I'm planning on seriously cutting back my spending on strip clubs

I want to save up money for a car and other things. What do you think my chances of success are if I want to visit the same clubs but just tell most dancers no thanks? I'm planning on telling favorites no thanks and cutting back a lot on how much I drink as well. I did some calculations and decided I would rather save the thousands of dollars I spend each year rather than throw it away.
I'm kind of wondering because I have not told any dancers. One dancer is very hot too. I'm thinking I could tell her that I'm either not going to visit nearly as often or I'm going to cut out almost all the drinks and dances. I might be better off not visiting nearly as much. What do you think? I did not visit any strip clubs this weekend and making plans to stay home and work on taxes next weekend. Kind of wondering if I can stick with my plan if I eventually have thousands of dollars in the bank.
last commentWhen you go, only take the cash you're willing to spend w/o ATM card.
If you are trying to save money, then whatever you do do not follow txtittyfan's investment advice. He tell you such idiotic things like to short treasuries the day before they bottom. If you listen to him your savings will go poof!
Good luck.
I've tried to cut back a few times and only wound up going more often. Kinda backfired. Hope you do better.
Personally, I wouldn't offer up any long or elaborate explanations to the dancers. They'll no doubt be bummed that they will no longer be getting your $$$, but they'll just move on to someone else.
I would not act like a cheapskate at a regular club. I would just travel around checking out new clubs and then act like a cheapskate that way they will not remember you.
I once tried to "cut back" and bring in only enough cash for drink, cover, tips, minimum expenses. Ended up pulling out the charge card and setting a new strip club spending record for myself >.<
I have slowed and or stopped, in the past, due to a lack of funds or chances. I was more successful without the funds. Had I had them, as you seem too, I wouldn't have stopped or cut back. I see failure in your future. Sorry, just how I feel. It is an addiction, much like gambling, to me.
As soon as I walk in the door, I am fucked. I need to stay away from the clubs completely if I want to save money. I have never gone in and been able to go cheap unless there was a really nasty selection of dancers. I spent two grand inside strip clubs in the last month. Good luck, sharkhunter.
Strip club dry since early last October!
The only way I was able to overcome my addiction to SCs was to leave North America. Since I am returning home in less than a week I am sure that I will soon be mainlining SCs at any opportunity that arises!
I am gonna cut back right after my next 3 day trip to my favorite club. Which starts tomorrow. Yeah, right!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, shadowcat. LOL Happy Hunting and say hi to the gorgeous Gridget for me, please.
For a number of years, I suffered from a $2k/mo habit. During those peak years, any attempt to seriously reduce spending was short-lived and met with a big relapse. I was finally able to reduce my activity (SC + OTC)to a sane level, but it took an economy that significantly reduced my financial resources (home builder) and a HUGE "get honest with myself" thing. Fortunately, my fav club is a juice bar, so alcohol didn't come in to play.
The best way to stop spending so much money at SC's is to quit going to SC's, but we all know going cold turkey can't be the only way.... So, if you're doing OTC, it may be fairly easy to cut back on that first. Then work on reducing alcohol intake at the club - you may find that is more of the SC experience than you realized. Try spending more time at the stage. Limit the number of lappers you get each visit. And finally, go ahead and be a cheapskate. If all this fails, just start over. Good luck!
You need to remove the temptation...just don't go anywhere near an SC while you're saving up. Once you've got your new car or whatever, then you'll have some extra money and can go back.
Just remember, big brain thinks outside the club. Little brain rules inside the club. Cut back on visits and take in budgeted cash with credit cards left at home.
Everything that lopaw said.
Also, I agree with Prim0. The times in my life where I was forced to cut back, the only way I could do it was by cutting it out completely. I honestly had to stay away from the booze too, because too much drinking almost always led to a trip to the SC.
Anyway, good luck!
I would just have to stay away from the club entirely, if you have you favorite's numbers keep in touch and tell them you're going to be away on business or some horseshit. If you want to try to experiment and try to go to a club but not spend too much find a few clubs that you don't go to so you're not a familiar face. I have been successful in abstaining from the clubs when my financial situation becomes so dire continuing to club would mean becoming homeless. Believe me that will put the big head back in the driver's seat in a hurry. But if I've got disposable money forget it, kiss it goodbye. For instance I got my tax refund recently and I think you can guess where that's going. I'm trying to keep it to twice a week, just found a new ATF which is making it difficult. Another deterrent (usually for me at least) is hooking up with a real girl for awhile. During the honeymoon phase along with the regular sex clubbing isn't really on my mind. Of course after a few months it comes back. Eh, now that I think about it maintaining a decent looking girlfriend will probably cost you what you're blowing at the clubs. Good luck.
