
Comments by Gossage54 (page 2)

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    13 years ago
    Strip club restaurants
    I as well have never eaten (food) at a SC. Something about it just doesn't link up. I eat before or after but once I'm in the club my mind is in a different mode. Sometimes the clubs put out food for happy hour or the girls order their take out and ask if I want to order anything, no thanks. For some reason my mind after all these years has been trained there are two scenarios, an eating one and a SC one.
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    13 years ago
    Thieving dancers
    The extras club I go to is not in a ritzy neighborhood to say the least. I get nervous about my car no less my wallet. When I go there I leave my wallet at home. I bring only cash, my driver's license if I get pulled over, and usually reluctantly my ATM card. If some kind of emergency happens I'd hate to have no access to money though I usually just wind up burning through my cash and using the club's ATM and paying the ridiculous fee. I usually keep them in my breast pocket.
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    13 years ago
    Bringing in condoms
    Yes the extras clubs I go to probably stock more condoms than Costco. They keep them in the dressing room, I know since they actually got raided not too long ago and they found a ridiculous amount of condoms in the dressing room. I probably should keep one on me for the off chance I take a loose floozy home from a real bar. But the clubs I go to where I'm getting extras I know the girls have them, it's their profession. Your house painter wouldn't show up without a ladder.
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    13 years ago
    Do you and your ATF kiss?
    It can go either way. It's definitely a chick thing, just seems so funny to me a girl can show up ready to suck, fuck, take it in the ass (maybe) but "NO KISSING". Huh? The chemistry of the female brain is a mystery that no man has, can nor ever will understand. Last dance I got at a medium (sometimes high but rare) mileage club a cute little Colombian girl who looked like Tila Tequila with less wear and tear started a full on makeout session. For a dick stays in the pants dance it was actually quite nice, a little finger action and full on DFK. It was like I was in high school again. I've had other dancers too that will kiss like that but I've also had some scoff at the notion of kissing, kind of like "what!No way!". At a couple of high mileage clubs I go to near me there's no kissing, go back drop trou and get to work. I wouldn't even consider kissing one of these "ladies".
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Is the Waitress Starting Something?
    I have to agree with just about everyone here, this seems like kind of a no brainer. I just turned 39 and I would not pass ANY opportunity to hook up with a hot 22 year old at this point, these chances don't come around much as we get over 30. Deal with the fave later, if you haven't had any legit out of the club experiences yet you're still just dollar signs. I mean the waitress sounds like a real genuine situation where with the dancers it's always all about the dollar.
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    13 years ago
    Are you a sex addict?
    Got an 11, jeez I though I had enough trouble being an alcoholic. Oh well, time to do what I do best. Off to get liquored up and hit the whorehouse.
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    13 years ago
    Pornstar/model working at clubs
    Let's face it, it's a young girl's WORLD out there now. Being young and hot is what's out there now. And there's just so much porn being made now in conjunction with the fact young girls now are a lot more provocative than they've ever been. And 30 is considered old now for a woman's looks (which is the bane of their existence now) in porn or any aspect of life. If you really want to get some time with a porn star many working porn stars supplement their income by escorting. You can usually find them on eros.com or if they have a website (almost all do) often they post their schedules there. Obviously you will have to be prepared to spend $$$ but if you really want to have the experience go beyond a SC VIP room that would be it. If you actually have that kind of disposable income during these times more power to ya. That would be a nice treat for yourself, an hour with a pornstar in a luxury hotel suite.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Worker Mary Bassi Claims She Was Fired for Being Too Old
    That's a tough one. Personally I like 'em young and I think most guys that go to clubs go there to see and socialize with young girls. I definitely would say most of the business guys that go to the clubs after work etc are there to have a smoking hot 20 year old sit in his lap and giggle like he's still young and desirable. That being said there's a niche for every age group. I'd say obviously a MUCH smaller one for a woman over 40 (if not 35) who is still dancing. 56 seems a bit much. I think most of us that have been going to clubs for some time all have experiences where that one dancer appears that is WEEEEELLL past her prime and still trying to work it. It usually is pretty sad. There is a club near me that has a dancer there well into her 40s who actually has kept her body in great shape. She's had nips and tucks all around (face included) but she has a solid fan base that love her. So how well preserved she might be plays a huge part of course. In the end if she wasn't causing any trouble and had a solid base of regulars that came to see her then the club probably had no right to shitcan her. If she was just an eyesore that turned off most of the clientele then the club probably had to do what they had to do. In the end it really is a young girl's game any way you slice it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you feel guilty when you turn down a dance
    I agree with uscue13. If she approaches me one minute after I arrive, puts her arm around me and says "come on baby, let's go for a dance" I don't feel bad at all about saying "No I'm good right now". If she's invested time hanging out and talking and seems pretty down to earth and cool I usually will give them a heads up and say something like "Hey just so you know I'm probably not getting a dance and I just don't want to hold you up, I know you need to make money and not sit around and talk". Something like that, most reasonable dancers will usually appreciate the honesty and the courtesy. Of course you don't want to make it sound like you're just trying to get rid of them so you can add "But of course you're more than welcome to stay and talk". Surprisingly if you're charming enough once in awhile they'll hang longer. It's also an interesting way of really cutting through the bullshit on some of the girls. Some are really better actresses than others. I can tell when they're totally trying to play me, some of the more shallow girls are just so transparent it's ridiculous. Then there are the ones that can really play off being genuine but when you give them the "don't want to hold you up" you see the mask come off and like a light switch they reach for their drink and mutter something like "OK I'll be back" and walk off ignoring you the rest of the night. Then there are the ones that might still stay and talk or come back and hang out during some downtime again knowing you're not going to get a dance. Or add the fourth installment the ones that will come back all bubbly but throw out "so you've been here drinking awhile. You think you're ready now?..." All while rubbing your back etc..
