
Extra Indicators

The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Sunday, March 18, 2012 10:31 AM
When scanning the room, is there anything you look for that might indicate a dancer is more likely to show a guy a good time in VIP? Yes, you can watch how she gives here table dances, whether she seems to constantly head to VIP, read TUSCL, etc. One indicator I've noticed is the little purse, especially the little metal ones. Most of the time, it contains her condoms. Does anyone else have something they look for?


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    For me the two most indicative signs are constant trips to the VIP with multiple customers or with a regular. And if the Dancer is physically seducing the customer in his seat or booth. Beyond that I'd need to be able to read minds or have Superman type vision & "see" into the VIP room & observe her actions! LMFAO
  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    Good point on the little metal purse. I hadn't noticed that in the past, but now that you mention it, I can see a correlation. Aside from the obvious of watching how they dance with others, I have noticed the somewhat disheveled girls with simple strippers outfits on can be very liberal. Like maybe they don't care about themselves quite as much, and seem more willing to go with the flow. By contrast, the fussy/overly made-up girls, especially those with complicated outfits (lots of layers, zippers, etc.) tend to be the least satisfying.
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    "Now some they do and some they don't And some you just can't tell And some they will and some they won't With some it's just as well"
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    You see her mouth sucking a customers cock would be one such sign
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    When I figure that out, I will be ready to retire from strip clubbing. I have been shocked both ways.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Dancers all have a little purse. It holds their money. They may also have condoms in it But even condoms aren't a sure sign. Some strippers do BJ and FS without condoms. Nor have I found that only ugly or older dancers do extras. In my experience the young dancers (18 to 22) don't feel any prejudice against extras, especially BJs, and they think extras is what VIP is for. The best way to find out what a dancer will do in VIP is to ask her.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I look for a dancer caressing a guy's dick while she's talking with him inside the main club. That's always been a reliable indicator.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I've never noticed any dearth of young, hot dancers willing to do extras. It's not even *close* to accurate to say that the younger, hot ones don't do it. If that was true, I wouldn't be there.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Yeah Che. GMD is correct. The ages of my last 7 VIP dancers are 20, 22, 24, 25, 29, 34 & 35. None of them were ugly and there were no major differences in their willingness or skills.
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    As said above there is no perfect indicator, but big collections of napkins can be one for BBBJ. Especially if you can catch a glimpse of her tossing after the dance. Doesn't help you find the no spit girls, and can also mean HJ only, but can be useful. I stear clear of BBFS. But if a girl will do BBFS she will usually do BBBJ as well. Have also had spit on floor... Hate to think about what a Uv light would show in some VIP rooms
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Hate to think about what a UV light would show in some VIP rooms" LMAO That reminds me of a scene from "Basic Instinct"! I think vincemichaels indicator is pretty accurate. LOL
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @Che: That's the statement I was challenging. IME, there is little to no difference in the percentage of dancers who provide versus those who don't, based on the specified age and looks criteria. By far, the greatest differentiators IME are the club itself, and the region in which the club is located. Virtually nothing about the dancers themselves, neither age, nor race, nor looks, makes much of a difference. That's *my* experience. Yours obviously differs.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    live on the edge fuck a stripper without a condom odds are less than getting into a car accident on the highway
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    What odds are you referring to gatorfan? The odds of getting a disease? OR The odds of making a Baby?
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    I'll start watching for the little metal purse now and see if I can find a correlation. I remember the first time I went to VIP with a girl who grabbed a fist full of napkins. "That's awfully nice of her," I thought. "But I just have the one beer, does she think I'm going to spill it?" I soon found out what those napkins were for!
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    I'd agree with gmd. Age and looks have nothing to do with a dancers willingness for extras. It depends on who they are dancing for, who's managing the club at the time, what type of night they've been having, how much money they think they'll make, how much money they need, etc..
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    Have to agree that age and looks are not the best indicator. It is usually a club vs. club thing. In those clubs that openly allow extras, the chances are good that most dancers will provide. I will also say that in the extras clubs I DO think there is at least some correlation between a girl's looks and the amount she can charge for extras. The older and less desirable girls do seem to offer more service for less money. That being said, most dancers that do not eventually do extras will probably not remain at an extres friendly club for long. By choice or because of reduced income, they will move on to a Gentleman's (i.e. non extras) club.
  • Ghosty
    12 years ago
    Look for the girl with the suspiciously large stack of napkins under her cocktail as zip man mentioned. Serious answer is that I have never found a reliable indicator from afar.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    You mean we guys who indulge in Extras aren't Gentlemen? I protest. LMFAO
  • Electronman
    12 years ago
    In addition to wise advice offered above, I also take note of whether a dancer's VIP clients return to the club and look for another dancer (probably no extras but no guarantee especially for the younger customers) or whether the customers head to the bathroom (to clean up) or simply leave the club (heading home happy).
  • goldmongerATL
    12 years ago
    You have to be careful judging by naughtiness on the main floor. I have had bad experiences where you got farther sitting at your table than once you get to VIP. I can also remember a girl that was a bit reserved on the main floor getting wild in VIP. But she had that little purse ... I suppose there are indicators about the club itself. I have seen: Men's Room toad selling condoms. Stack of napkins in VIP room. Waste Basket in VIP room. Attendant handing dancer a zip-loc bag (so nasty bits or refuse are not shoved behind the couch) I remember one club somewhere on the Baltimore Block that had a paper towel roll in each booth. Subtle! Also, I would think there is a correlation between the privacy of the VIP and fun. I'm sure there are exceptions either way.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Many times the dancers body language and how she presents herself offer good tells. Best is to sit back and observe. Many times the busier girls in the back room are busy for a good reason. I like to scout the ones that freshen up after VIP rather than returning directly to the floor.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    @Stiletto,GMD, sure,club manangement and location matter, but where I'm at the girls doing itc extras are not the best looking. They have to to make money. The hottest girls don't have to. They have plenty of big spender regulars. On the other hand, some are driving Corvettes; big spenders otc?
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I like lesbians !
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    I don't think that the little metal purse is a correlation. Dancers handle cash, a lot of it by the end of the shift, and you are not going to want to have something that will pop open accidentally. First of all read the reviews. If it isn't an extras club you aren't going to get extras from any of the girls. Apart from that look for girls that are almost always gone for more than the minimum length. Also look for girls that do a lap and then immediately take the same guy to the VIP. You think you are auditioning the girls when you take them for a test lap? They are also assessing whether you are a cop or not.
  • IRman
    12 years ago
    Obviously there is no reliable method, however, .... As an extras connoisseur I believe that Electronman has it about right. My response would be, however, to watch the dancer come out after. Most who do extras go directly and quickly to the bathroom or locker room possibly to freshen up or use mouthwash, douche or whatever. My experience is that if they've just finished an "extra" they never go directly back to the public area of the club. I've had many extras from some of the freshest, youngest and newest talent in a club, sometimes possibly to compete with the better known girls. So in my mind the beauty and age issue doesn't stack up at least here in Florida.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Feel like I'm digging up diamondsome here.
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