SC raids: Do they discourage you from clubbing?

avatar for ForceMajeure

I just heard that a local club got "raided" by the city's "vice" unit (PD). It's a pasty club, and the news story said that dancers (and manager) were arrested for "nude" dancing. I would be terrified if that happened while I was at the club. The story said that one customer was arrested, but just for abusive language. Does this possibility concern anyone? Disincentivize you from making a solo trip?


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avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Not any more. The locals have been overly vigilant towards strip clubs lately, so I confine my SC trips to looking and trying to set something else up.

avatar for rickdugan
13 yrs ago

Nope. Not even a little.

avatar for Gossage54
13 yrs ago

If it's a non extras club I wouldn't care in the slightest. Just don't do like this moron did and get verbally abusive with the cops and you're not breaking any laws by being there. As for clubs that provide extras that is a different story. There's some here in CT that periodically get raided and eventually shut down and re open somewhere else until they get raided again and move again etc. Now in this situation you do have something to worry about if you're one of the guys in the back with their pants down when they kick the doors in. You're arrested and your name goes in the blotter, humiliating. Now THAT worries me, I still take my chances (the odds of being in the back at that precise moment are very slim) but just the thought of that makes a chill run down my spine.

avatar for highlander2973
13 yrs ago

If it's the club I'm thinking about that incident happened back in October/November of last year. I know, I was there. The patron in question had a few too many, ran his mouth, and was subsequently handcuffed and led out. Bottom line is that patrons really don't have anything to worry about. Cops have to do these things every once in awhile to keep up appearances and to make it look to the general public like their actually doing something. Of course they slant the press release and say a dancer was violating the nudity statutes when in reality all that means is their nipples weren't covered by pasties. I could go on about pasties but that's another rant for another day.

avatar for kappa_girl
13 yrs ago

All clubs are 'raided' periodically, hate to tell you. Many times you won't even know because a lot of them are by under covers. They come in to check standards and sometimes for prostitution or drugs. If the club has a 'less than classy' rep, they will come in more frequently. If its a higher class club, it could be as little as once a year for a simple "walk through". If that discourages you, perhaps you should look for a tamer way to spend your time and money.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

Yes and no. I won't go to a club that got raided in the last week. Generally, everything gets somewhat conservative. Nerves on the dancers get a little shaky. Management usually clamps down for a while. No, it won't stop me, otherwise. As the others say, as long as you are smart, aren't in the VIP with your dick out when they come in or be a dumbass and mouth off to the pigs, you'll be fine. Once your nerves settle down. LOL

avatar for rickdugan
13 yrs ago

But it is always nice to hear feel good stories about cops that get to take a break from chasing down violent felons in order to roust girls who are dancing at a club. These guys are heroes.

avatar for bang69
13 yrs ago

There are always undercover cops in a sc thats nothing new. Just be careful what you say & do.

avatar for shadowcat
13 yrs ago

I know that samsung1 loves this story, so I am going to tell it again.

About 10 years ago I was in the Memphis Platinum Plus during a vice raid. There were 4 of them dressed like bikers. They came in, made a sweep of the main room and then headed to the semi private couch room. They pulled a curtain shutting off the couch room from the main room. I didn't realize it was a raid until the DJ announced that the lap dance room was close ufn and drinks were buy one get one free until it reopened. A lot of customers left. Feeling that, that was it for the night. I was from out of town so I stayed. 1:15 later the dance room reopended. The 50 or so dancers and customers that got caught back there received citations.

A short time later, I hooked up with Angel for some dances. I got my very first BBBJ in a strip club on the 4th song.

All I could think of was that I had just gotten a blow job in a club that was just raided by the cops and hour and a half ago.

So me worry? LOL...

avatar for chimark
13 yrs ago

my worst experience, was a raid had happened, and the club was closed. I was pretty drunk and was trying to wait it out and sobor up.... The bouncers came around and said I had to leave.... I was like are you kidding me? I have to leave now and I'm drunk and going to get into a car while there are cops around? thankfully the cops were busy, I got in the car drove a 1/2 block to a restaurant and hung out there for about a couple of hours watched sports, and sobered up... that was stressful!

avatar for gatorfan
13 yrs ago

Insect repellant works better Raid irritates the skin

avatar for lopaw
13 yrs ago

Nah. Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger.

avatar for SuperDude
13 yrs ago

Raids happen in Detroit when club owners are slow on paying the required bribes. When the bribes are paid the raids are staged. When bribes are late or not paid, raids happen without the usual prior notice.

avatar for SuperDude
13 yrs ago

Most recent story in Detroit about cops warning adult establishments about raids.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

Got to love crooked pigs.

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