
Sex, money and 5-year sentences.

Avatar for shadowcat
shadowcatAtlanta suburb

By Rick Holmes/Opinion editor

The MetroWest Daily News[MA]

Posted Aug 14, 2011 @ 12:24 AM

Like so many other industries, what is euphemistically called the world's oldest profession has been profoundly changed by the Internet. Streetwalkers no longer walk the streets advertising their wares. They set their appointments with cell phones and emails. They meet their customers out of sight in motel rooms and private homes.

That's good if you're worried about property values in certain neighborhoods. But it can make it harder for police to find the minors who are real victims of the skin trade.

There are still neighborhoods where sex is for sale, in all flavors, shapes and sizes, and they are as handy as the closest computer. These online neighborhoods aren't everyone's cup of tea. I go there with purely journalistic intentions, so you readers don't have to.

They seem to be popular places. Google "escorts Boston" and you get more than 10 million hits. There are agencies, with names like "Boston Bad Girls" and "I'm Temporarily Yours" and "Orient Delight," with galleries that make clear they are offering to escort you to the opera. Other sites offer strippers to liven up bachelor - or bachelorette - parties.

There are escort listings where sex workers can purchase ads. One online guide lists 162 female escorts in Boston; another lists 77 men. Then there are the free ads. CraigsList has been pressured into dropping its "adult services" ads, but there are plenty of other sites, like backpage.com, where there are hundreds of ads.

That's where Melissa Proal posted her ad, promising "Sexy blond waiting for the call." Last month, the call came from a john who wanted to set up a midnight rendezvous at a Framingham motel. Proal, 22, drove there with her husband and alleged partner in crime, Andrew Morris, 24. He stayed in the car while she went up to the room, where she had a brief business discussion with the customer, who turned out to be a Framingham cop. He proceeded to arrest Melissa and her husband, charging them with prostitution.

I won't try to paint Melissa as a happy hooker - she sure doesn't look happy in her police mugshot. Nor does her husband sound admirable - she had a restraining order out on him, but she also posted his bail. Theirs are among the faces of prostitution, and they aren't pretty.

Prostitution has other, prettier faces as well, like the high-priced escorts ex-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer patronized. Maggie McNeill, a retired call girl turned blogger ("The Honest Courtesan") contends that "there are plenty of intelligent, competent and even educated women who choose sex work for its many advantages over other forms of employment."

My question here isn't whether a particular adult prostitute is a sketchy loser or a clear-sighted entrepreneur. It's this: Should the taxpayers of Massachusetts pay upwards of $250,000 to lock up anyone who facilitates sex between adults for a fee?

Under a new bill on the verge of becoming Massachusetts law, that's a distinct possibility. The bill broadens the definition of pimp to include anyone who aids, abets or profits from "commercial sexual activity" and - in the Senate version at least - sets a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison for the first offense.

Now, there are far sketchier people working the online red-light districts than the couple busted in Framingham, who are now awaiting trial. There are people who lure runaway teens into the sex trade and keep them working in virtual slavery through drug addiction and physical intimidation. There are those who illegally bring immigrants here on false promises and use threats of deportation to force them into prostitution.

Prosecutors and cops say there's an epidemic of sex trafficking in underage girls, though reliable data is hard to come by. It's even hard to get supporters of this bill to say what percentage of prostitutes are underage and what percentage are adults.

When pressed, supporters of anti-trafficking legislation say even adult prostitutes probably started when they were minors, and the scars they carry mean they are forever victims, and their agents, managers or spouses are traffickers just as surely as the scum who pick up runaways and turn them into hookers.

Let me be clear: There are nasty people in the neighborhood who abuse and exploit children, and if we need a better law in order to catch and punish them, I'm all for it. There is much in the proposed new law that is worthy, especially provisions for connecting young victims of the traffickers the services they need to rebuild their lives. Much of the bill is devoted to cracking down on "forced labor," which is an entirely different discussion.

But the proposed law goes beyond ridding the neighborhood of the exploiters of children. It seems to give law enforcement the authority to burn down the neighborhood altogether.

The bill stiffens penalties not just for prostitution involving minors, but for adult prostitution as well. Its provision criminalizing "sexually-explicit performances" wouldn't shut down legally-permitted strip clubs, which are protected by federal law, but the stripper hired for the bachelorette party would be risking hard time in the slammer.

