In my last post, an article referred to quotes from a Dr. Mary Anne Layden at U. Penn on the evils of stripping and the out-of-control men who frequent them. Dr. Layden has a Ph.D. in Psychobabble and has published what she feels is a seminal article on this subject which apparently she repeatedly quotes from. The article can be found at:
http://www.catholicnewsagency.…The title of the article is "If pornography made us healthy, we would be healthy by now." Without going into the logical fallacies in that title, let me just say that I'm surprised this article is free on the Internet. Articles of this extreme weight and accuracy should at the very least cost $20 per 3 minutes of read time.
If you choose to not read the article and I warn you, some of it may make you want to punch your screen because of the disconnect with your own individual experiences at a SC, I've selected some choice quotes from the article regarding the men who frequent SC's:
"Often as adults they reenact their childhood trauma by working as strippers, Playboy models, and prostitutes. The men who, now as customers, physically and visually invade the adult women's bodies, reenact the role of the perpetrator." (I'm confused, are we perpetrators or pawns in this reenactment?)
"Sometimes customers tip the strippers with cocaine." (The dollar bills are only used to snort the tips)
"Despite the fact that it is illegal to touch a stripper, strippers reported that customers grabbed them by the arm (88%), grabbed their breast (73%), or their buttock (91%)." (Watch that arm-grabbing, guys)
"If men would do this to women in public, what would they do to women in private?" (Umm, forget their birthdays?)
And my favorite:
"...some of the strippers claim to feel better about themselves by stripping, This level of denial is typical of untreated survivors and addicts."
So if you feel good about the whole thing, you're obviously in denial. I didn't realize we were so fucked up.
last commentI didn't read the article, but my guess is that it is Bullshit. Am I a perpetrator? NO, most if not all Dancers allow touching. If 1 doesn't I don't touch & the flow of my $$$ ceases IMMEDIATELY! I'm NOT a pawn either. It is MY choice to go to a Strip Club & spend money.
Cocaine!?!? Haaa! The ONLY Coke I handle is that used in the Operating Room.
I visually invade women out in public when I look at them & in my mind rate them according to my own rating scale. LOL If a woman doesn't want to be looked at, STAY in your house Forever!
That's right Stiletto25.
I have a trip scheduled next week.
Because of what it does to your Bank Account no doubt!! LMFAO
"I have a trip scheduled next week"
Me TOO!! And it will do some damage to my Bank Account! But the exchange will be WORTH every last Red Cent. LOL
The lack of sources pretty much sums up the whole thing as bias propaganda.
I can just imagine the psychological field day an ignorant broad like that would have with a female patron like me....too damn funny.
Oh, and I just went to the local authorities to have them apprehend me as an assailant. Shamefully, about twelve years ago I touched a girl's arm....
the fuck
juice, you're priceless....
Stiletto and lopaw, you're both awesome....
I do not believe either of those things are included in the DSM-IV. Especially not in the levels of severity that are promoted by that show (i.e. mild and under control)
"One study found that 35% of strippers have Multiple Personality Disorder
I really doubt that. DID is still a controversial diagnosis, and I think even the general population prevalence of 1% is an overestimation. Are strippers really 35 times more likely to have this?
"Among strippers, eating disorders are rampant."
Would be true of all women in professions where their beauty is important.
"Sometimes customers tip the strippers with cocaine. Cocaine addiction is common."
This article's vague anecdotal evidence is quite compelling.
"Despite the fact that it is illegal to touch a stripper"
In all 50 states under all circumstances? Of course not. Just shows what a bunch of liars the author of this "study" are.
"because these are survivors of abuse, some of the strippers claim to feel better about themselves by stripping, This level of denial is typical of untreated survivors and addicts."
I have noticed this in many propaganda writings. Those who you claim to care for that disagree with you are obviously suffering from some sort of false consciousness.
This article just makes a bunch of vague claims that "this can lead to that" and "this encourages that" etc.
"We are experiencing a sexual holocaust"
Shameless exploitation of the deaths of 12 million people to further a totally unrelated crusade.
"We are the most sexually violent nation on earth."
Ridiculous statement. We're worse than the Congo, Sierra Leone, and Pakistan? This is a bold faced lie.
"Males who have committed acquaintance rape are more likely to be frequent readers of sex magazines like Playboy and Hustler."
Flipping cause and effect to support their argument.
"In fact, when Oklahoma City closed down 150 porn shops, they had a 26% reduction in rapes. "
I looked and cannot find this fact anywhere else.
"I have not treated one case of sexual violence that did not include pornography."
Again flipping cause and effect.
The same idiots did the same thing to get prohibtion passed and the net result of prohibtion was the rise of organized crime in the USA. The facts are: Official opinion was 2000 years ago the earth was the center of the universe, 600 years ago the earth was flat, "Official facts" are a matter of opinion until they can be proven mathematically even then they are suspect if they come from the govenment.
In Afganistan the raping of young boys was accepted as normal behaviour by the Muslims because the men were not allowed to touch or see women except to have children because they were/are "unclean" so boys were consider an acceptable release. In areas of Africa girls are mutilated and sewn shut.
Are we the perverts for going in a club and paying to look at women who are being paid good money to be there (usually) of their own free will!!!!!