Rate the Hottie # 8

avatar for JacksonEsskay
Rate the Hottie #8

Nikki is out first Hottie from North of the Border, so for her we have something special . . . A VIDEO, courtesy of Club Solid Gold in Montreal.

(Video is NSFW)


The video may give Nikki an advantage over some past Hotties because we get to see her move. I was not a big fan at first . . . then those glasses! You get a glimpse of them early, then later again. I am a sucker for a dancer with glasses. So her hair is not great . . . so her tits, though natural, are small . . . so she has a tat (just one that I saw, and I am OK with that) . . . so her ass is not the greatest . . . and she does not smile . . . and does not move that well on stage. OK I think I've gotten over the glasses.

My rating: 5


last comment
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
For some reason, I couldn't get the video to play on my phone. Too bad. I love glasses too. When I get to my computer I'll try it again.

I know people are going to focus on her small breasts. Their ok with me. But she is still a 5. The text book definition of average. Not ugly. Passably cute. But bad hair, poor smile, and a very ordinary face. Clubs are filled with her type. Meh. I'll pass.

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Couldn't get the video to play. From the static pic she looks like a "Girl Next Door" type. A 6 or 6.5 without the piercings. A great personality would get her another .5 to 1 point.
avatar for gsv
13 years ago
She is relatively cute - I had higher hopes when I saw the picture but then was a bit disappointed from the video. If she had a prettier face I'd like her a lot, but since it's just "so-so" I have to give her a 6. Maybe she'd be a little better in person, especially if she had a fun personality.
avatar for EarlTee
13 years ago
The tits are awesome. The whole body's really good. The face... so-so. I can't assign a numerical value, because to do so would be to objectify women.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
My impressions were along the lines of what Mo'Head and Drac said - average at best....She is in good shape, although too thin for my liking....she scores extra for being natural, but too small for what I like....I'll say 5.5....
avatar for brainiac
13 years ago
I like glasses on women too but hers made her look less attractive.

She's average and common, an easy 5.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Video is embedded in in a webpage as a Flash, so it m ay not play on some mobile devices. Try this direct link: http://clubsolidgold.com/nikki…
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
If it does not launch when you click the link, try refreshing (of course, if you device does nit have Flash at all, it won't matter).
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
It was great to have a video of a dancer. Much better than still photos. But this girl didn't do much for me. She doesn't dance well and she never smiles. Her tits are too small--she should get a boob job. The rest of the body is OK. The face is so-so. I'll give her a 5.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Cute, but not my cup of tea.

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
She is pretty, but all she is is average. At best she would get a 5 from me.

However, she is way better than hottie #2 and no where near hottie #7. Just your typical college girl next door for Texas.

Jackson, is there anything better than average for our list, or do the most beautiful dancers maintain a low profile?
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I'm really torn on this one. Not the prettiest, boobs on the small side, tat and lip piercing are minuses. Yet, the girl next door vib really works for me. Out of all the hotties so far, this one would probablly be my first choice for getting to know "better," but also not a high score on an absolute hottness scale. 7.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
Her co-worker Candy also rates well on my like to get to know "better" scale. Oh Canada!
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
Wow, she's by far the best of the bunch in this series. Not a 10 by any means, but an 8 at least.

avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I second maddog. I completely agree
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago

Well, I've been surfing the SC websites for photos (hey, it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it), but thus far I'd say even with the obvious professional shots, I've not seen a dancer that I thought 'she will blow the curve for sure.' Gee, that sounded kind of dirty, didn't it?
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I agree with mjx01. "Candy" would rate better than any of the 8 we've seen so far.
That's my personal taste.

But a variety of women is what this exercise is about at least I think. But kinda hoping to see a 9 or even 10 before we finish.
avatar for serpentx
13 years ago
I will give her an 8. She is cute.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Man, some of these strip club's really put a lot of effort into their websites. If you would have told me there's a strip club website where the actual girls from the club are dancing on video, I wouldn't have believed ya.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
I'm thinking about a 7. Could be an 8 without the lip piercing.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
I have reached 2 conclusions from this "Rate the Hottie" series of discussions.

1. Most of the forum here prefers
90 lb, tattooed, metal pierced, girls with
A-cup breasts.

2. There is no consensus on what makes a woman beautiful.

avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
When I clicked on her photo, I was NOT impressed at all. But then I clicked on the video and was pleasantly surprised. I think that's just a bad picture of her.

