
Comments by inno123 (page 26)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Did you ever want to ask a hot girl you saw, "Are you a stripper?"
    I strongly believe that at the end of the shift the dancers want nothing more that to get OUT of their stripper shoes and into something more comfortable.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Who here goes for dances vs. for 'extras' or to attain OTC
    For me an OTC would be complicated. Since I couldn't bring her to my home I would have to arrange a motel, etc. and that would be more activity to cover up. If that was what I was looking for it would be simpler and easier to just go to backpage.com for an incall.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    When and Where Did Lap Dancing Begin?
    Most people credeit the invention of Lap Dances in clubs to Mitchell Brothers O'Farrel Theatre. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bed_dancing
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers sue for minimum wage??
    The issue is only partly about minimum wage. If the dancers are due minimum wage then they deserve minimum wage for all the time that they have worked there. In other words they may be entitled to YEARS of back pay at minimum wage plus overtime. Even more so, if they are employees then they are governed by labor laws, which prohibit a whole range of things. In particular it is likely that their labor laws prevent any sort of an up front fee just to be able to work that day. In other words no stage fees. Their lawyers might be arguing that the dancers are entitled to a full refund of all stage fees for as long as they have been working...and all this for former employees too!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    "He's Old Enough to be my Grandpa"
    I would have said back to them "And if you're lucky you'll still have it by my age too".
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    do i have a chance? / any ideas?
    Tell her of your thoughts and how much of a tip is in it for her. But don't expect an answer that night. Because if she did it spur of the moment the other dancers will be resentfull of her elbowing in on their turf. That could lead to some retaliation that would definitly not be worth the money you paid. Some clubs have 'new dancer nights' or whatever. That would be a good choice, but given the local laws they may not.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "too many dancers"
    Absolutely you can have too many dancers. When you have a bunch of dancers sitting around with no chance of making any money trouble is certain to follow, often in the form of doing things that will cost you business in the long run.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    (Off Topic) Need Help
    The only way you were recieving that many updates would be if your computer was way behind the times. There are some Rogue AV infections that pretend to be legitimitate programs. Maybe you have a rogue immitator of Windows Update.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Woman Arrested After Couple Caught Having Sex In Closed Strip Club
    A man and a woman can't have consensual sex inside of a closed strip club? How do they know that money was paid?
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the grass greener?
    Honestly maybe you should think about doing some real traveling. For example it looks like you have pretty much worked over Georgia and South Carolina but have never gone to Florida. There's supposed to be some fine places in Florida.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Hawaii Theater re-opening as a Rhino?
    I think that it is interesting that it will be the FIRST Pink's, so in some way they are thinking of the new club as being somehow different than their other alternative brands like Blue Zebra or Rogue, none of which are nearby. I don't think it will be food since it really isn't much of an entertainment district. I also am not thinking about an ethnic club because the local area is both hispanic and asian and Bliss, Paradise, and Synn are more central to the Hispanic areas and the asian crowd is more likely to go for Karaoke joints and massage parlors. So I am thinking about maybe a more edgier feel. More tekno and less hip hop music, more polished stainless and less brass. Less red velvet and yellow and more black, blue, and yes, pink. Dump the elevated island stage in favor of something smaller and lower but with a tip rail
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Can a guy cum from a lap dance?
