Rate the Hottie #5

avatar for JacksonEsskay
With #5, we are half way to crowning the TUSCL Discussion Board Hottie of the Month (thanks to Clubber for the suggestion).

Rate the Hottie #5

Meet Ryan from Blush in Portland, Oregon.

No profile information available, but these photos appear to be from the club itself, despite the domain being a photo hosting site.


She's got a nice smile, but that's about all that does it for me. I can see one fairly large tat on her right forearm, which if she were more my type I could get along with; nothing going on bust-wise and her bottom is neither round nor tight enough to be consider full or cute. The hair also is not an attractor for me, though she almost makes it work.

My rating: 3


last comment
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I'll agree with a 3 or maybe a generous 3.4 if the club is dark so you can't see good.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Kind of difficult to rate. Can't get a good overall picture of her vital assets.

Her body is height/weight proportionate. Not a great face. Hate the hair. Don't like the arm tat. I realize this should not matter - but don't like the hat.

Pretty average. 5
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Ink looks to be under control, but really doesn't do anything for me. I've seen worse (much worse in fact). 3 or 4 would be appropriate IMO.
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I live in Portland, and I've seen her at Blush before. From what I saw, she had a nice ass. I believe she's a B Cup. Nothing special about her face. I would say a 5.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
She looks fairly nice for what is visible. A poor subject for this kind of project, tho. I'd give her a 6.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I'm not a big fan of the hair or the outfit. It would be nice to see some skin on top to make an accurate assessment. Boobs are small but she looks proportionate. Her legs seem nice. I've seen worse in the club but I've seen much better also. I'd give a 5.5.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
The slightly exotic cast to her feature is a definite plus, but her mouth isn't quite the right size; a little too big. Nothing that really *detracts* from her looks, though. The hair is cute, though, and her body looks like it's fit and has some muscle tone, which I like. A solid 7 for me.

You guys and your intolerant abhorrence of tattoos trips me out, though. Thanks for ignoring those girls. :))
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@georg- it trips me out too. I think its a tuscl thing because I don't find it matters at all with the majority of people I meet
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I LOVE her skin tone. Anyone else agree with me on that? Her face is ok. Her ass looks great from what I can tell. She's not super hot by any means, but to me, she's the best one you've posted thus far.

My rating: 6
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Not a bad package all together, but still about a 5 or maybe 5.5.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
I'm down with 25 on the legs, and Vikings on the skin tone. She's not bad, I like the real pictures. Her body looks like its not quite nice and she does have a bit of exotic quality. Hair, terrible. Face average. Can't see any ass or tits so I'd go with a rating of: 6.

I love tats on a girl. I hate bad tats though. I think in general, people my age and younger, maybe a little older too, are very accepting of tats. Go to the beach, half the people there will have ink and they'll be under 40. I think the anti-tat sentiment here is very non-representative of the normal club crowd..but then somebody here mentioned posters on this site don't really represent the typical SC patron and I think that is fairly accurate.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
I meant her body looks quite nice up there...d'oh!
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Mostl unremarkable. She would not be in the mix at most places I go. With normal hair I'd give her a six. With a nice chest that I could see, I could go to 7. As it is, i'll go with 5.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Mostl unremarkable. She would not be in the mix at most places I go. With normal hair I'd give her a six. With a nice chest that I could see, I could go to 7. As it is, i'll go with 5.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
He'll, with two fives, I guess I just gave her a ten.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
She looks like a great child-bearer. 6
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Fuck! I hate auto-correct.
avatar for LeeH
13 years ago
Any chick with pink hair had damn well better have a degree from Crown College. Otherwise, I give her a 0 on a scale of 1 to 10.
avatar for serpentx
13 years ago
Very average, maybe 4
avatar for Ghosty
13 years ago
She has a nice smile which definitely counts for something. Legs look good too, but I'm suspicious of some mid-body heft. I think I'm going 5 on this one.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
Yeah, pretty middle of the road. 5
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
Just an average dancer. Hate the hair and tattoos. However I lobe the exotic look.

