
Comments by inno123 (page 24)

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    13 years ago
    Indy Hopes To Curb Super Bowl Prostitution
    If you were really interested in stopping human trafficing you would decriminalize prostituion. Then there would be an avenue to meet demand that would not have to involve human trafficing and more effort could be put to the remaining cases that did involve human trafficing.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer Hygeine
    I agree that bad smells are most likely the number one cause of a one and done dance. Of course viruses don't smell but it is a start. I think that if a dancer is smart they are using sanitizer gel or wipes by the boatload and obviously not doing anything bareback. Since few clubs have paid sick days even ordinary stuff like colds and flu are lost income.
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    13 years ago
    I think a lot of customers go to clubs is to distract from their problems, and part of their problems is that they have nobody that will listen to their problems without a lot of criticism. When tehy find that coming to the club doesn't really cause them to escape their problems they address the problem the other way.
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    13 years ago
    What Makes a Good Stage Show?
    Well, what is your goal? It is to create a performance of aristic merit, to do something astounding that they will remember, or to make them horny as heck to want to take you to the private dances? As to the latter it is mostly a matter of making them feel like they are making you horny. In a general sense slow, gracefull and senual will work better than frantic, and moves that suggest sex. In other words instead of just swinging from the pole try also stroking and caressing it, or even pretending to lick it.
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    13 years ago
    Off Topic: The End of Internet Anonymity
    Google is essentially a private spy agency amassing a dossier on you that they can and do sell to whoever wants to buy it or whoever has a national security clearance. And a lot of 'privacy' proponents want to have you take all sorts of steps to remove cookies, history, temporary files, and whatever from your computer. The problem is that if you are accused of anything all that removal makes you look like you are tying to hide something. Their lack can look worse than the reality. Yes your computer can be your accuser but it can also be your alibi. So unless you are doing something defintily illegal then I usually recommend that people not behave like they are by feeling that they have to do all sort of cleaning.
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    13 years ago
    Camera's in clubs
    I would suspect that all clubs have cameras, and it is possible to have them hidden. For example pretty much any mirror could have a camera behind it. It just isn't possible to have enough eyes in enough places and it never hurts to have something if you get sued or accused of illegal activity. The standard setting on standalone security systems is to have them record all the time at full frame rate and resolution, but most only have enough disk space to hold about a week before overwriting. In general they have settings to only record during certain hours, or when motion is detected, or when an alarm is triggered. There is most likely more risk of the sex tape that you made with your girlfriend becoming public than the security camera at the sex club. They know that discretion is part of their business.
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    13 years ago
    Camera's in clubs
    I would suspect that all clubs have cameras, and it is possible to have them hidden. For example pretty much any mirror could have a camera behind it. It just isn't possible to have enough eyes in enough places and it never hurts to have something if you get sued or accused of illegal activity. The standard setting on standalone security systems is to have them record all the time at full frame rate and resolution, but most only have enough disk space to hold about a week before overwriting. In general they have settings to only record during certain hours, or when motion is detected, or when an alarm is triggered. There is most likely more risk of the sex tape that you made with your girlfriend becoming public than the security camera at the sex club. They know that discretion is part of their business.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers choice -Reverse cow girl
    On the reverse CG I think it is a matter of both making it easier to imagine that you are somebody else and being able to keep a lookout. Also with a well placed hand ig ig possible to hide what is really happening.
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    13 years ago
    The Line-Up
    First of all the notion of a 'shift' at a strip club is bad management. First of all it makes for an interruption in supply. Once I came into the DV COI and there were tons of girls but nobody offering any dances. They were all just waiting for the 'shift change' so they could all make the required appearance on stage. Then things returned to normal. Second, the club's need for dancers is kind of a bell curve. So open with just three or four dancers, then an hour later add a couple more and an hour later a couple more and so forth. This makes the dressing room less packed and there is regularly 'somebody new' So instead of a start of the shift lineup you fairly regularly, possiblly top and bottom of the hour, have a song that is a slow parade around the whole club, often with the announcement of a special. But only those dancers that are not already in a private dance are expected to participate.
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    13 years ago
    coverd bj vs handjob in the club
    HJs get short shrift because it is usually the first sex act we do when young and then move on and as a result a lot of people never learn how to do one well. A skilled handjob with plenty of lube can be pretty fantastic because there are some very creative things that can be done with the fingers that are physically impossible to do with a mouth or even a vagina! The two biggest mistake people make with hand jobs is not using enough lube and just pumping the shaft
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    13 years ago
    Do you spend more if the individual dances cost less?
    I go into a club with a fixed budget already decided on and the cash already in my wallet. I never use the ATM in the club. So they are only going to get X dollars out of me, whether it is in drinks, dances, tips, or extras. So the best dollars per minute strategy with a cusomer like me is to charge little for the dances, get more from me for the extras, and then move on to the next customer with my wallet empty and yours full.
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    13 years ago
    The Flip Side 2nd try
    It's just not an environment that engenderes trust at all, everybody is trying to get something out of everybody else. Its just starting out two steps behind and on the wrong foot. Even if a certain degree of trust eventually develops they will always be the person you met at a strip club.