    I think that the biggest factor is whether the dancer wants that to happen. Most don't so when the guy is getting close they will shift or back off a little. After all once the guy climaxes he isn't going to buy another dance.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Two story clubs
    The problem isn't that a HEPA filter won't eliminate smoke. It can. The problem is that by the time the air flows around the room and gets to the return grille it has had plenty of chances to be breathed by others and get into fabrics, hair, etc. In LA there is a smoking ban in all clubs and nobody really seems to mind any more. It certainly has not harmed business. Most clubs here are single story, but a few have a mezzanine over part of the room, frequently above the bar.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    @mmdv...absolutely you could catch Gonnorrhea under those circumstances. As to the percentage chances there have been no studies but as to vaginal sex it is believed that a single act has a 60-80 percent transmission rate Male-Female and a 20 percent transmission rate Female-Male.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Online Adult Classifieds BootyTag.com Hits the 100K Post Mark
    If that site, thin as it is, has hit 100k postings I wonder where Cityvibe and Backpage are at by now.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Staring at self in mirror during dance girls
    I too thought about the looking out for bouncers angle, but if you are certain that it is not then I am guessing narcissism. Most dancers are pretty screwed up in the head one way or another.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    Sure you can buy pre-lubed condoms, but part of this dancers's trick was that by using plain condoms and unscented lube just on the inside then her hands stayed cleaner and less smelly. Most of the pre-lubed condoms out there use a spermicidal lubricant that has a harsh chemical smell (and an even worse taste).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What's her problem? Share your similar stories ( About prude dancers! )
    As best I can tell I think the DV chail starts out all their girls as waitresses and then allows them to participate during an 'amateur night' to two before becoming regular performers. If by then they haven't understood what is going on in the LD and VIP areas they never will.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    I guess one thing I would add is that guys come into a club with a budget. It is perfectly OK to try to get a guy to spend his entire budget on you, but don't get pushy that he spend more than that. Even if you succeed he will resent it afterward. Most guys have already gone to an ATM before coming to the club. Two large withdrawls within an hour or so is going to look suspicious to anybody looking at a bank statement.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    There is in fact zero chance of catching a STD from a hand job because any infection you caught from a hand job could have been caught some other way and would not be regarded as a sexually transmitted disease. But that is different than saying that the chance of getting an infection from a HJ is zero. Besides the point of the lube-in-the-condom technique isn't infection avoidance. The point is that done well it feels great and avoids stains. A BBBJ on the other hand is a different story entirely. You are just fooling yourself if you think it is a low-risk activity with somebody in contact with as many people as a stripper. Acceptable risk? Your call. Low risk? No.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    Well, Swaggeriffic, this wasn't the direction I was expecting the conversation to go, but why would I pay for a HJ? 1. Cheaper 2. In clubs with a fairly private LD area you might not have to spring for the VIP to get one. 3. I can enjoy rubbing her tits, ass, kitty. and kissing her tits. while she is doing it. 4. In large part because of #3 I find it more enjoyable. But that's just me. But the real topic was supposed to be what do you wish more strippers knew?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things you wish more strippers knew.
    Well to each their own gatorfan. I know that the disease risk from a HJ is minimal, but to reduce even that, plus stain avoidance, plus the fact that the lube-on-the-inside technique realy does feel great you might want to re-think it.
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    13 years ago
    Geez, folks, it's only entertainment.
    It must be hard to find a place in South Dakota to put a bar that is a quarter mile away from anything at all.
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    13 years ago
    Rick's to Seek Buyer for Las Vegas Club
    Nah, their problem is that they are a very large facility (high cost) not located in a really prime close to the strip location so they don't get the attention of the other clubs. It is going to be REAL hard to find a buyer, particularly if I understand right they don't own the land underneath the club. If you could get the place for a song(which may be a possibility) one route to take would be to turn it into an ultra-high value club for locals and in-the-know visitors: $10 laps, $100 30 min. VIP, $4 beer and $6 well drinks only, a basic food menu of sandwiches and burgers, $5 anytime entrance. Rick's would never cheapen their brand that way, but an independent or a stealth independent would not have to worry about that. Every club in Vegas is trying to do the same thing: offering big buck indulgence to the big spender. So they are all going after the same client segment plus the casinos are too!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rick's to Seek Buyer for Las Vegas Club
    Can't make money running a strip club in Vegas? Rick's is reported to have spent 16 million in cash plus 5 million in convertible bonds to buy the former Scores. It would be one thing if they weren't being able to keep up with the payments on the loans, but that money is a sunk cost. If they are finding that they need to severely curtail operations it means that they aren't out of the red on daily operations!