The bill calls for fines of up to $1 million for business entities that participate in or profit from "sexual servitude." Would that shut down the agencies that send strippers to the bachelorette parties? What about the websites and newspapers where escorts advertise?

Supporters of the legislation I've talked to deny this is a stealth attack on consensual transactional sex between adults. Police and prosecutors use their discretion all the time to go after worst of the offenders. They wouldn't waste resources pursuing a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for the guy who accompanied the "sexy blond" to the Framingham hotel.

Maybe, but police stings like the one in Framingham don't seem to be aimed at prostitution kingpins. If a prosecutor wanted to go after everyone posting a sexy ad on the Internet, this law gives him a powerful weapon.

What I'd like to know is what will this cost? How many traffickers do they expect to arrest? What will it cost to prosecute them? It costs $45,000 a year to house a man in the state prison system, $60,000 to house a woman. It costs more to prosecute someone facing a mandatory minimum sentence, especially in a case, as in this law, where suspended sentences, probation, parole and work release are explicitly forbidden.

Massachusetts prisons are among the nation's 10 most overcrowded. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the state prison system, designed to hold 8,000 inmates, now holds 11,300.

Politics feeds prison overcrowding, and prison costs. After a paroled criminal killed a police officer last fall, Gov. Deval Patrick shook up the parole board. As could have been predicted, parole rates have dropped since then, from 58 percent of eligible inmates to 35 percent.

As in many states, mandatory minimum sentences, mostly for drug offenses, are the biggest contributor to prison overcrowding. Such sentences are politically popular, but not particularly effective at reducing crime. Some criminologists argue that research shows that tougher sentences aren't nearly as effective at deterring crime as the swiftness and certainty of punishment.

"Right now we're imprisoning a lot of people we're mad at," criminologist Mark Kleiman told Reason Magazine. "We only ought to imprison people we're afraid of."

What would the proposed new state human trafficking law cost in terms of prosecution and corrections? You'd think that's exactly why such bills go to the Ways & Means Committee for approval. But a Senate source told me Ways & Means made no effort to estimate the number of prosecutions and the impact on prisons.

There are differences between the House and Senate versions of the trafficking bill, including provisions for mandatory minimums, which would only apply to repeat offenders in the House version. These are to be reconciled by a conference committee, which has yet to hold its first meeting.

Some of the state's political leaders, including Gov. Deval Patrick and Attorney General Martha Coakley, have been critical of mandatory minimum sentences now in place. But they've been silent about the ones in the trafficking bill.

It's hard to blame them. No one wants to be seen standing up for sleazy pimps. Politicians don't like to criticize popular legislation, even if all they are doing is pointing out the danger of unintended consequences.

And this is a popular bill. It passed unanimously in the House and unanimously in the Senate. Sometimes unanimity is a sign that a bill has been meticulously crafted and all the questions answered. Sometimes it means that, because no one has asked the tough questions, it hasn't been thought through.

Which is it this time?


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Avatar for shadowcat

My favorie quote from this article is:

"Right now we're imprisoning a lot of people we're mad at," criminologist Mark Kleiman told Reason Magazine. "We only ought to imprison people we're afraid of."

Avatar for jackslash

Long prison sentences for everyone was the way that we were supposed to win the war on drugs. How's that working out for us?

Avatar for rh48hr

That was the statement which spoke volumes to me as well SC. There is no doubt that there are lowlifes who take advantage of women, especially underage women and should be put away.

I don't want to go on a rant but politicians have to look good and look as though they are doing things to protect people. The way this legislation is written, it looks as though it will affect more than just the lowlifes. It should not have any affect on two consenting adults. This profession has been here since the dawn of time and will be here long after we don't take sustenance through a hole in our heads anymore. Legalize it, tax it and monitor it. It would employ more people in a downtrodden economy, create revenues and stop wasting taxpayer money putting away "people we're mad at."

Avatar for Leonard313

A popular movement in Europe is to decriminilize prostitution but heavily criminalize "Johns". So it's not against the law to be a hooker, but it's against the law to purchase her services. The effort has lowered john activity in those countries, but there unforeseen dangers with such legislation.

  1. Supply and demand. As demand goes down, prices go down. Hookers are no longer able to make as good of a living.

  2. Because being a hooker is no crime, but being her client is, she can extort money from her john or even threaten to report someone as a john when in fact they are not.

