
Comments by inno123 (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sex, money and 5-year sentences.
    Frankly I think that the country with the most enlightened and balanced policy is Canada. It is based on the principle that what two consenting adults agree to in private is their own darn business. However it is illegal to solicit sex in public and it is illegal to gain from the prostitution of others. So what is legal in Canada are independent escorts. There is a gray area with their drivers and booking agents, but as long as they are hired by the escort and paid by the escort irrespective of what goes on and what is paid in the room they are generally in the clear. What it means is that escorts who are abused or who see things like child prostitution or human trafficing can report it without fear. And they are undoubtedly the first to see it.
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    13 years ago
    Ever get a dance from a shot-girl or waitress?
    How would the shot-girl feel if the dancers started taking and filling drink orders (and taking her tips)? Now the shot-girl might be a better candidate for OTC after her shift because it is doubtfull that the club has a policy forbidding it like they might have with the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is there any mileage available in the other 48 states?
    I think we need to clarify some terms. Mileage means the degree of intimacy of the dance...within the expected parameters of the club. Extras is going above and beyond the normal expected parameters of the club. In other words getting sex at Adelitas is neither mileage nor extras because the place is a brothel. In a typica1 US club mileage would be measured by how much you can touch and how much she can touch and extras involve acts that the local law envorcement might regard as prostitution. So the number one and two items affecting both mileage and extras are the local laws and the local law enforcement's attitude about policing the activities inside of strip clubs. Club management simply reflects the outside pressures on them. So while for example all of California has the same laws in the City of Industry there are no homeowners complaining on how the clubs are bringing down their property values. So the police take the attitude that so long as the clubs are orderly and peacefull they would rather have things going on in there than have streetwalkers. And as another example in Canada independent escorts are legal but running a 'bawdy house' is definitly illegal so there is relatively little interest in getting sex inside of a club and thus different general expectations.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OTC Activities
    If I was in the mind to do OTC I would most likely use an escort service instead.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New strip club an unwelcome neighbor in northwest Houston
    Actually the situation in the COI is different. The city has only a few dozen residents total, most of which live in a far corner well away from any of the clubs. If you see homes anywhere near the COI Clubs they are NOT in the COI but La Puente, Hacienda Heights, Rowland Heights etc. Most of the current clubs are grandfathered from the old zoning ordinance, which is why the old HT is having trouble re-opening as SR/Pinks. The old permit had expired and the vacancy was long enough for the grandfathering to no longer apply. Currently the COI allows Adult Businesses in commercial zones (which the COI is almost entirely) provided that they are no closer than 200 feet from any residence or 500 feet from any church, school, child care center, park, or other adult business whether or not they are located in the COI. Unfortunately since the COI is such a long skinny thing not many locations with good access and visibility fit in the definition.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    another vegas club closes...
    Other clubs that might have disappeared without noticing: Larry's Villa, July 2010 Library, July 2010 Diamond Cabaret, November 2010 Can Can Room, December 2010 Babes, January 2011 Pussy Cat Lounge, March 2011 But judging from the reviews none would be missed at all.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    another vegas club closes...
    Hmmm. Discreet hadn't been reviewed since May, Bada Bing since September of Last Year. If a strip club falls in the desert and nobody hears it.....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Mileage in Alcohol vs. Non-Alcohol Clubs
    I would agree on your analysis. Liquor licenses are hard to get and easy to lose.
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    13 years ago
    New York City
    LA-LAX Club Recommendations
    In all honestly if you don't want to be disappointed with the dances you are going to need to make your drinking and your clubbing two separate activities. There isn't a decent-rated alcohol-serving club in the whole city. If alcohol is a must then try either Plan B in West LA or for a really funky unique burlesque vibe try Jumbo's Clown Room in North Hollywood. If you decide instead to split your clubbing and drinking then, if you have a car it is a no brainer: go to one the City of Industry Clubs: Synn, DV, and SR. If you don't have a car you best choice might be to take either the Fly-Away bus or the green/blue/red line combo to Union Station and then get a pickup from the DV Union Station location across the freeway.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Top 10 Pole Dance Fails?
