
Comments by inno123 (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The clubs that typically expect a progression are in places where undercover law enforcement activity is a worry and where extras are not an expected norm.
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    12 years ago
    The sex expert on strip club clientele
    The first give away betewen a genuine scientific paper and a load of pseudoscientific posturing is that the genuine scientific paper cites its sources.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The sex expert on strip club clientele
    The first give away betewen a genuine scientific paper and a load of pseudoscientific posturing is that the genuine scientific paper cites its sources.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Is it o.k. to tip at the stage even if you don't want a lapdance?
    Dancers deserve stage tips for doing a good show whether you want a lapper or not. Anybody who thinks that they have no reason to stage tip if they are not looking for anything more is just cooking up an excuse to be a cheapskate
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How common is doing strippers up the tail pipe
    Few strippers would because a lot of guys have 'learned' anal sex from watching porn flicks and have some bad and painful ideas.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New to strip clubs - question about protocol
    Start with "When in Rome...." Sitting at the stage edge should tip each dancer. Most places a dollar is sufficient to not be regarded as a leech. Waitresses everywhere have tips a part of their income. Strip clubs are no different. You will negotiate a price for a dance. Beyond that price tips are for extra special dances. You may need to be discreet in your wording but 'tips' for 'extras' are also usually negotiated beforehand or early in the dance. Yes it is OK to just watch the show, however be sure that you are regularly tipping the dancers in that case.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Different Laws In Canada
    The main things you are going to need to wonder about being explicit in a review are: 1. Will this potentially expose the dancer and/or club to criminal prosecution. 2. Will it potentially expose me to criminal prosecution. 3. Will it land the dancer in trouble for violating the rules of the club. So being explicit about a review of a club in TJ is no big deal because it is completely accepted and expected. Even though technically prostitution is illegal in Mexico. What is accepted and expected in the US is also much more a matter of local enforcement priorities rather than the law. The major exception between US and Canadian law that I am aware of is that in Canada individual independent call girls are not strictly illegal. An owner of a strip club that was allowing prostitution could fall under the laws for operating a bawdy house. So again, it is a question of local enforcement priorities.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Strip Club Purgatory
    Without a doubt, Salt Lake City. Second place Boise Idaho.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Hottie vs. Hottie
    If they were the only two dancers in the club I would pick Lilly, Otherwise I would be looking closely at dancer number 3
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip clup capital?
    Well, Vegas would be my first guess but Miami and Detroit would be possibiliites.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    BBFS King compition
    I shudder to think what the prize is.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bad things happen when you touch the strippers.
    According to the listing here it is an alcohol club so it is topless/bikini only. Even in a fully nude extras club if you are groping the dancers in the general club area you are going to get tossed. They apparently do not know the details of the fight but if it was the bouncers doing the beating in the parking lot they clearly went too far. You do not beat anybody to a 50/50 chance of survival with the club's liability at stake.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate The Oregon Hottie #1
    Magazine covers are so photoshopped that any resemblance to the actual woman is coincidental.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #10
    Better than average depending on how she looks with the top off. I agree that her face is not her best feature and she could use to be just a tad more slender in the waist. But if the attitude is right she is pretty enough to have a good time with.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Sightly Off Topic - Internet OTC
    The difference between it and legal porn is nothing, nothing at all. Because long before the cameras have been rolling the actress has been interviewed, signed the releases, been at least partially paid, and gone over the scenario for the scene, which is "you've answered an ad for a modeling assignmet, I'll be playing the photographer. You pretend to be uneasy but eventurally agree because you really need the money and think I'm hot. You then do this, and then we do this and then I'll come on...." In other words "The Audition" is just like "The Plumber" or "The Delivery Guy" or "The Babysitter". It is just a stock male fantasy scenario, with the advantages of being extra low budget to produce and plausible to repeat over and over again.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Extra Indicators
    I don't think that the little metal purse is a correlation. Dancers handle cash, a lot of it by the end of the shift, and you are not going to want to have something that will pop open accidentally. First of all read the reviews. If it isn't an extras club you aren't going to get extras from any of the girls. Apart from that look for girls that are almost always gone for more than the minimum length. Also look for girls that do a lap and then immediately take the same guy to the VIP. You think you are auditioning the girls when you take them for a test lap? They are also assessing whether you are a cop or not.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Tattoos. Piercings, Preferences and Bigotry
    Since the reference to 'bad life choices' appears to come from a comment I made in rate the hottie #2 I think I should clarify that comment. When I said 'different life choices' I did not mean the choice to get A tat but rather the choice to get THOSE tats. In the same manner does saying that her hair is a mess mean that I am against all hairdressers? I will admit that it is a very rare case that I see a tat that I honestly feel improved the appearance of the person it was on. But that is not because I am against tats, but I am against BAD tats. Unfortunately most tatoo 'artists' are completely unworthy of the title. They have little artistic understanding or skill and are mostly just tracing the mostly terrible work of others. The only thing that keeps their work from seeming as ugly and clumsy as it is derives from the fact that the canvas is so beautiful.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #9
    Wish she had nice full curves upstairs to match the nice full curves downstairs. The face also comes across as a bit harsh.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie # 8
    Fairly nice, and she moves pretty well, but at least for me to get the uppermost ratings A-cup beasts just aren't enough. I know that comes across as pretty superficial, but isn't this whole exercise that?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cover charges. How much is too much?
    I toss together the cover and any required drinks. If the combined cost is $20 or more I am thinking about elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A cashless society?
    Clubs would no doubt switch to a token system, as many do now. Maybe some Canadian posters can comment on this. Canada has one and two dollar coins and the lowest paper money is a five dollar bill. At Canadian clubs to you tip at the stage with loonies and twonies or is the minimimum tip five dollars?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie # 7
    Based in the limited information given in the photos she has the potential to be the very best. The real unknown is what the breasts will look like when the bra comes off. I will go as far as to say that there are very few clubs where she would be anything but the standout dancer.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #6
    Are these the same woman. They seem different in the tats, proportions and even skin tone.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie #5
    The hair is a complete mess and the m face (or at least the makeup) is a bit off, but the rest of her, at least what she is showing looks good.