"I'm planning on seriously cutting back my spending on strip clubs"
Me, too! I'm also planning to lose 10 lbs, learn a foreign language, run a marathon, drink less, start a business, volunteer and start recycling. :-)
CT - Girls say they miss you. Time to jump off the wagon!
Steve, after reading that most recent Tycoon's review, I'm tempted. Problem is, that place also gets visited by thieves with AK-47s.
Two college kids, tuition and all that, with irregular cash flow from business forced me to make choices. Auto accident totaled my car. I have been using public transportation for over a year, borrowing a car only when absolutely necessary. So, I have been to clubs four times in the past 16 months. I have found a new daytime fav in a club that is a short bus ride from my apartment. With business picking up and the kids graduating, I will have some extra cash. I will save for a car first, then return to my twice a week SC visits. Staying away from SCs is like a New Year's resolution to quit eating salted peanuts. It just won't work unless circumstances really force you to stay away.
I am glad to hear I'm not the only one that was dropping 2K/mnth on clubs. Actually - a dancer. I was a real RIL. Luckily I liked money more than she liked me, so it was pretty easy to move away when my project ended. (Still think about her now and then though.)
Before you say Holy Shit! at the time I was banking 12k/mnth. Hopefully she did something better with the money than I did.
Anyhow 2002 was the last year for me. Actually reading all the rip offs and bullshit going on in the clubs on this board makes it pretty easy to remember it's a young man's diversion.
CTQWERTY don't let fear stop you from visiting tycoons. Even the columbus clubs have had crime problems
Damn, Sam! Lame Columbus clubs having crime problems?!?
"I want to save up money for a car and other things. What do you think my chances of success are if I want to visit the same clubs but just tell most dancers no thanks? I'm planning on telling favorites no thanks and cutting back a lot on how much I drink as well. I did some calculations and decided I would rather save the thousands of dollars I spend each year rather than throw it away."
This is crazy talk. I had similar thoughts myself a couple months ago, but then I came to my senses. My grandmother doesn't really need that operation, and my daughter will do just fine without a college education.
CT, I hear ya. I've joked about that crime at Tycoons, but seriously it gives one pause. Although the odds of it happening again are exceptionally tiny, I would think twice about that place. I used to be a bartender and one restaurant I worked at a long, long, time ago was on the West End of the Detroit 8 Mile area. Every time the door opened late at night, I had to prepare for ANYTHING
Move to Seattle or Vancouver, British Columbia. The lack of quality strip clubs will make it easy to stop going and save money. Now if they didn't have these great massage parlors maybe I could save some money.
Farmerart if you are going to be in BC let me know and I'll buy you a drink at the 5.
But if you move to Vancouver you'll just spend all that formerly-for-stripper cash on prostitutes. :)
It might be a little bit crazy to think I'm going to cut out almost all the lap dances, etc. and only drink the minimum 2 beers required at one club and then leave after tipping a few girls on stage especially when I like a couple of the dancers in one club and one or two in another club.
I almost couldn't believe one review I read for the Masters recently. They claimed hardly no dancers ever came over to their table. I remember going there and was very determined my first night visit of the week (I planned to visit multiple times that week) to not buy any lap dances. I had dancer after dancer trying to talk me into lap dances. Another plus for staying home is that I'll save gas money too.
hmmm, the alternative is to be a stripper's boyfriend or friend and let her pay for her own drinks etc. :)
I did have one hot dancer actually paying for a lot of her own drinks without even asking her one night. That was a strange night. It was like she was on a truth serum or something. She told me her real name, that she was engaged to someone and all kinds of stuff that you don't typically hear a dancer say.
I say save up some money, go for broke for a finale visit before you stop cold turkey, make it a night to remember and get your priorities straight so you can start going back.
Maybe you should get a cheaper car. You can get reliable transportation for under $20K, less if you get a newer used car. Lap dances won't feel as intense when you're older, that might be the time to get the beamer. You might have money for both anyway.
With most dancers, I think the only thing that will jam you up with them is if they spend a lot of time on you, then find out you're cutting back. If you tell them up front, they'll see you as a good guy, and be happy to get the grind back on in the future when you're flush again.
I worked at a club where two "regulars" came in almost EVERY afternoon and sat in front of the stage. Never bought any dances though-said they didn't have the money. We (the dancers) used to wonder why they didn't visit less often so the $70 per week budget would be more satisfying.