    Note that every single one of those poles was an attempt to friction-fit a temporary one. In not a single one is there even a hint of drywall dust when the pole comes loose. Why on earth would any sane person think that a friction-fit pole could stand up to any force?
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    13 years ago
    New York
    8 things SC customers don't want to hear
    I don't mind being wanded, but the pat down by the bouncer is rude. On the other hand, why hasn't some club manager realized that he has a whole bunch of employees that his customers would'nt mind patting them down. Bouncer: "Before you go in Ginger here has to run her hands over you to be sure you aren't carrying anything, and she might have to touch close to your junk. You don't mind, do you?" (Ginger doesn't mind either as she uses the chance to line up a whole bunch of LDs)
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    13 years ago
    Friends with benefits?
    Oh, and next time have a raincoat for Jr. You have no idea who else she's had in there.
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    13 years ago
    Being ignored by the dancer I want to talk to because the dancer I don't want to dance with is acting like she has me taken.
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    13 years ago
    :"Let's talk later"
    Honestly "let's talk later' is also what I say when it is likely that I will say if I haven't seen enough of the dancers on shift and I believe that it is unlikely that I will want a lapper from her but you never know... So you know "let's talk later' may go both ways.
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    13 years ago
    I think I got my ATF in trouble, possibly fired
    If she got fired it was most likely for getting too drunk on the job and it was not likely to be the first offense.
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    13 years ago
    Espresso Stand Busted for Prostitution
    OK, but prostitution? My understanding is that requires a sex act. This seems more in the category of public indecency, but I guess that the prosecutor wants to go with a felony charge and then negotiate down. And the length of the investigation shows the 'thoroughness' of the police department in wanting to be sure that they had 'all the evidence they could want'.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ashton Kutcher Goes After Village Voice Advertisers in Fight Over Underage Prost
    If there is underage prostitution it generally isn't going to be found in on-the-radar places like the VV and their website backpage.com. That being said, people aren't built with an indicator like a butterball turkey that pops out when they are 'fully cooked'. Might the girl advertizing herself as 19 actually be younger? Certainly. Just like the girl advertizing herself as 24 might actually be in her late 30's. Id be willing to guess that there are likely a lot more of the latter.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    las vegas club update...
    Here's what I would have them do if I was in their shoes. The location is simply too far from the strip to be to compete as a high roller premium club in the current economy, so be a value club for the locals and those outsiders who know how to research a bargain. Offer five dollar cover all times, five dollar beers and well drinks, a basic sandwich menu at $5 (see a pattern?) Do not offer the taxi driver bribe but do offer a free shuttle van from anyplace in downtown or the strip for...$5. Then have ten dollar topless laps any time any day. Your enemy is an empty club, not customers with thin wallets.
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    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Am I the only one...
    Rubbers sounds kind of juvenile.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I am smart enough to realize that no matter how much she pretends to be into me that I am not her one exception to her no bareback rule. So I look at all the other guys in the club and say...how much do I trust ALL these other guys to be disease free?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Bare BJs support group
    Personally I prefer covered. The risk os the single act may be less than a single act of vaginal intercourse, but the big variable is that if she is doing me uncovered she is doing hundreds of other guys also uncovered. Therefore her willingness to do it uncovered is a red flag on the likelyhood that she is carrying something. So in reality it is the comparison between doing it covered with a woman relatively unlikely to be infected compared with doing it uncovered with a woman much more likely to be infected.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is there any point to getting 2 dancers at once for an LD?
    Last I checked I only had one lap.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Pimp using Denver's top strip clubs for prostitution ring
    Articles like this amaze me. First of all, what sort of hold does the pimp have over the girls? It is the club that is supplying the venue and security and job. It is not as though the girls are relying on the pimp for anything at all. Second, if the sex is going on ITC and not OTC I find it somewhat odd that the club would have no idea what was going on. I suspect that was a deal in exchange for cooperating in investigating the pimp.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Excercise your right to vote.
    Innocent until proven guilty is so inconvenient and time consuming, might as well get started on the punishment right away with some public humiliation. That's Joe's way!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would love to get your feedback on my new product - Liquid Lapdance
    Well, it would have to apply only to clubs where there is grinding contact but isn't any expectation of extras.