
Rate the Hottie #6

Thursday, March 15, 2012 6:25 PM
First, an editorial comment. In the previous thread (Hottie #5), the discussion went somewhat off topic with the discussion of whether the "anti-tats" contingent (or, do they call themselves "pro-clear"?) were being unfairly judgmental in downgrading dancers on that basis. Then there was some intimation that this discussion had "hijacked" the thread. Not so, say I. Those of us who support the SC industry more than other appreciate the role of the First Amendment. Moreover, the main purpose of RTH (apart from getting to look at the pictures of eye candy, of course) is to learn about our different attitudes to what makes a dancer desirable. Vive la difference, say I! 'Nuff said? (get's down off soapbox) Oh, wait. (gets back up on soapbox) To be clear, in RTH I am not selecting the Hotties based on my effort to seek the perfect 10, if such exists, but am more or less randomly selecting a dancer based on the criteria that there needs to be enough images of her to get a fair idea what she looks like and maybe a little about her personality. Truth be told, I would find a club where there were nothing but 9+ dancer a little boring . . . sort of like being in a living airbrushed men's magazine. I do enjoy spending time with a dancer who is just an above average girl next door, even if on looks along she's not my idea of an 7 or 8. All right, enough already, on to the Hottie! (gets off soapbox and smashes it to bits) Rate the Hottie #6 Meet Lena from the Safari Show Club in Portland, Oregon Lena's profile: Age: 21 Location: Portland, OR Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Ethnicity: Asian Height: 5' 2" Hair Color: Black Lena says, “I am very down to earth as long as you're brave enough to sit at my rack and take a chance to get to know me.” Her interests include “Getting Nakiie. Having Fun. Meeting new peoples. Making money. Surfing. Skate boarding. Biking. Running” [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] Asian, plus. Tats and piercings (in really weird places), double minus. Natural breasts, plus. A little hard to tell, but her ass seems fairly round and firm, plus. The one shot in which she is smiling it looks very forced, minus. One the whole, she would have trouble getting my attention if there was anyone else in the club who was marginally better (though I have to say that none of the other dancers on the club's website seemed likely to be so). My rating: 4


  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    Reviewing the links to make sure that they worked, I started to think that maybe I was a little harsh on Lena . . . or maybe I am just extra horny tonight . . . anyway, I am bumping my rating to a 6.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I have a thing for Asian girls. Without the piercings (I really dislike piercings other than earrings) and tattoos I'd give a 6. But the piercings & tattoos bring it down to a 4.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    No Jackson, you were correct the first time. 4 at best. I'm not a fan of dark hair or Asian women but she kind of had a cute face. Perhaps the best boobs we've seen. But I just can't over the ink, the piercings, and the jet black hair.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I abstained
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    5. I'd fuck it. And when I say it, I'm not talking about the woman per se...more so, her vagina.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    A 3 or 4. Neither body nor face attracts me.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    Hot Asian vibe trumps tat and piercing drawbacks. However, in some of the later pics, especially the fourth one, she looks a little out of proportion. So I am going with a 6.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I don't normally like tattoos but I don't mind hers. I'd have given her a 6 except for three things: 1. hunks of metal poking out of her skin in strange places 2. too short 3. that smile is so strange it's scary Not sure what the final rating would be, but she's the first of your hotties I would not take in the back even if she was the only girl on shift.
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    I'll go with 6. To me 6 means above the average you will see in a strip club. I certainly WANT to have better looking women grinding on my - - lap! But I would not run away if a 6 snuggled up and started stick shifting.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Asians don't do much for me. But this chick is cute. I like her black hair. I'm a big fan of women with dark hair. My rating: 6
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    @ Jackson: I'm in the "anti-tat" camp, it emphasizes the opinion that excessive ink is a negative. "Pro-clear" doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe "pro-natural" if you mean no ink and no silicon. As for the rating = 3. Freaky pearcing, not a pretty face. A 3.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I looked at the first picture and thought "has he found a 10?" and then I took a point off with each subsequent picture. 5
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    I am with MJX01, depending on the size and design, I am generally anti-tat. What can you do with a bi-sexual girl? You can't please them as good as another girl can. However, I am not a very good judge of Asian girls, so I abstain from voting. She is cute though.
  • Ghosty
    12 years ago
    Same feeling as jester about the pics. So many pictures, so little idea about the real her. Of all, I suspect that pic 4 gives the best idea of the real her and the face is a little funky and the butt might be a little round. I think I may be being generous with a 6.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Asian starts at 10. Not a very attractive face. -1.5. Tats -1. Piercings -1. So, a 6.5. Now with a lovely face I could sort of overlook the other negatives and give her a 9.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I'll give her a 6. I have seen some very attractive girls with a mix of something from Asia mixed in on tv but they seem to be the exception with what I usually like. If an Asian girl I would rate a 6 wants to grind on me, I wouldn't stop her, unless she wanted a bunch of money to do it.
  • serpentx
    12 years ago
    From an Asian's point of view, she is a 4.
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    I don't like the metal at all, major turn off. I do like the ink, would like to see it close up. I like Asian girls very much and she is cute, but she just doesn't do it for me. 6
  • Daddillac
    12 years ago
    I like Asian girls, but they are generally just too small. I do not like piercings, Tats are ok, but would rather no tats. Boobs just not there. I would give her a 4 and dances
  • 10inches
    12 years ago
    too short, too chunky, too many tats and piercings, plus no tits = rating of 2
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Can anyone say Tetnus shot! Without the tats and piercings a 5.5 to6. With all the hardware I would rather get a dance with hllbilly-punker #5. I also for some reason get the inmression that this girl may be into pain both giving and receiving. Not into it. So far #1 is the best.
  • xedin5436
    12 years ago
    She's not repulsive, but not really attractive either. The multiple facial piercings weird me out. 4
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    She does have average to smallish breasts but I prefer thet to big 'n fake. Several have commented on her small tits but I think they're the best yet. For me, that's not what loses points.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    I give her a 5
  • metalhed
    12 years ago
    I'd toung punch her fartbox. She gets a 7 from me.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Fapaliscious! Her face is a *little* plump, but nothing I'd be turning her away for. 8. If the rest of you non-appreciative fuckers don't want her, I'll take her in a heartbeat. Arguably the hottest one you've posted so far. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the tats or piercings.
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    Asians in general are usually not my type. Nothing different here to sway me, 5. All yours GMD, I'll wait for the next one.
  • qweasdzxc
    12 years ago
    I would give her a 4.
  • 3LeggedMan
    12 years ago
    Tats? Cool. Strange hunks of metal sticking out all over the place? No way! I say: 3.
    12 years ago
    A Less than amazing 4.5....
  • brainiac
    12 years ago
    Too short, too immature, too pudgy, not good looking. And I generally love Asians. I give her a 4.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    Are these the same woman. They seem different in the tats, proportions and even skin tone.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @pabloantonio: "What can you do with a bi-sexual girl? You can't please them as good as another girl can." Sometimes true, but if pillow talk with a definite bi-sexual is any indication, not nearly *always* true. In the words of my CF/ATF, "Dicks are good. A real dick does things tongues and dildos can't. Sometimes that's just what I want." Fortunately for me.
  • fructose_father
    12 years ago
    Asian women just don't do it for me.. I liked her fake blue eyes in the first pic, but that was it.. in the 3 - 4 range..
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Asian women are not my type either unless it is a mix of another race that gives the woman a more exotic look. I have a friend who is a Chinese/black mix and I think she is very attractive. More attractive than this woman. I would rate her a 3.
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