
Comments by Gossage54

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Labor Day at the Strip Clubs
    I always get the same itch during these holiday summer weekends. Wind bored and horny, no work to take up my time and energy and stress me out. But the clubs are usually closed during the day and and the B (if not worse) list usually is what will show up at night.
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    13 years ago
    2011 PL of the year nomination
    Is your company hiring? For that kind of money you could have a revolving door of high end escorts and porn stars when they're touring.
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    13 years ago
    It depends on my mood, if I'm just stopping in to have a couple of beers and kill some time it won't take long. If I'm in full on SC mode (meaning I'm there with money to blow with a purpose) I'll stick it out for quite a while. Like Vince said a lot of dancers will hide out in the dressing room if it's not busy enough for their liking etc. A good time to go (a trick I learned early on) is around 4-5 o'clock, you get in before they charge a cover and you can see to full run of the day girls and if that doesn't do it for you the night girls filter in and you can do an assessment of them as they arrive. Since they all arrive around the same time you won't wonder if that gem has been hiding in back all along. They have to walk in and most likely walk by you at the bar to go to the dressing room. I like seeing them in their street clothes and then come out in full on stripper gear. Sometimes they look better in the street clothes.
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    13 years ago
    No extras in Portland
    When I was young and didn't know any different I could enjoy low mileage strip clubs just because everything was so new (when you're 21 just going out to bars is new and exciting no less having nude women dancing for you). At this point almost 20 years later low mileage is not so exciting, just a worthless drain on my wallet. I live in CT and after reading this I'm thankful I have some very high mileage clubs close to where I live. I don't know what I'd do without them. For me at this stage there's no point in spending $$$ to have a hot girl grind in my lap and make me leave hornier than I walked in.
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    13 years ago
    SC raids: Do they discourage you from clubbing?
    If it's a non extras club I wouldn't care in the slightest. Just don't do like this moron did and get verbally abusive with the cops and you're not breaking any laws by being there. As for clubs that provide extras that is a different story. There's some here in CT that periodically get raided and eventually shut down and re open somewhere else until they get raided again and move again etc. Now in this situation you do have something to worry about if you're one of the guys in the back with their pants down when they kick the doors in. You're arrested and your name goes in the blotter, humiliating. Now THAT worries me, I still take my chances (the odds of being in the back at that precise moment are very slim) but just the thought of that makes a chill run down my spine.
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    13 years ago
    what happen to the strip club fantasy???
    I started going to clubs in the early 90s when I turned 21. In the beginning it was more about the fantasy and teasing element. Clubs didn't really do what they do now back then and I didn't know any better. As time went on and I went through the ranks to eventually finding extras clubs there was no looking back. Times have changed, a lot of clubs now TO is offered that there never ever used to be. I can't justify spending $100+ on air dances or basic grinding if I can get extras for the same price, sometimes less. There's some bargain basement places around here that are dumps but usually have some decent latinas.
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    13 years ago
    There's one at a club near me that is about 40 now and should hang it up. She LOUDLY badmouths all girls at the club right at the bar. It's really uncomfortable because if she knows you she'll come right up to you at the bar and pop a squat next to you and start trashing everyone in the club. So then you're kind of unwillingly thrust into it, you just have to kind of make short innocuous responses and try to change the subject (and preferably get her away but once you're in the spider's web you're done). Some girls will say complimentary things about other dancers but I find most (if they comment at all) will talk trash about the other girls. I mean they're all trying to compete for a sale, why try to help the competition?
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    13 years ago
    how long and how much
    I remember a couple of times in my early 20s going to the club at like 1pm and staying until last call. I know I didn't spend 2k that's for sure but must have been at least a couple of hundred. Being older now and money is not as disposable I try to limit it to $120-150 at the extras club I go to, that includes cover and drinks. That's the max, at the clubs here where there's no ITC action it's much less, I don't really bother much these days with basic grind dances. Been there done that enough when I was younger and it seemed more exciting. Now it just seems like a complete waste of my money to frustrate myself with that and probably wind up going to the extras club and finish the job anyways. Personally if I had 2k to blow on mongering in Vegas I'd have gotten an escort back to the hotel. Certainly no shortage of high quality ones on that turf. Hey, if you had fun and the money was no real loss no harm.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Old Favorite Return ... disappointment
    There's a club here in CT that has a lot of girls that have left and returned, left and returned etc since the mid 90s. It's rough, a few used to be smokin' with lines for LDs are now tired looking and out of shape. The same ones I'd fight to get a dance from in the 90s I now do my best to avoid eye contact and hope not to be spotted. After age 30 if you're still dancing I think you need to make serious look at your finances and figure out what path you're going to take from there on. Continuing dancing should not be it. In a perfect world (for them) it would go like the ubiquitous story we all hear "I'm doing this for money while I get through college". Quick relatively easy large amounts of tax free cash while a college girl works through school towards a real career sounds like a very good idea and for the few that actually do it that way it's great. Most are messed up in the head, get into abusive relationships and get knocked up young then rely on the quick income and as time goes on they don't have anything else they can do besides take a low wage job which they won't do if they can make what they'll make in a shift or two what they'll make at a $10 hour job.
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    13 years ago
    Private VIP rooms vs shared VIP areas
    I need some privacy if I'm going to get busy. There's an extras club in CT here that has a dance room (it's such a dump I can't even call it a VIP) which is just a curtained off room with chairs. Totally open. I can't do it, I go to the extras club around here that has locked booths.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Getting warmer outside...