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New Year's- anyone thinking about going to an SC?
    I third that. I can't remember the last time I went out on New Year's and drove. Waaaaaaaaaaay too risky. I'm leery of being out past 10 after having some drinks throughout the second half of December. Cops are out in full force looking for DWIs. I've gotten one before, no fun. That money you've saved looking to blow at the titty bar will be long forgotten when you're looking at attorney's fees, the cost of alcohol education classes you'll be forced to take, the humiliation of your name in the police blotter and the threat of losing your job and not to mention losing your driving privileges for at least 3 months. Do yourself a favor, go to a house party and stay there then go to the titty bar in January when the police force dwindles down.
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    14 years ago
    Police raid nabs 7 on prostitution charges
    I had a feeling this was coming. I almost made a trip here Sunday night and am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief I did not! As for the cops reading these sites, they probably do. But I don't think by any means that is what instigates a raid. They already know exactly what goes on at what clubs. And like Slick556 said cops like titty bars as much if not more than the next guy. And it's every few years they get provoked to go in and make a bust. Like Rick said in Bpt this happens like clockwork, Teddies was the perfect example of the cycle. People chattering on all these sites certainly doesn't help but I think Bpt police would come in and drop the hammer on these place every few years regardless. Look at how many other clubs boards (in every city and state) are just as explicit and nothing happens. Look at Harry O's in Stamford. Everyone knows that place is a brothel and nothing ever happens there. This is mainly a Bpt tradition.
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    13 years ago
    Where are all the video booths?
    I remember my first and only peep booth experience in the late 80s a bunch of us spilling out onto the NYC streets after a Grateful Dead concert peaking on acid. We came across the booths (all of about 16 years old) and giggling like schoolgirls we would basically on a dare go in one by one. I remember the first guy coming out ashen and horrified looking. I think I went in 3rd with great trepidation at that point. All I remember is the woman was hideous (the LSD didn't make her any better looking) and she was fingering her extremely hairy pussy and requesting I "whip it out and jerk it off". I then began noticing the adhesive texture of the floor and that was all I could take. The experience was about as erotic as the movie Eraserhead. Peep booths and blotter acid did not mix well for me or any of the people I was with. As for the Bpt clubs, you can still get laid at Bishop's or Pleasant Moments. Forget George's.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Pros and Cons of Being a Strip Club Regular
    I bounce around between a few different clubs in my area. One I fall back on the most is very mellow, BYOB low pressure place. Music isn't too loud girls don't give too much pressure for dances if you just want to chill. I try not to be too much of regular at one particular club, I've been going to these clubs for years so I do get recognized but I don't want to be that guy that comes in 4 times a week. Another drawback to becoming a reg is you can no longer come in anonymously, sit and have your drink(s)and casually pick the girl you might want a dance with or not choose any. Say you're a reg/semi-reg you go and there might be a girl there you've danced with before but there's a newbie you see you're interested in but the one you've danced with is all over you. You're now committed to her for the visit, yes you could be blunt and say I want to hang with this new one in a polite way but that creates a bad situation. One of the clubs I go to I can't stay for more than 1-2 drinks because this one crazy dancer there knows me (she's always there and has been there for years) and smothers me the second I walk in the door. She's extremely loud and bad mouths basically every girl in the club (loudly) right at the bar. So as soon as I'm caught in that spider's web I have to come up with a reason why I have to leave almost immediately and bolt. She won't leave me alone otherwise, my only recourse would be to tell her not to talk to me which would create a huge dramatic scene. I like going into clubs I've never been to or haven't been in so long it's like I've never been there. I kind of like the anonymous factor.
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    I didn't read much more than a few words of this. I would never lend money to a stripper unless I knew her for years and somehow established a real relationship where I could trust her but that rarely happens. Just make an arrangement to do some TO and compensate her handsomely.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
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    13 years ago
    How I got played by a stripper
    You always have to remember these girls are professional hustlers. It's their job. Some are such good actresses they deserve awards. I dare anyone to come up with something more powerful than what a beautiful young girl can do to a man. It's beyond intoxicating. But again you have to remember the situation you're in. She's there to make as much money as quickly as possible, not to find a boyfriend or a fuck buddy and for her to start getting regulars is crucial. Now that being said you can actually form legitimate friendships if you will with dancers but it takes time. You have to really get to know them and gain their trust etc, if you're walking out of your first visit with her phone number in hand thinking you just hooked up you're setting yourself up for a fall.
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    14 years ago
    A Guide to Pushy Dancers
    I usually just do the polite "I'm OK right now, I just got here" or something to that effect. If it's slow they'll probably come back, if it gets busy you probably missed your chance (if you are interested) or you might have to hunt her down and say "I'm ready now". If I'm really not interested I'll just say "I'm not getting a dance today, sorry". Then if she sees you go back with someone else she'll give a death stare but who cares if you have no interest anyway. After the polite "I'm OK for the moment" you'll either get an "OK I'll come back and check on you later" or they'll grumble and go off in a huff. If they do that you're probably better off because usually that girl would give you a rushed bad dance anyway with the probable upselling the song count. Sometimes I can be so turned off by getting bombarded with pushy dancers within 10 minutes of arriving I'll finish 1 beer and just abort the mission. I usually keep to myself after entry and (hopefully) relax and have a few drinks and survey the scene. I like to know I've seen virtually every girl on duty before making my decision. For me it's a bit of a production, I can't imagine walking into a club grabbing a beer and going right into the back. I'm paying for a whole fantasy scenario.