I would rate her a 6.
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
terrible hair, big arm tattoo, looks greasy and smelly so I'd give her a 2
avatar for metalhed
13 years ago
Haha "smelly and greasy" i guess i can see the the problem with the hair, but i think shes got a cute face and her ass seems pretty nice. I love her skin color. Figuring shes
got a nice rack id say 7+
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
The Hair and Rude Mug turns my wood away....and while her body is not quite sexy as fuck, I've seen worse....Don't mind the tats....so I'll go with a 5.5

Jackson, it's been a long, dry season without squaw....You gotta do better man....lol
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
Squaw! lol Been awhile since I heard someone use that lol
avatar for dallas702
13 years ago
Something about the face (a little off), smile (seems fake), posture and pose really take points off. I will go with others here and rate her a 4.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
@Stiletto: Yeah, based on the amount of attention I see in clubs around here, it doesn't seem to be a turn off for very many. It might not be the thing that *attracts* a guy to a girl, but ink certainly doesn't appear to be keeping them away.

@Che: "Better a few scars than a tattoo. :)"

Hmmm. I don't know whether the smiley face means it's a joke, or that you're happy at the prospect of some girl being scarred.

At any rate, I disagree, as is no doubt obvious from my many comments on the subject here. I recognize that a lot of the posters here do not like tats, and I'm OK with that, different strokes and all, but the level of vilification heaped by some here at some of the girls that have them just astounds me. It really does come across as simple bigotry sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind (even if that was possible, I wouldn't bother). I just don't understand an attitude that says that tats are automatically a detractor (after all, they're not an automatic *enhancer*, either, even for me), all the time, regardless of appearance, quality or anything else.

I guess I'll just have to spend the rest of my life not understanding that. I can live with that burden. :)
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

I guess we will have to mutually respect each others opinion on the tats, though your comment, "It really does come across as simple bigotry sometimes" seems a bit harsh.

I think one of the purposes of this fun experiment Jackson is guiding us thru, is to demonstrate that we all have wonderfully different tastes.

I have a strong preference for blondes. Some (Alucard) do not. That does not make either of us bigoted, just as if I say I said I prefer asparagus, peas and carrots, but don't really like green beans and tomatoes.

I'm not sure why you chose the word bigoted. I don't look down upon those who choose to get tattoos. For me, they are simply very physically unappealing - just as some don't like thicker women or bald women.

avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
"I'm not sure why you chose the word bigoted. I don't look down upon those who choose to get tattoos."

Not to speak for gmd or anything, and not that you were one of the people saying this, motorhead, but there were some comments in earlier RTH threads that cast aspersions upon the stripper's "life choices" that would lead her to have tats, and that struck me as a little odd, too, like a girl is automatically extra-skanky for having tattoos or white trash or something. Maybe that's an unfair projection on my part, but it seems like there's an attitude that tats are some moral failing, instead of just a trendy thing. Assuming that people get tattoos because of a personal moral failing instead of just a personal taste thing is making judgements about a person that can't really be ascertained accurately from a photo.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I don't prefer tattoos, but I don't hate them either. Like I've said before, I just don't like when girls have a large part of their body covered in tattoos. I love to see a girl's pretty skin, too many tattoos ruins that.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
OK, I apologize. Jackson's most excellent thread neither deserves, nor benefits from, me hijacking it like this. I'll start a new one.
avatar for qweasdzxc
13 years ago
i would give her a 5.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I agree with gmd and xedin. I can understand someone finding tattoos unattractive. Making statements about someone being white trash or lower class because of them isn't accurate. I grew up in an upper class household. Ill probably never be able to afford the house my parents live in. They both have tattoos .
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
This dancer IMO is a 6. With regular hair, perhaps a 6.5. If I could see a nude pic, the rating might get to 7. Personality though, changes all numbers.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
Skankelicious ? I would give her a 4 from what I can see in the photos. Her body looks ok I doubt I would get a dance from her I am not into the hillbilly punker look. That may be that clientelle at that club. Seeing her in person may raise the number but I doubt it much.
avatar for brainiac
13 years ago
I don't like her hat, her hair, or her looks. The photos don't give me as much information as I'd like so I'll make an educated guess.

I give her a 4.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
The hair is a complete mess and the m face (or at least the makeup) is a bit off, but the rest of her, at least what she is showing looks good.
avatar for fructose_father
13 years ago

Wig or not, the pink hair shit needs to go.. She just isn't attractive to me..

I'll give her a 3 ...tops
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I need more info to make a firm determination. Based on what I can see I will put her at a 5.
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