
Dead and dying strippers

North Iowa
Sunday, March 6, 2011 9:39 AM
Went back to my favorite club after a month and a half absence tonight and learned two tragic things. One of my old favorites died in a car accident a month ago and a different one has incurable cancer (the girl who told me these things didn't know what kind). I hate to see favorites go like that.


  • spandexman
    13 years ago
    Sadly strippers are people too, with the same human problems and trageties that go with any other company or neighborhood. Send flowers and a nice card.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    DD, I once had a fave from NY that told me she would be leaving to go home. She had cancer. I tried to call her at later times, but phone was disconnected. Sometime later, I went to the club and this dancer walks up to me I didn't recognize. It was her. her face looked so different and her hair completely different. Cancer treatments she said. I thought, what a bunch of SS. After she showed me she was wearing a wig (she was mostly bald), I believed her. She was around for a bit then left the business, I talk with her at times, and seems to be in remission. Sometimes the bad can turn out a bit better.
  • Gossage54
    13 years ago
    Wow, I just found out two girls from a club I go to just died too. I was going to ask you if it is the same two girls but I see you live in Nebraska.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Wow, here's a jolly topic for an otherwise decent Sunday morning...
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    I know of a number of them who have died in car accidents. A lot of these gals live for the moment and die young.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    I had a related experience. I moved 1,200 mi. away from where I first lived. After I was in my new city, I attempted to keep in touch with a few of the dancers from my old city, since I planned to return to visit friends and family where I previously lived. One time I texted one of those dancers. I didn't hear back for a couple of days. Then,the father of her child CALLED me to tell that the dancer had "left us." They way he phrased it, I think it meant that she committed suicide. What a bummer to get a phone call like that. It could have been a ruse--just to get me to end my contact with her. I never knew for sure.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Heavy drinkers, heavy smokers, drugs, fast life, AIDS, no concern for tomorrow and nothing but the absolute minimum in health care maintainence--some are at risk for disease and early death.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    RE: club_goer - I knew of a dancer who committed suicide. A good ex of Player11's living for the moment and very much on the edge. She told me she was seeing a psychiatrist and taking medication. Since I was trained and practiced in the area of behavioral health care I knew that she was not receiving the right meds given her consumption of alcohol and I encouraged her to seek a second opinion. Unfortunately, she died by overdosing on her meds which turned lethal only because she was also drinking alcohol.
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