
Miami meet up

OK fellow TUSCLers, the Miami meet is a week away.

Date: 4/20/13
Time: 5pm
Location: Tootsie's 150 NW 183rd Street

I had mentioned in the meeting topic how we would know each other. Well, one of our attendees, Papi_Chulo, has stepped up in a big way. He has a burn (throw away) cell that he will monitor starting at 5pm. If you are attending, PM either he or myself and we will provide the number. That way, on your arrival, you can be directed to our location. A major thanks to Papi!!!


  • chimark
    11 years ago
    I was planning on going as I need a lost weekend. However, I got the opportunity to go to Vegas on business and stayed on a few extra days for a lost weekend... budget blown... but I did score 3 OTC, big winnings on basketball... big losses on craps table and a number of dances at 4 clubs...

    Maybe next time, as I think Miami is one of the best strip club cities in the country...
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Perhaps another time.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Anyone else on board? Saturday is quickly approaching!
  • silkypants
    11 years ago
    Papi already reached out to me so I now have the secret number. A couple of links I found were:



    I will be in south Florida on Friday. If you have any suggestions on places that might interest us other than strip clubs let us know.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… If you have any suggestions on places that might interest us other than strip clubs let us know …”

  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    South Beach is a good place to hang out – have a drink – and see some eye candy.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    My favorite past time is finding someplace to go other than Miami.

  • sexualchoc
    11 years ago
    I wish I could be in Miami for this! I had a great time at Tootsie's a few months ago...I will give you guys a shout when I'm back in Florida and we'll meet up.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    I think I am fucked for this trip. We moved one rig on Sunday and will be spudding a new well today. A second rig is moving today with the aim of spudding that new well on Thursday. Those will be the last two wells drilled this season.

    All is not yet 100% lost. I am applying a full court press and some heavy handed blackmail to get my partner to come up here tomorrow (Wed) to keep an eagle eye on the intricacies of the next few days. I may even resort to bribery (my partner covets some of the rare Bordeaux in my wine cellar at Rancho farmerart).

    clubber, if I have to part with one of my bottles of Chateau Latour '45 to get this deal with my partner done, YOU will have to find me a FS dancer at Tootsies worth $15K!!!!!
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    DAMN, man, if you really wish to get here, you are the one from this group that I believe can make it happen no matter what. You will be the only easy one to spot (unless others I've already met show up) with oil dripping of of you! Sure do hope you can wheel and deal to make it!
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Tootsies Heads Up:
    This lengthy/long-winded post is meant as a heads up for those planning to attend the meet at Tootsies – anyone feel free to read it – but I tend to be long-winded.

    I rotate among a lot of different clubs in So. FL but make it to Tootsies every 2 or 3 months or so.

    Below are some peculiarities w.r.t. Tootsies that knowing them may make your visit more enjoyable:

    + For some reason, Tootsies is the kind of place where a lot of the girls will not approach you even if you are giving them the eye – don’t know exactly why – but I got my theories as to why this is but will not elaborate here for the sake of brevity

    + although they may not approach you even if you are giving them strong hints that you want them to approach you; they will almost always politely say yes if you ask them for a dance

    + not to say there are no dancers that don’t approach custies – just that too many of them don’t seem to do it as much as they should

    + daytime dancers seem to approach custies a bit more but even then there are quite a few that stand around by themselves or w/ each other – yet if you ask them for a dance – they almost always oblige w/ a smile

    + there are a lot of hot looking girls IMO especially on weekend nights – BUT – some of these girls try to get as much as po$$ible w/o giving out as much as possible – so *definitely* test drive the dancer b/f committing to VIP

    + many girls at Tootsies are *very* skilled, and extremely convincing, at promising you the moon and not delivering a pizza – this is especially true w/ a lot of the Cuban dancers *especially* the ones that have been in the country less than two years and speak little English – could go into the possible reasons why but will abstain for brevity

    + if one really want to be in the thick of it per se – i.e. make sure one gets noticed by the dancers – a good thing to do is hang out by the entrance of the LD room – there are high-top tables (w/o chairs) by the LD room entrance and that is where a lot of the dancers hang out – it is also a good way to check out the talent walking out of the LD room and catch them b/f they get away.
    [Note: there are 2 LD rooms – 1 daytime – 1 nighttime – the LD room I am referring to where the dancers hang out (day and night shift) is the LD room at the back of the main room which in unused during the day]

    + I am not into extras so I can’t comment much into this area – but it is fairly costly (not outrageous but not cheap) – and it is not as much of a sure thing as perhaps other clubs - I’ve heard my fair share of complaints about CR visits that were underwhelming – but I’ve also heard some good ones too

    Anyway – I think Tootsies is a very nice club – but just like the city of Miami, Tootsies has it “peculiarities” and been aware of them may help you make the most of your time there.

    Happy Clubbing!!!

  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I can't make it but I want you guys to be care full and glad that strippers have legs.

  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    But it's my birthday, and I was at yours!

  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Sorry Clubber - feliz cumpleaños.
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