Rate the Hottie #10

avatar for JacksonEsskay
Rate the Hottie #10

This is it! After this round I will be posting a summary of Hotties 1-10 and we will crown our first Hottie of the Month (for fortnight or whatever).

Meet Hunter from McDoogals in Baltimore.


Costume is a plus for me. Nice smile and tits. Can't see the caboose. No visible tats. Perhaps not as leggy as I would have hoped, but an overall good body. I am also guessing she's a bit older than your typical dancer (though not “old,” at least not by my standards). I think Hunter would be able to sweet talk me into more than one dance.

My rating: 8

If you have not already voted for the other Hotties . . . do so now

Hottie 1 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 2 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 3 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 4 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 5 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 6 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 7 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 8 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…
Hottie 9 https://www.tuscl.net/postread…


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
8, bordering on 9. Her face is a little wider than I would consider gorgeous, but still pretty. With the exception of her face, everything seems to be nicely proportionate, and she looks like she's fit.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
What I am missing? Some of her photos were okay but a couple with a close up of the face - it was dog ugly. I don't mind thicker girls but her face was fat


Perhaps I'm too tough.
avatar for serpentx
13 years ago
too old and too fat for me. 2
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
I tend to agree with motorhead. I don't like her face, body is not bad.
rated as: 5
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I would give her a 3 at best. Bad face. Too thick.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
IMO a 2.5 to 3, based on an unattractive face & thickness. Now would I let her give me a BBBJ in a dark VIP? Probably since I'm not seeing her face because it is buried deep in my crotch! LMAO
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
IMO a 2.5 to 3, based on an unattractive face & thickness. Now would I let her give me a BBBJ in a dark VIP? Probably since I'm not seeing her face because it is buried deep in my crotch! LMAO
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
IMO a 2.5 to 3, based on an unattractive face & thickness. Now would I let her give me a BBBJ in a dark VIP? Probably since I'm not seeing her face because it is buried deep in my crotch! LMAO
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Sorry about the triple post. Darn phone.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
As I've said before, the older dancers very rarely appeal to me, so points taken off for that. Face is my most important physical feature, and I don't like hers. Her body is nice, though. My rating: 5

I like Rate the Hottie because it's just continues to remind that everyone really does have their own taste. I can't believe not one, but TWO people have already said this girl is "too thick". If she's too thick, you guys must go for those super skinny, tooth-pick shaped dancers in the club. 2 each is own, I guess.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Whew. I'm glad I wasn't out there on an island by rating get as a "2".

What others later said validates my score.
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
4, 5 if I'm drunk.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
OK . . . I agree she is a bot older and curvier than your average 20 year old . . . but I am confused that in prior threads there were complaints about a lack of curves. I will grant that you may not agree with my rating of 8 . . . but "2" or "3" . . . seriously? Take another look . . . in the clubs I visit with any frequency, she'd be close to an A list dancer. Maybe I need to get out more (and to bigger cities)?
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
And let me add . . . in prior threads no tats and natural tits alone have gotten ratings of 5 or 6 . . .
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

The pictures of get body seemed ok. 5 or 6

But just look at the second one and the last one. Pictures of her face. Woof. Woof. What a dog. Gotta knock it down based on those two head shots.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
"her body"

Autocorrect can be a pain in the arse.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
These Rating threads IMO are an exercise in expressing "ideal" features in dances. In actuality IMO many if not most of us "settle" the best available. BUT I'm sure there are those who will ONLY go with the Perfect 10! Hey if those guys can stick to ONLY being with a Perfect 10 to the exclusion of anything less, well...More power to their ability to stand by their IDEALS!!!
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
She looks like a tranny to me. Tranny = auto 0
avatar for Sowhatt
13 years ago
clarification: she looks like a tranny in the second and third pics.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
I am not seeing any reason to disagree withe majority here, except to say that she is pretty average. I'll give a 5. But I'd definitely give her 6 in the VIP if she was down with that.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
2? Seriously? "8 bordering on 9?" Seriously? I like her body but not her face. Wouldn't say she's dog ugly. I'll give her a 5, dead average. Can't tell how tall she is, if she's short I'd go less.
avatar for Ghosty
13 years ago
A most unfortunate face.

avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
13 years ago
I've met Hunter in person. Our first (and last) conversation went like this:

Hunter: (Highly abrasive, demanding, agressive tone of voice) "Don't you just want to fuck me!"

Me: (Pulled my head back, squinted my eyes, shook my head and with extreme disbelief in my voice) "Noooooo....."

I am usually very polite, patient and pleasant to the dancers I meet, including those I'm not interested in conversing or dancing with. However, I found her demeanor and sales pitch to be so repulsive, my word just slipped out.