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    13 years ago
    Wow, Portland, OR: SC Mecca
    So what factors might affect the number of strip clubs? Size of the city of course, and whether the laws are permissive. But also just as much whether the market expects clubs to be big establishments or small ones. Some cities will only approve licenses for clubs of limited square footage, presuming that keeps down trouble if a club starts attracting a bad element. Other cities give out fewer permits but for larger square footage in the theory that they can keep an eye on a smaller number of clubs easier. Another factor is what forms of adult entertainment the city has decided to tolerate. So for example some cities decide to be lenient on massage parlors, others lenient on strip clubs, still others lenient on incall escorts. It is both a matter of allocating law enforcement and a little bit of creating something less visible than streetwalkers. Whatever the city decides to be less focused on stopping will become the dominant form of adult entertainment.
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    13 years ago
    Making it rain
    I have never seen it in a club. The patrons know tht for the same money they can get moch more intimate view in the back, so it is only a matter of showing off for the other patrons and in most of the places I have been to nobody cares a crap about what the other patrons think of them...and if anything would rather stay unnoticed. On the other hand it is a frequent feature in hip-hop videos and such so the argument that it may be more common in black clubs may be true.
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    13 years ago
    The Bad Bush
    I will say this though, the only thing less sexy than hair is scratchy stubble. So, if you can't keep up with the nearly daily maintenance then just keep it trimmed close rather than shaved.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    The 'Fair Tax' has to be one of the great marketing misnomers in history. First of all it will not be simple. Once a tax hits double digits significant efforts will be put into techniques to avoid it, which results in equally complex regulations to avoid those gimmicks. You will get barter and black market sellers on the low end and complex foreign leaseback/service agreements on the high end. Then there is the fact that it is a massive shift to the lower middle and middle class of the tax burden. The rich currently pay about 25 percent of their income in taxes, but the very rich do not spend anywhere near 25 percent of their income on tangible goods so even if the tax was 100 percent they would be way better off. The rich tend to use much of their income to accumulate wealth rather than buy things. So it doesn't get taxed and even if it did the rich are in the best position to structure their big purchases to avoid taxes, like buying their private jets overseas. Yeah, that will help the economy, encouraging rich people to buy everything in some other country!
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Get your priorities straight.
    Trying to de-hijack the thread...In California nude has to be no-alcohol so the idea of going to a club for the drinks is as strange as going to a bar for the nudity. As for vegas, it is so commonplace to be coming home and saying that they lost X Dollars at the tables, so there is a built in excuse as to where the money went. I bet a great deal of the money 'lost at the tables' was actually spent on sexual recreation of one form or another.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Get your priorities straight.
    Trying to de-hijack the thread...In California nude has to be no-alcohol so the idea of going to a club for the drinks is as strange as going to a bar for the nudity. As for vegas, it is so commonplace to be coming home and saying that they lost X Dollars at the tables, so there is a built in excuse as to where the money went. I bet a great deal of the money 'lost at the tables' was actually spent on sexual recreation of one form or another.
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    13 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Found a wad......
    I would discretly ask the dancer if she had dropped anything. If she said she lost a wad of 20's I would give it back for the sake of the karma and because she would likely figure it was me and I would be a pariah from then on in the club. If she says she didn't then it would be likely that the money had been there for longer and it would likely be anybody's. I would go to the ATM to give my sudden wealth some plausibility, and then have a great time.
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    13 years ago
    Stop with the "f***ing" reviews!!!
    There is a tough line between giving the information people are looking for and causing trouble for the club. If for no other reason I avoid giving too much information since it could result in their wanting to track me down and question ME! (and yes, they can track you down if they really want)
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    R.O.B. ???
    you're tying up the girl for 2-4 hours for $50-100 and you are worried if she is the rip off? Hey, the girl has to make tip-out and pay her bills you know.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    ATF, is sex mandatory?
    IMO, ATF stands for all time favortie. Sex is not mandatory, but if you are having sex with other strippers and not your ATF then something is strange. If you are paying money for sex that they would not be doing were it not for the money then yes they are a whore and you are a john. Live with it. Sure you can be friends. Is there something that says you have to be enemies? Just because you do have essentially a business relationship doesn't mean you can't be friends.
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    13 years ago
    Industrial Strip is no longer open for days starting next week
    I always thought that anybody could make a club run profitably on Friday night. The real trick was how to do it on Wednesday afternoon. You can't skimp on security, but what else could you do without? Could you have the dancers double as the waitresses? Skip mixed drinks and not have a day shift bartender. Could you put the sound and light system on an auto playlist and skip the daytime DJ? Could you have the day manager double on security? It seems as though you could get the overhead down quite a bit without sacrificing the things that they come for the most.
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    13 years ago
    Obligation to get LD?
    Obligation? No. But if you aren't buying dances and you aren't tipping then you are being rude. It is not as though the girls are getting any money from the drinks or cover charge, and depending on the local laws they aren't even getting minimum wage and have to pay a stage fee.