

avatar for 10inches

was sitting with my ATF recently, when she began a critique of the other girls. too fat, too thin, too many tattoos etc. finally she started talking about mileage you could get with each girl. made mental note about what extras go with which girl so I could check them out when ATF not on duty. anyone ever had this happen??


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avatar for txtittyfan
13 yrs ago

I do not get wrapped up in discussing dancers with dancers. I do not visit clubs for gossip.

avatar for boatmonkey
13 yrs ago

Most strippers I have met get irate if they think other dancers are gossiping about them so I almost never ask anything about another girl, other than maybe what's her name. I sit and listen to whatever the dancer with me wants to tell me and really try not to ask too many questions at all. Most girls want to keep their private life private and many get offended if you ask something they consider too personal.

avatar for steve229
13 yrs ago

Oddly enough, if I'm sitting with a dancer, watching the stage show, I usually hear just the opposite - "I wish I had her boobs," "she has a really nice ass, " "she has the best pole tricks" etc.

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


My ATF was that way, being bisexual. My current fave, the same. What has happened, I give my ATF/Fave some bucks to tip the dancer and when she comes around to where we are sitting, I get a mini 2 girl show.

avatar for gsv
13 yrs ago

@Clubber - Haha, yes that's always fun. I've done the same with my ATF. I wouldn't say she's bisexual, but definitely into experimenting a bit ;) It can be very hot.

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


My current fave was talking to me about a problem se was having, and she mentioned that she had called her ex-girlfriend. I asked if it were a girl that was a friend or a girlfriend. She smiled and said girlfriend. She got a kick out of my telling her of the incredible visions she just put in my imagination. DAMN! Just as I type this she texts me.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

Do tell, Clubber. What did she text?? LOL

I won't discuss most dancers with other ones. Shadowcat's friend I will. She was done wrong by another one there, I let her know, that although I can empathize with that other dancer's problem, I will no longer get dances from that dancer. I don't believe in rewarding bad behaviour.

avatar for Dougster
13 yrs ago

Strippers are just hateful in general. They'll talk trash about anyone and everything if given the chance, so it's better to just pay them to suck your cock.

avatar for basketball
13 yrs ago

I've had a couple dancers on their own, start making comments about the other dancers. If I am interested in the girl I am sitting with, I would never ask her about others. Not good timing.

avatar for Rod84
13 yrs ago

I'm w/Steve229 - I've had dancers often sit and tell me how they wish they had another girl's boobs, butt, pole style, or whatever. Meanwhile, I'm thinking her breasts, butt, and stage show are spectacular, and in fact better that than the others, which is why I'm sitting with her in the first place. Why is it they (we) are never happy with what we have, and downplay everything they (we) are? Perhaps it's just that familiarity always seems to breed a certain level of dissatisfaction in everything.

avatar for Gossage54
13 yrs ago

There's one at a club near me that is about 40 now and should hang it up. She LOUDLY badmouths all girls at the club right at the bar. It's really uncomfortable because if she knows you she'll come right up to you at the bar and pop a squat next to you and start trashing everyone in the club. So then you're kind of unwillingly thrust into it, you just have to kind of make short innocuous responses and try to change the subject (and preferably get her away but once you're in the spider's web you're done). Some girls will say complimentary things about other dancers but I find most (if they comment at all) will talk trash about the other girls. I mean they're all trying to compete for a sale, why try to help the competition?

avatar for bang69
13 yrs ago

I always here things like I wish I could ploe tricks like her,I wish i made the money she does & things like that. But no dising the other dancers.

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


She said that "N" keeps wondering when that PL from up north will be back. :)

avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 yrs ago

My favorite dancer at the club nearest my work likes to comment on the other girls while we sit around. Usually, her comments are positive, finding something nice to say about almost everyone. Finally a tall, assertive girl, "H", comes on stage and gives the tippers a lot of contact for their money. My lady says "Don't come for dances with me if you ever get some with HER!" After some questioning, she tells me that all the other dancers believe that "H" has Herpes! Now I don't know how true that is, but that's really the only negativism I encountered with my club fave.

avatar for DandyDan
13 yrs ago

I try to not discuss the other dancers when I'm with a dancer, but when I'm at my favorite club, other dancers will come up as a topic of conversation. Usually, they are just being critical of another dancer, although with some dancers, it's the opposite.

avatar for Stiletto25
13 yrs ago

Dancers that say unflattering things about another dancer to a customer are unprofessional and extremely insecure (and rightfully so in some instances).