Not really my type, but for some reason I think she's cute. The glasses look good on her and the body is OK.

My rating: 7

avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
well below average; no tits, bad hair, drugged out spacey look, no curves; has that worn out tired look; rating = 2
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
The DJ in the video introduces her as:

'La tres jolie Nikki' Je ne suis pas d'accord. Jolie? Mais non! Et, elle est maigre comme une aiguille.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
8. Cute, if not drool-worthy gorgeous, face, tight little body with everything fitting together nicely. The small boobs do absolutely nothing to detract from her.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
pablo, lol, still too early for an evaluation buddy....At the end of the trail, our man Jackson may very well be able to crunch the numbers and make sense of this whole exercise....
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
"I've not seen a dancer that I thought 'she will blow the curve for sure.' Gee, that sounded kind of dirty, didn't it?"

Jackson, lmao, throw me a bone....can you look for somebody that will blow the straight man....
avatar for Ghosty
13 years ago
Now this is interesting. For the first time we have a girl who I have an opinion about, but that rating is going to be different from the rating I would give her if describing her to a generic listener whose tastes I don't know.

I can see how some are saying purely average, 5 to 6. If I were describing her for the general audience I guess I'd have to go there. Maybe as high as 7.

But FOR ME, she is my type (OK, one of my typeS) - tight body, petite, can't stop looking at her bikini bottom area. Boobs could be bigger but they're fine and natural, face not gorgeous but cute. Maybe there's something in this type that brings out the protective "man-feeling" in me or something, but I give her a solid 7, maybe even an 8.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I keep having to remind myself to respect other people's opinion. So I keep going back to the picture in hopes of seeing something I missed. Did I undervalue her by only rating her as a 5?

No. I can stick with that. Her lawnmower chopped hair, her silly smile, but mainly way too skinny. OMG, do you see those toothpicks she calls arms?

Like I said, just your average stripper I've seen thousands of times in every club in the world, not the uber hot, head turning, fabulous babe I want to see in clubs.

avatar for sanitago
13 years ago
don't know about the chick who wears the glasses as a prop, but watched the other videos with a fair amount of interest. damn, if I could get 'up close and personal' with that one Asian chick, I'd be on a plane tomorrow!
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago

How much is too much?

@santiago- Yeah, she was the best one, and I usually don't like Asian chicks.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I took another look and I'm not seeing anything real attractive. If I turned lesbian, I would prefer the "curvy" type and that doesn't mean sagging flab or outright jello as some suggest. You can be curvy, tight, and smooth.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Oh and big boobs are a must.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Stiletto, you speak the truth.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Stiletto25 is really Stiletto10 in my book....luv ya babe....
avatar for fructose_father
13 years ago

I would give this girl a 5 tops.. too pasty white, can't dance, just not overly attractive..
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I hate fucking Canadians
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
I concur with Stiletto, and I haven't even looked at the link.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Club_G, lmfao....and since French Canadian is likely not out of place on this particular thread ---> touche...
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
A little skinny on the body for me, but not bad. Face is OK but not wonderful. There's certainly much worse out there, and I wouldn't run from her at all. 6.5
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I usually like glasses as well, but her's didn't do anything for me. I had to watch the video a couple of times to help in the determination. My first impression was a 5.5 and the second look at it didn't change much.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
Fairly nice, and she moves pretty well, but at least for me to get the uppermost ratings A-cup beasts just aren't enough. I know that comes across as pretty superficial, but isn't this whole exercise that?
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Average, ergo, a 5. With the glasses, maybe a 5.5. :)
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I don't mind the young spinners but she has no smiile or eye contact with the crowd. The small naturals are fine. Needs a new haircut. The weedwacker look is not good. I would give her a 6.5 . I do not know if I would get a dance from her as teenagers tend not to be very good in private dances.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
Gatorfan, you obviously haven't fucked the same ones I have.

I'll abstain on this vote due to not having Flash.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I'll give her a 7.5 but I might be looking at her bikini area too much and I can't see the video on my device. Actually if I only looked at her bikini area I might rate her higher.

Maybe we should do a rate the pussy next. :)
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Better than average dance skills, but the body and face really don't do anything for me. I have seen a few of these mousey-looking girls do a great stage show, but most of the time it is ho-hum. Overall: 5.5.
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