What next.....

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
This is probably a tired subject, but I'm learning about OTC and don't want to blow it.

When a dancer gives me her phone number then texts me the next day and asks me do you want to get dinner or something? What is next? Is "or something" meaningful, or I am just an optimist?


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avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Could be meaningful. Only way to find out is to answer. But don't put anything incriminating into a text message. :)
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
If she gives you her number and texts you about going out, you should drive to the basket for a slam dunk! Don't forget to bring condoms and cash.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
It could turn into something or not. Use comon sence & be prepaired for a let down. Answer her texts & plan something fun & see what hapens
avatar for Moose42
14 years ago
See what happens after you bang her brains out. Tell her your favorite dish is vag.
avatar for Gossage54
14 years ago
Don't expect anything. I've gone out (not dated) with a handful of dancers and my experiences were disasters in the fact that they were all not quite right in the head. To find your dreamgirl in a stripper is an extreme longshot. How old are you? I would assume you're a younger dude to have expectations like this, if you're a guy above 40 and think you're going to legitimately have a dancer fall in love without monetary supplements you're as crazy as she might be.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
14 years ago
Bang69, and Gossage54, above are both right on the mark. I've had a few experiences where dancers asked ME for OTC. However, it was usually a disappointment. I sensed that they were under the influence of alcohol/drugs. If they did show up, often the night ended with an obscene request for "loan." I've been stood up twice by dancers who suggested an OTC, then didn't show or call. One texted two and a half hours after our agreed meeting time and said, "I'm running a little late. Is that okay, honey?" I ignored her text and never spent another dollar on her again. Like one of the other posters said, be prepared for anything, meaning either a good time, or a bad experience. If you're going a distance to meet her, have a plan B in mind--meaning that the drive isn't wasted and there's something else you can do in the area--like go to another strip club near where she stood you up. I've had much better success when I suggested it. It took one dancer six months to take me up on it. Often, dancers are anxious to get out of work (at their club) for an evening and spend time with a customer they're comfortable with--it guarantees them a stated income for the night, and they'll likely know exactly what the customer wants to do for the evening, unlike an evening at work for them. If they're really anxious for a night off, you may get an OTC offer from a dancer.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
You ask, "What is next? Is "or something" meaningful, or I am just an optimist?"

Anything could be next! From a great time for the rest of your life to being taken to the cleaners or ending up dead in some hotel room. Meaningful, possible, but not likely. Yes, you are!

avatar for clamheart
14 years ago
I don't care much about the thread, but I love Microd...'s photo. Could be subtitled 'open for business'.
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
The most likely thing is she perceives you are "safe" and she wants to get a good meal without paying for it (maybe her gangsta wannabe boyfriend is a cheap shit). Second most likely thing is she is looking to milk you for meals, then gifts, then rent money. Third possibility (ah, the glimmer of hope) is that she wants to offer OTC action. So, if you like her, and you don't mind paying for a meal, take her out, find out, and be done with it.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Who knows what will happen. Like clubber sez, ranges from best time you ever had to dead - It'll be somewhere in there.

Hopefully, It won't be like the time I had this great **** hotel room and invited a dancer (#1) I was doing now-and-then OTC with to stay the night and drain all my juices from me! ...While I'm waiting for her...now 2 hours late, spinner #2 who I was trying to avoid because she was hitting me up for too many loans, calls totally out of the blue, and wanted to get together. Damn, spinner #2 did the best *69* imaginable, and she'd do back door for same price. Sorry, baby but I've got plans this evening....dang...but #1 is very good as well!

Now 3 hours late - I'm waiting patiently and trying not to drink up all the booze when #1 calls from the parking garage - 20 minutes later she's at the door half shot (booze n' blow), dressed like a tramp. Agrees that she would feel better if we got something to eat. It's 9pm, kitchens will be closing soon, so we go down the block to a Ruth's Chris. Can still get dinner, and I haven't had one of their 6" thick fillets in a long time - good deal, we settle into a booth, and we start to talk; her eyes get far away and she passes out. WTF...waiter, can we cancel our order. Nope. $75 "go box" and I'm carrying her out and back to the room, and into the bed. I drank the rest of the beer and watched TV thinking she might wake-up, get a second wind and blow me...or somethin'. She slept till 9am.

Put her in her car in the morning, watched her pull out of the garage and ate great steak left-overs for two days.

I never saw or heard from #2 again...dang! #1 showed up six years later at the same club we'd met at. Now weighed an extra 50 or 60 pounds, mother of 2, wanted money BEFORE the lap dance and looked like shit.

So, motorhead, the moral of the story is: when you f**k around with strippers.....
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Dancers are eager to have a nice guy take them to dinner. They save money and get to go places their thug boyfriend won't pop for. If you want dinner with a hot looking date, fine, but without some clear agreement, that's all you will get.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
14 years ago
Important point: what is "meaningful" is in the mind of the beholder, for all people, on all levels.
avatar for skibum609
14 years ago
Or something usually designates an escape hatch. If by "something more meaningful" you mean a dating relationship where you're not paying for sex, you're being delusional, not an optimist. If she's pretty and not a crackhead take her to a local pub and see what happens. Since expectations lead to disappointment, have none. It will be very, very different than in the club though. Neither one of you will be the same person.
avatar for joker44
14 years ago
Another take on OP: How to respond to dancer’s message.

