
Different Laws In Canada

My most recent review of No 5 Orange in Vancouver has just been put on the board. I re-read it and realized that I was perhaps a mite too explicit. I keep forgetting the differences in law between Canada and USA. We have had discussions on tuscl before about explicitness in reviews.

Since tuscl is primarily for you American guys, should we foreigners temper our reviews to more American standards? I am not inclined to do so myself. I read many American reviews that are even more explicit than my Canadian reviews.


  • overnights
    12 years ago

    I did not blush at anything you wrote in the review :).
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Art, I just read your review or story, and I would not have you change a thing. Your writings about sex are interesting and entertaining.

    I don't see any problem with us USA guys reading about what is legal in Canada. But when we write reviews of US clubs we should probably not get too explicit--we don't want to give the cops a reason to raid our clubs.

    I'm not sure how much we should say about clubs and extras. I'm afraid I've gone over the line a few times in reviews and discussions. I'll have to make sure that I don't say anything to get a club or dancer in trouble with the authorities.
  • hard10
    12 years ago
    I'm treating your comments according to the statement at the bottom of this page:

    "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."

  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    LMAO, Art. I wouldn't worry about a thing, Art. This is all fiction here. Now I do have one question. How could trojangreg lead you astray? When a "10" is in my sights, nothing else matters.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I think it's legal to fuck a moose in Canada
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    Art, what happens in Canada is in the juristiction of Canada. Sharing your leagl triumphs isn't a problem. The puritans here in the US can't do anything about it.

    I think it a great review, and I so wish it wasn't such a long drive to the boarder from where I live. ;)
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    If you're asking whether you should moderate your language to avoid offending all us sensitive US citizens, the answer is "no."
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    Why are the lap dances so expensive in Canada? Is it because of the previous exchange rates?
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    The main things you are going to need to wonder about being explicit in a review are:

    1. Will this potentially expose the dancer and/or club to criminal prosecution.

    2. Will it potentially expose me to criminal prosecution.

    3. Will it land the dancer in trouble for violating the rules of the club.

    So being explicit about a review of a club in TJ is no big deal because it is completely accepted and expected. Even though technically prostitution is illegal in Mexico. What is accepted and expected in the US is also much more a matter of local enforcement priorities rather than the law.

    The major exception between US and Canadian law that I am aware of is that in Canada individual independent call girls are not strictly illegal. An owner of a strip club that was allowing prostitution could fall under the laws for operating a bawdy house.

    So again, it is a question of local enforcement priorities.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    inno123 - where did you get the idea prostitutiuon was illegal in Mexico?

    Art - I saw nothing wrong with your review for #5 as what you did was legal in Canada. I would hope that when reviewing a U.S.club, you don't be too explicit as to what goes on ITC. As for what goes on OTC in the U.S. it may be illigal but does not make the club guilty, so have at it. As has been stated many times here on TUSCL reviews are not treated as gospel by L.E. but no sense in leaving the door open.
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