably a good thing she doesn't like the rural lifestyle.

@Otto22: A $1,500 hj is indeed a tad overpriced. Then again am guilty of spending $2-3K in return for steamy petting and adoring eyes. Gullible fuckhead but still cheaper than drinking with them geishas in tokyo land.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
The premise of spending $1500 at a local club for a HJ or let alone sex is not really all that appealing when you realize for that much $ you can pay for a roundtrip flight to TJ, hotel for a couple days, and still have some left over to fuck a couple of girls.

Over the years I've gotten more and more concerned about value for my dollar, and spending a lot of time in places like TJ distorts that concept too. I still go to clubs in the US, but not as much as I used to and I don't spend nearly as much. It's just not as satisfying any more.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
The only way to have an unlimited budget is to have unlimited time for going to SC's and who has that, or would want to do that? Maybe Juice does, but frankly, there are other things in life I want to experience.

Now, when it comes to spending money in the club, I admit once in a while, I'll hit up the SC ATM, which is a bad idea, especially when I use my one gas card in addition to my regular ATM card, but even then, there's a limit.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
DandyDan makes an excellent point.

For me, time is much more precious than money - because of my age and because of what else is going on in my life. I do have unlimited cash for my SC hobby but I do not have unlimited time for the hobby.
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