Most of the time a dancer will say very flattering things about a girl onstage or otherwise. There are many dancers that have amazing assets and deserve to be complimented.

There was a dancer I worked with at a club in Washington. Very insecure girl and rightfully so. She would come up to me in the locker room and tell me what amazing boobs I had and that she wanted them. Always a compliment. Then a few customers had told me when I was onstage that she was giving unflattering, unsolicited advice about my personal life ( which she had no clue about) and that I was dirty un the VIP (again something she knew nothing about since I very rarely saw her in the VIP).

I wasn't the only girl she was talking about. She never got any dances. She was so insecure that instead of walking tall and flaunting the good features she did have, she badmouthed the other dancers and customers didn't want to hear it. She was a cute girl. She could have done better for herself.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

AWWWWWW, Clubber, that just made my day. LMAO. I think "N" just wants my wallet. Toooooooo bad !!

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


VERY VERY few dancers want anything from us other than our wallets. I think one is lucky if he can find one like that in their time.

avatar for samsung1
13 yrs ago

Some strip clubs I go to the strippers are competitive with each other and will talk trash.

Others you will have strippers who are all "friends" with each other. The "friends" tend to be lifers with no life outside strip clubs.

avatar for Vegeta1on1
13 yrs ago

I have had dancers tell me who does what and so forth.

avatar for gsv
13 yrs ago

@Clubber - agreed. the good ones try to make it seem like they want something other than your $, but this is rarely ever true. Best thing is to never be fooled, and just have fun within your means. I know that my ATF does legitimately enjoy our times, both ITC and OTC, but $ helps things along (especially initially).

avatar for gatorfan
13 yrs ago

Was the question what do customers think strippers think of other strippers. Answer = lying thieving whores

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


My ATF and I did become friends and still see each other on occasions. Turned out we had common friends so we are sometimes together with others that know nothing of our ATF/customer relationship. I bought her gifts as she did for me. It never was a case of her just wanting money from me after the first couple of times we met.

avatar for kappa_girl
13 yrs ago

I'm a dancer and I would never talk negatively about another dancer with a customer, no matter what I personally feel about 'said' dancer. It's unprofessional to say the least. The club I currently work at has a pretty strict 'respect policy' and flat-out doesn't tolerate drama between dancers. That happens to be one of the main reasons I now work here, and the same reason I left my previous club.

If I'm sitting with a customer, and he/she makes a comment about another dancer, I will either redirect the conversation, or offer a positive insight. Personally, I think all of the girls at my current club are beautiful, and very pleasant to work with. And because we all have this positive attitude, there isn't the typical strip club competition between us and everyone as a result has a good time.

avatar for shadowcat
13 yrs ago

I discuss other dancers all of the time. It's a part of the strip club scene. This is especially true when I am with gridget. If I ask and she knows, she will tell me anything about another dancer or customer for that matter. It works both ways. vincemichaels got a dance from a new dancer that none of us new. Afterwards she asked me how his dance was. I told her "He got a BJ for $70". LOL.

avatar for baltimoretraveler
13 yrs ago

Dancers talking trash about other dancers is a common theme in Baltimore, at least on the Block. Girls do this all the time when I sit with them. They will say, things about another girl's body but mostly it is, " that girl does such as such drugs, or I heard she has an STD, or that girl is always doing VIPs". Most of the time it's because the dancers are jealous of other girls making $$ and want to keep guys from bouncing from stripper to stripper. I don't buy into any of the crap, but it doesn't stop them from saying stuff to me anyway.

avatar for bumrubber
13 yrs ago

I don't hear much trash talking, and the girls who do it are miserable in general. If it's not trash talking it's some other personality trait that's a turnoff.

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