Avatar for deogol

Just one more log on the smoldering fire.

Avatar for Dudester

Why is it that countries that put restrictions on sex are caucasian countries, but countries where pretty much anything goes are dominated by people with brown or black skin ?

Like rh48hr said, license, regulate, and tax it. That puts people to work, improves the economy, and lets the Popo concentrate on what's important.

Avatar for GSWx4

“Why is it that countries that put restrictions on sex are caucasian countries, but countries where pretty much anything goes are dominated by people with brown or black skin ?”

Dudster, where in the hell did that come from? The Nordic/Scandinavian/Franco counties of Europe, Australia and Canada are still predominantly Caucasian, no? And don’t get caught as a hooker/John in Malaysia or other Islamic country and I hope if you’re homosexual you stay away from Kenya/Zimbabwe and most of the rest of Africa and the Islamic world.

Avatar for sharkhunter

This is an example of an ever growing government intrusion into people's lives and wasteful taxpayer spending by government. Government needs to get out of the lives of what goes on between consenting adults. Taxpayers don't need their money wasted on such expenses or paying police to enforce it, judges to decide on cases, and the entire process which wastes so much money. Is it really that bad if a few people have sex? Is it worth thousands of dollars or millions of dollars if the scale goes up to enforce and jail people for such things?

I'd rather pay lower taxes and not worry about our government defaulting rather than pass a bunch of laws that will require a lot of extra taxpayer funds. Stupid public doesn't seem to care about our government passing more laws that will take more money away from them for something that will not make them any safer.

Avatar for deogol

Tax payer funds is what it is all about. I believe that there is, like a military industrial complex, a police industrial complex. I don't know if I believe to the point of the Alex Jones' of the world, but there definitely is something going on.

It has come to the point where one can easily read from "trusted" sources government workers have more money, more benefits, and more safety than the average worker. (And that ain't enough for them.)

Every year they come up with new ways to make a criminal out of you for shit that was just fine 200 years before.

They try to automate fining you - red light cameras - a machine demanding money! Are people really that sheep like? It has been proven over and over they cause more crashes and are usually controlled by private enterprises that share with the government. (Industrial complex.)

Take for example CA, where they might give you say, a $50 ticket for "running a stop sign" (aka no stop for turning right). Then, they throw those "industrial" based fines on your ass to pay off all the people depending on you for their checks - and all of a sudden it is $500. And they wonder why people are moving the fuck out of there.

They are fucking shutting down kids lemonade stands - people might shake their heads and tsk, and then they wonder why there are no fucking jobs around. Well duh - THEY ARE SHUTTING DOWN LEMONADE STANDS much less real jobs.

Some chick and her kid save a woodpecker that turns out to be endangered. For these efforts they are charged $300 in fines. Fucking bureaucrats looking for money because, lets face it, the economy just ain't got it anymore. So they make you a criminal. Unlike being a tax payer saying "Well, I guess I won't fly anymore," if you don't pay it - the stakes get higher. A fucking criminal for saving a bird?

This is fucking USSR shit! WTF?

Oh internet gambling is god awful! Until governments don't have money. I just read on drudgereport.com they are considering making it more legal. Just like the Lotto and Keno and what ever fucking "tax on the stupid" they can come up with. When there is no money, then all of a sudden these things become "OK - because ya know, they help the chitlins with school!" Fuck if they do!

There is a government class now. It is HUGE! There is shit going on that in the 60's people would have said "Thats fucking soviet shit!"

The country is fucking out of control man.

Rant over.

Avatar for inno123

Frankly I think that the country with the most enlightened and balanced policy is Canada. It is based on the principle that what two consenting adults agree to in private is their own darn business. However it is illegal to solicit sex in public and it is illegal to gain from the prostitution of others. So what is legal in Canada are independent escorts. There is a gray area with their drivers and booking agents, but as long as they are hired by the escort and paid by the escort irrespective of what goes on and what is paid in the room they are generally in the clear.

What it means is that escorts who are abused or who see things like child prostitution or human trafficing can report it without fear. And they are undoubtedly the first to see it.

Avatar for buzzer68

inno123: Nail on the head!!! Even christian religious groups (a few, anyway) are coming around to the idea. Decriminalizing the act of two consenting adults (i.e. no real 'victim' unless there is coersion) makes the real crimes much easier to report, track, and prosecute. Everybody wins.

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