IF you’re really interested in pursuing despite above warnings and possible $$$ ruin...DO NOT text back that yes, you’d like that OR any other test message that says or implies you’re really very interested and drooling on yourself in anticipation.

DO reply with something showing MILD interest, such as “might be fun” followed by “but I’m [you] very busy for the next three days [you have a life other than lusting after her AND you’ve already arranged to have your sex needs catered to for those 3 days].

In other words your slightly interested in possibilities with her BUT if it doesn’t happen it’s no great loss to you. AND you have to back it up with actions. At this point what “something” means is totally irrelevant; what is most important is who is “top dog” in the transaction.

If she doesn’t respond to your text immediately, forget OTC with her. It never was a real possibility.

If she does respond and no matter what she says your response is: “Hey [use her SS name, no terms of endearment], real busy now, can’t talk, when things slow down maybe we can chat” DO NOT respond to any further texts from her [you REALLY are very busy and have a full life outside the club]. DO NOT talk about any OTC with her [by text or voicemail] until you see her face to face in club and WAIT for her to bring it up. If she doesn't, forget OTC and don’t reward her by getting LDs. Cool it with her ITC for awhile [be pleasant but uninterested] or forever depending on your gut reaction to the discussion.

If she raises OTC with you, remain mildly interested but don’t jump at first offered date -- you’re a busy guy and have other “love” interests to keep you satisfied, you don’t NEED her but you are interested. From there, it really depends on how things play out. If you’re both still interested and you don’t detect any major game playing or manipulation [e.g., loan requests] on her part then you can suggest meeting for...coffee, drinks etc at someplace NOT frequented by other club employees. Don't accomodate her schedule, you're the busy one. You must set a time limit to first meeting by saying that you have another meeting, appt, whatever and must leave meeting with her after one hour. AND DO SO. DO NOT discuss sex or further OTC at this time. If she presses you, just reply you’ll talk to her next time you’re in the club [leave that "next time" vague BC you’re a busy guy...]. If you fall prey to lust and accomodate her or appear more than mildly interested, she has you by the b***s. Forget OTC, she's got what she wanted.

WHY? Because in addition to the possibility of SS OTC scam you also are facing the need of every women to repeatedly verify that she is attractive to her chosen gender sex partners [same or opposite] In order to validate her attractiveness all she needs is some overt sign of your lustful interest [text / voicemail] that she can show to her workmates. Doing so shows her sisters that she can attract a potential sex partner and PL; it plays on the competitiveness among women when it comes to sex partners / boy or girlfriends.

This means she doesn't have to actually show up for the OTC date or put out afterwards; she’s already won and potentially has a drooling regular that will, over time, give her more $$$ than for a few OTCs. In other words it can become a game of Rapo -- flirt and tease but when it comes time to put out, how can you think she’s that kind of girl. She’s playing to her coworkers / girlfriends [I’m not a slut], not to you. You’re just a convenient tool to use. And if you’re still lusting after her after the first NO SHOW she can later ramp up the game again.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Do you want to fuck her or feed her?
avatar for baltimoretraveler
14 years ago
I've had dancers ask me about hanging outside the club, dinner, etc and we've done that and nothing else. Other times it's just a way for them to say, hey, they want sex for some $. Sometimes it's to a motel but a few actually asked for $ in addition to going to dinner. So make sure u are clear about what they want upfront.
avatar for Fenster
14 years ago
Of course, getting some dances from her co-workers could go a long ways towards making her step up and be competitive.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
joker: Jesus, talk about too much work! Why not just ask her what she' up for? Then there's two possibilities. Either she'll say some variant of "Yes, I'm interested in [whatever 'meaningful' means in this context] with you" or she'll prevaricate, lie, avoid answering or just say "no" outright.

If I had to go through all those gyrations, I'd never get any.
avatar for joker44
14 years ago
gmd, got me, lol. did I sound like book guy?

I took motorhead at his word: "...I'm learning about OTC and don't want to blow it" that is, an average guy new to OTC.

You, as you've told us many times are no average guy [I mean in terms of OTC experience, of course!]

I read motorhead as saying he didn't want to end up looking foolish or experience some of the worst outcomes kindly outlined for him by other posters to this topic.

Again, when you talk about "blowing it" we all know you mean something entirely different!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I *wish* I was average...
avatar for motorhead
14 years ago
joker, thanks for the response. I'm not stupid. I'm not looking to date her. I'm a realist, so I'm ready to pay for play, but wasn't even sure if that's what she might be offering. I hope I have the discipline to act as you suggested.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Man, oh, man, you guys! This is just hooking up with a stripper. Don't tie yourselves in knots.

I negotiated a $50mil farm-in deal this morning for my new oil patch venture in less than half the wording of joker44's post.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
motorhead - honestly, go for it. The most you really have to lose here is the cost of dinner, and at least you'll be having it with some good company.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Her saying of "or something?" clearly seems as if she is trying to gauge your thoughts on whether your one of 'those guys' (dinner date and nothing else) or an "or something" (OTC fucking guy)

My advice... Take the "or something?"
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