My rating: 1

FYI: Those photo are at least 7 or 8 years old now. It's been many years since that website's last update. I highly doubt she's still dancing.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
I like her body, but as others have said, her face is a distraction.

So I will give her a 7.

But as I have said before, unless she is a 90 lb, tattooed, metal pierced, A-cup breasts, and skin & bones, she will not get above a 5 from most of this forum.

I will take hottie #7 home with me and the rest of you can have your titless bags of bones. Ha, Ha, Ha, look at me now with the SI model.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I'll give her a 4. Her body looks average. The rest is not. If I saw her next to some hot dancers, she might be a 3.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
nice body, but not apealing face. Wouldn't want LDs from her, but not so bad to dive me away from the stage. 5. I've seen much worse.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
OK . . .I went back and looked at her face very carefully . . . and I really can't see anything to complain about. She has slightly Asiatic features, perhaps indicating some Asian or Native American ancestry. I will concede that her face is rounder and fuller than your classic stick thin supermodel, but honestly guys, I am not seeing anything there that would make me want to look away in disgust (or even disinterest).

As for the "tranny" assertion . . . she ain't got no Adam's apple and you can't get rid of that even with hormone shots.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
Sorry Jackson, I am with the majority of the group. I think the body is nice, but the face leaves something to be desired for me. I give her a 5.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Hate her face but I don't think her body is that bad. She looks like she's in good shape. Her legs look like they are in good shape from the one bikini pic. I'd give her a 6.5. I'd be alot higher if her face was more refined
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Not a great face, but certainly not bad. No apparent tats. Curves. a bit older and hopefully wiser. I'd place her about a 7-7.5
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I took another look. I'm moving my rating to a 7. Her body is very nice. I looked again at the fifth pic, the full body shot, and she is fit. I don't think she's that thick. She obviously works out and she looks smooth. Put a better face on her and I'd give her an 8. Put bigger boobs and its an 8.5. Put lighter hair and its a 9
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
I'll start with a 7, knock one off for her face (come on dude, it's wide and bony with huge angles) then another point for the small breasts.


Nicely toned body though... Decent implants and I'd probably ignore the face and knock her back up to 7.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
Better than average depending on how she looks with the top off. I agree that her face is not her best feature and she could use to be just a tad more slender in the waist. But if the attitude is right she is pretty enough to have a good time with.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
I think it's a personal taste thing, but just not doing anything for me. 5
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
The face is the most important thing to me, and her face just ain't cutting it. I'm gonna give her a 5.
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
nice body, but need more titty; average face; good legs; would like to see ass; rating -- 5
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Just can't get past her face, though she's in good shape....so I'm saying 6.5...

Jackson, of the 10 - the only one I would have paid for a dance with was Hottie #7 (Brittany; Vegas)....
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Again, wow.

Jackson, I'm with you. There's now way her face is "ugly", dog or otherwise. Sure, it's not gorgeous, but damn, some of you are *harsh*.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Sorry to hear about the attitude problem. Setting that aside (but noting that it probably was the truth), I'd give her looks an 8. I don't think her face is ugly, and whooo-eeee, I've seen some that have been.
avatar for fructose_father
13 years ago
She has a really body, but not the face to match it..
4.5 - 5... maybe..
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
"There's now way her face is "ugly", dog or otherwise. Sure, it's not gorgeous, but damn, some of you are *harsh*."


Yup. OK, yeah, maybe a little *harsh*. (LOL) On one hand, a 7 is a 7 is 7, whether we see the woman on the street or in a club. But what I was trying to convey was is that "for a dancer" her face is dog ugly. If she was a checker at Wal-Mart, she would be average. But her face alone should have led to another career path. I would never spend money in a club on a face like this.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I voted, what do I get?
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I voted, what do I get?
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I voted, what do I get?"

avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I would give her a 7. The face is plain. Body looks nice and well cared for. Age does not bother me. I would rather have a girl/woman of legal age rather than a teenager. Teenagers do stupid things like to much without covers. I got a dance from a 19 or 20 year old in Reno when she turn around to put her crotch close to my face she had what looked like either razor burn from Hell or Herpes. Fortunately up to that point there had been very little contact and none with her crotch, I put my hands onto an area with no rash and ended the dance. I left the club went back to my room and showered and changed clothes. I put my pants and shirt in the tub with soap to soak. I have found that many younger dancers have bad hygiene, BO, Crotch Rot, Etc. I do not come to a club to a cadaver's crotch or 1.99/ gallon perfume from Wal-Mart.
Many mature dancers (25 to 35) understand what us older pervs are looking for and do not mind taking a shower before work and keep the perfume to a minimun. I usually leave the teenagers to the guys in there 20's that do not know what they are missing.
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