avatar for Leonard313


joined Nov 2010last seen Dec 2022
Paying no more than $25 for HJs because I can do that myself.

Discussions started by Leonard313

Comments made by Leonard313

2 years ago
See, this is the problem with discussions and forums. I could read the title and tell you how this discussion would go.

Stripper: Men that go to strip clubs are gross and do gross things.

Men: Yeah, but most strippers are drug addicts and are too mentally scarred to care...so isn't this the pot calling the kettle black?

Other Men: No! Strippers are generally awesome and so are SOME men (i.e. Me)...it's the REST of the men that are gross.

Stripper: No! I agree with "Other Men"...some guys are good customers who come in, give me $10,000 for nothing but civil conversation and a smile and are perfect gentlemen. And only a few dancers I know are drug addicted psycho skanks...most are well adjusted gals going to med school to be brain surgeons and rocket scientists!

Listen...you work in a place where your job is to get naked so lonely men will throw money at you like throwing food at an animal at a petting zoo. Then, you take them to a booth in a dingy basement...god only knows what that place looks like if you shine a black light anywhere within 200 feet of it...and you make up your name, stories about your life, you rub your naked body on them, and let them grab your intimate areas. You then prostitute yourself. When the guy crosses some random, gray, dotted, marginal, moving, floating, bipolar line...that you conveniently apply to some men (the unattractive ones)...you mock them as losers, scumbags, gross, weirdos, etc.. And yes, in this society of groupthink and bullying, you're sure to find at least 40% of any forum that will join in to attack.

But is the dancer a victim? Is the customer "gross" for even being at the club? If not, when does he cross that line?

- Is it "sad" to sit too close to the stage? Should he pretend he doesn't like naked women and go sit at the bar?
- Is he "desperate" if he shows interest? Should he instead treat strippers like garbage...use reverse psychology?
- Should he get lap dances? Or is that gross? I mean...God knows how many men have touched her and where her hands have been.
- Is it less weird, or more, if he demands that she use hand sanitizer on her entire body prior to any lap dances?
- Should men refuse contact? Air dances only? I mean, can't you appreciate women from a distance?
- If the man does touch...are there creepy places to touch and non-creepy places to touch?
- Is he only "gross" if he has sex with the stripper? Or only if it's bareback? Or only if it's vaginal bareback? Or only if he eats her out? Or if he tries to kiss her?
- Or is all that sexual stuff fine and it only ever crosses the line if it gets into GFE territory and he starts wanting to know her real name and wanting a real relationship?

See...there's all kinds of lines. And each dancer is going to have certain lines for certain customers. I've been with young dancers at a club in a college town where you had to sit on your hands and they danced in bikinis 4 feet away from you...no touching ever. And, I've been at a club where, when it came time for "the deed" she slipped it in with no condom and that was that. And yes, I have ate out 2-3 strippers. Were any of those decisions, "good decisions"? No. Not at all. Undisputeably bad decisions. But, thats how almost every night ends for almost every guy as he leaves a strip club. He walks out with far less money than he had when he walked in...and he has made a series of bad decisions that night. Some, worse than others.

Strip clubs are even worse than casinos. At least at a casino you come home with MORE money once in awhile. At a strip club, it's always less money and you always more lonely than you did when you arrived.
2 years ago
I had gotten laid at a strip club in the local area...which I had naively thought never occurred up until then.

So, when I went out to California for an interview, I was trying to find strip clubs near my interview/hotel and stumbled across the site.
2 years ago
I got turned away because I was wearing track pants. Or, as he called them, "athletic pants".

I mean, they were dark black and cost more than a pair of jeans...but I guess they want to put in a rule to keep people from wearing "sweatpants" and not have to differentiate between one and the other. I get it. But really? Your parking lot is empty and most of the time it's so dark in the strip clubs nobody can tell if I'm wearing slacks to "athletic pants". But...it's their house, it's their rules. I can spend my money somewhere else. I've heard Landing Strip has the same rules.
2 years ago
The interesting thing was...to elaborate a little more:

I wasn't planning on going there. I went to a nearby club, but that club only had one dancer working and it was a joke. So, I just thought I'd give this other place a try. I hadn't really read up on it or anything. It looked nice from the street, but thats hit or miss on what that means. They had mandatory valet...which is annoying, but they're not the only club that does that. I was just honestly hoping I wasn't going through all this nonsense only to find out there was only one chick dancing.

So, when I got to the door and the security guard said I couldn't come in because I didn't have the proper pants on...I just didn't really care. Like I said, I kinda wanted to see what the place looked like and see how it comped to LS...but it was a holiday and probably not a fair night for a comparison anyways...so, oh well. It's really their loss. The parking lot was kinda empty for 9:00PM and I had $800 to burn.

But, the interesting part is...when I was at the previous establishment...two guys came in dressed head to toe in NFL team apparel. They weren't players...just fans from out of town. This was Thanksgiving day and they guys were in town for the game. And, as I was driving away from FC, I thought, "I wonder if those guys tried to get into FC and got denied because of their fandom outfits that included "Zumba" weight-lifting style pants (like MC Hammer pants) in their NFL team colors?" I mean, they likely would have hit FC first since it's much easier to see from the street...so I'm betting the dress code cost FC quite a bit that night.
2 years ago
@twentyfive...thank you for snarky comment.

Need at least one of those or the site just wouldn't be the site. "No", I don't know what "business attire" means because I didn't get in to see...nor did they elaborate in any way...nor is the term "business attire" very specific. I'm "assuming" it means "dress pants" (i.e. khaki's, slacks, suit pants, etc...) and then a non-athletic top...which could be anything...I'm assuming they'll allow t-shirts...but no tank tops. But, maybe not. Can you wear jeans? I don't know. The point is, you don't really know. Terms like "business attire" are often whatever the club feels like that means and they "reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone" so it doesn't really matter.

My comment about "Brooks Brothers/black tie" was somewhat in jest.

@shadowcat...thankful for being helpful.

@Electroman...yes, it was Flight Club.
I had never been there. I think when I went to Landing Strip they wouldn't let me where a hat. I assumed it was a "gang thing"...I mean I've seen that in a couple other clubs. It's actually a good policy because stripper love to take your hat and screw around with it and sometimes you don't get it back...so I don't have a problem with no hat policies.

But other dress codes? I just have never really seen it. I "usually" wore certain pants when I went clubbing. They were a linen beach pant that seemed kinda casual/athletic but also a little dressy. Recently I started wearing track pants because they are black, you can wear a dress shirt and in a dark club they almost look like a pair of slacks. And these pants are softer material...not as rough if the ladies are grinding or what not. In California, some clubs I wore shorts. My buddy and I used to club in Ontario (Canada) and he wore basketball jerseys (essentially a tank top) and sweat pants. And no, THAT was not a good look. We needed a dress code for him.

But now I'm nervous. I haven't been clubbing much lately. But is Landing Strip "business attire"? I've been there, but I don't recall what I wore. What about some of the other clubs I was going to try in the area that I haven't sampled yet (I think there might be a few left)? A lot of these sites don't have websites and the ones that do...don't list their dress code. Flight Club is the only one that mentions it (I looked when I got back) and it just says, "business attire".