    Ain't it funny like you said about coming out of hibernation. Where do they all go when the weather sucks? Me and a former co worker used to discuss this. I guess when you're young and hot things come so easy that you can just stay home if it's cold or rainy. I'll put anyone to the test on this one, if it's a cold shitty rainy day try count the amount of hotties that catch your eye. I'm not talking about what they're wearing of course they'd be more covered up if it's cold but just the amount of girls that catch your eye. Then watch when the sun comes out and the weather gets warmer, it's like the floodgates open. You can do this in the same day too if it's a day where it goes from beautiful to shit or vice versa. As soon as the clouds cover the sun and rain or inclement weather takes over they go back into their pods and we're left with dudes and middle aged women.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What next.....
    Don't expect anything. I've gone out (not dated) with a handful of dancers and my experiences were disasters in the fact that they were all not quite right in the head. To find your dreamgirl in a stripper is an extreme longshot. How old are you? I would assume you're a younger dude to have expectations like this, if you're a guy above 40 and think you're going to legitimately have a dancer fall in love without monetary supplements you're as crazy as she might be.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    hostess clubs
    I'll pay for sex but I'm not paying just to hang out and talk to a chick. Seems pretty pathetic. Paying for sex is one thing, it's a way to just get right to it and not have to go out hunting for someone and go out on 3 dates to try get some ass. Sometimes as a guy you just say to yourself, I want to laid...now. But as for paying a girl to hang out and chat with no sex, I guess some guys have such low self esteem and are so shy they need this as a confidence booster. I guess serves a purpose as more of a therapy session. If I'm just going to hang out with some hotties I can go to my local Hooters and have a few beers and some laughs with the girls there for much less.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Charlie Sheen in Detroit
    Charlie has been able to keep his current act afloat longer than I thought before losing people's attention. Well I think now with this stage act he's going to bottom out. As soon as I heard he was going to do this I thought "what the hell is he going to do onstage? How can it be any different than the ramblings we've already seen? What's the point?" Well now we're seeing that point made. I predict a few more shows and then a cancellation of the rest of the tour. Charlie's act (which to me is very contrived and not authentic ) now will rapidly be in decline. What will be interesting now will be where he goes from here now that people are tired of this little act.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Average Prices for "extras"...
    There are a couple of lower end clubs here in CT with mainly latin girls w some black and a few white girls that go for $40-$80. Great bargain, granted they're dumps and you really have to weed through the girls to find a few diamonds in the rough but you can't beat the price.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Contaminated Drinks
    Amazing I'm still alive. I'm curious what exactly it is, why they use and why specifically strips use it and not regular bars.
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    14 years ago
    Police: Woman Hid 54 Bags of Heroin, Money in Her Vagina
    A 1972 Chevy Vega in mint condition also popped out. Go figure.
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    14 years ago
    I've become more of an ass man over the years. I don't really like big sloppy tits with huge areolas. I chick with huge tits will definitely grab my attention no doubt but I love a great ass. B or C cups with some perkiness and smaller areolas is my preference.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I'm planning on seriously cutting back my spending on strip clubs
    I would just have to stay away from the club entirely, if you have you favorite's numbers keep in touch and tell them you're going to be away on business or some horseshit. If you want to try to experiment and try to go to a club but not spend too much find a few clubs that you don't go to so you're not a familiar face. I have been successful in abstaining from the clubs when my financial situation becomes so dire continuing to club would mean becoming homeless. Believe me that will put the big head back in the driver's seat in a hurry. But if I've got disposable money forget it, kiss it goodbye. For instance I got my tax refund recently and I think you can guess where that's going. I'm trying to keep it to twice a week, just found a new ATF which is making it difficult. Another deterrent (usually for me at least) is hooking up with a real girl for awhile. During the honeymoon phase along with the regular sex clubbing isn't really on my mind. Of course after a few months it comes back. Eh, now that I think about it maintaining a decent looking girlfriend will probably cost you what you're blowing at the clubs. Good luck.
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    14 years ago
    North Iowa
    Dead and dying strippers
    Wow, I just found out two girls from a club I go to just died too. I was going to ask you if it is the same two girls but I see you live in Nebraska.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How long is your average visit?
    And PS as Super Dude mentioned it sure can get expensive. I can envy the guy that can walk in and order one drink go right back, do what is needed and leave. There's an extras club I go to where there are guys who do just that.
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    14 years ago
    How long is your average visit?
    I can't do the come in get what you want and leave. I don't have that mindset. I like to come, do the initial hang and have some drinks relax survey the scene. Sometimes I'm not in the mood to go all out and get the dances but want to be in the "atmosphere" and other times I'll go in knowing I'm there for a purpose and will want to hang and have to slow build towards finding the right girl in that moment. It's a fantasy scenario (for me at least) and I can't imagine walking in and leaving a road runner dust cloud behind me to the back before I finish my first drink.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip club raid, dancer and customer arrest
    The extras clubs that I go to here in CT routinely get raided. Happens every so often, they wind up getting shut down then move to a different location and go on until the cycle continues. I agree that in very disconcerting to imagine being involved in a raid and having your name in the news etc. The last time one of these clubs got raided was on a night that I almost had wound up going. I was never so thankful to have stayed home and jerked off in my life.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    HOT and BITCH
    I have to say all women are crazy, certainly when looking at it from a male perspective. That said I'd have to say almost any hot young female (dancer or not) is going to be a pain in the ass. I mean since puberty they've been getting their asses kissed and treated much differently than the rest of the world. And these under 25 girls now are such divas, more so than they ever used to be. They all think they're celebrities with facebook and the like now they get so much attention (more than they already do out in the street) they feel like they're all Kim Khardashian. There's varying degrees but you show me a smoking hot 22 year old and put her next to a fat or middle aged woman and ask me which of the group is going to be the biggest bitch/pain in the ass it's a no brainer.