
Is it o.k. to tip at the stage even if you don't want a lapdance?

Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:00 AM
At one club, whenever I tip a dancer a couple of dollars at the stage, she asks if I "want some company." I always tell her I'm just hanging out, so that I don't make her think I want her to come over and off me a lapdance. All I wanted was to watch the dancing and to tip the dancers at the stage. Is that o.k.?


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Go for it. It's your money.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    I don't think you are going to get any argument from a dancer if it's OK to give her money! LOL I would tip every girl who danced at the stage, cuz I figured if she was showing it off, I could drop a dollar on her. $20 goes pretty far just for stage tipping.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I stoped getting dances a month ago.....I'm know itc sex or otc sex or I'm just going to hang around until some one fucks me for free or needs my bank roll.....but dude most of the time this is all I do at non extras clubs.......have fun and club on bro !
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    In a word. YES!!!!!!!!! The Dancers love income with out work!
  • canny
    12 years ago
    Dancers appreciate getting tipped on stage and I've had some hang out with me knowing that I'm not getting any dances because it get's boring on slow nights sitting around with nothing to do. Say hi, tip them on stage, and be nice. Be honest and tell them that you're not going to get any dances but that you'd love to talk and see what happens. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
  • inno123
    12 years ago
    Dancers deserve stage tips for doing a good show whether you want a lapper or not. Anybody who thinks that they have no reason to stage tip if they are not looking for anything more is just cooking up an excuse to be a cheapskate
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Canny is right on the money !
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    All good advice bb. I started out clubbing when all you could do was tip the girls on stage and perhaps by them a drink later. There were no lap or table dances. The operable thing though is do tip. Don't sit there and not tip. That'll start pissing people off.
  • Meridian99
    12 years ago
    Most of time, I tip girls on stage unless a dancer just walks around the pole and thinks that's a show. Many often comes by and thank me for giving them tips, and I have good time. Too bad that some dancers think tipping is a sign that I have money and hounding me for dances afterward no matter what I say.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    When a dancer puts on a really good show, especially one who does pole tricks, or something else that the rest don't do, I tip her better than I tip the rest. They work hard and they earn it.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I normaly just jack off in the corner then tip the girl that got me off
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    tipping at the stage is expected. tipping at the stage does not obligate you to then buy LDs/VIP/etc.
  • serpentx
    12 years ago
    It depends on the club. At penthouse Detroit, or most Detroit clubs, tipping at the stage means I am interested in getting a dance.
  • DoctorDarby
    12 years ago
    There are many places where the stage dancing is required by management and girls are expected to go onstage when it is their turn (unless they are in a private room). Most don't like it much so I generally make an effort to tip girls on stage when: 1. they are really putting on a good show, 2. they are not getting tipped much and need support, or 3. I want them to find me later for a dance. In any case, stage tipping is a good, low cost way to raise morale and let girls know you are paying attention. Obviously, if you are sitting at the stage you should be tipping all the girls. To sit in a stage seat and not tip will identify you as a cheapskate and be counterproductive for getting dances later.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I tip some girls a dollar or two sometimes and I never get dances from some of them. They are looking to make money though so they may be wondering if you want a dance. Dancers will often appreciate it if you say you don't want dances rather than tie up a lot of their time just talking.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    I jizz into every single then fold nice like and hand it to the pretty lady
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