

Thursday, February 24, 2011 3:47 PM
I saw one of a members pictures and it got me to thinking. Does HOT = BITCH? I have to say, in my experience, more often then not. Certainly not always the case. Just as a guess, in my experience, I would say about 60% of the hottest dancers are bitchy. That said, at this moment, I have two very hot faves that are far from bitchy, but they are exceptions. vm, can vouch for them.


  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Often Hot = Bitch. Maybe because hot women don't have to be nice to get men to fall all over them.
  • BaddJack
    13 years ago
    I have found more often than the Hot=Bitch equation that Hot=Crazy
  • troop
    13 years ago
    how about, hot=crazy bitch?!
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Some dancers find themselves stuck in a world that is in conflict with their high school fantasies. An 8 or 9 believes that her looks will get her anything she wants. Now she finds out that that's not always true. She couldn't land a husband with her looks and even the baby trap didn't work. So, to earn a living and care for her child she agrees to be groped by smelly drunks. In her early 20's she feels that she still has time to use her looks to get somewhere, but time is moving away. Her homely high school friends are married to nice guys who take care of them in cozy suburban homes with two kids. (Or so it seems.) She's having a lot of fun in the club, not being tied down to that whole "thing," which she wants more than oxygen. The internal conflct between unrealized goals and harsh reality has made her a bitch.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    No, it doesn't always equate. But my experience is that hot very often correlates with bitchy attitudes and often a little craziness. As customers we should all probably acknowledge that even a sane person would be driven a little over the edge by the business and the interactions with some guys. How many of you have had numerous pleasant interactions with other people in a business situation, but had one asshole and that one asshole taints the rest of your day? Remember that these girls probably brought some baggage coming in (single mother, divorced, molested by step dad, etc.) and now they have to deal with sharky co-workers, sleazy staff, and the occasional asshole customer. How could anybody do this job long-term? I think the bitchiness is a coping mechanism. The hot ones can still make enough to make it pay. The non-hot ones get washed out. The hot, pleasant ones? Probably just started, or should be up for an Oscar. The best combination you can probably hope for under the circumstances? Hot, non-bitchy, and a little crazy. A keeper in the stripper world.
    13 years ago
    Reading "crazy bitch" makes me think of the 10,000+ times I've heard the rock song with those lyrics at Bogart's...
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    I put it all down to Female = crazy. And that pretty much covers all of em!
  • Gossage54
    13 years ago
    I have to say all women are crazy, certainly when looking at it from a male perspective. That said I'd have to say almost any hot young female (dancer or not) is going to be a pain in the ass. I mean since puberty they've been getting their asses kissed and treated much differently than the rest of the world. And these under 25 girls now are such divas, more so than they ever used to be. They all think they're celebrities with facebook and the like now they get so much attention (more than they already do out in the street) they feel like they're all Kim Khardashian. There's varying degrees but you show me a smoking hot 22 year old and put her next to a fat or middle aged woman and ask me which of the group is going to be the biggest bitch/pain in the ass it's a no brainer.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    SuperDude, well stated.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Another "keeper" is the hot dancer who doesn't think she's hot. Typically a late bloomer, still has a bad self-image from high school, so she works hard to please. My current fav is like that. I intend to keep her around for awhile.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    vm vouches for Clubber. Those 2 are exceptionally hot and gorgeous!!
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Clubber, remember Dayton and their Diamond's cabaret? That place is known for their hot dancers but unfortunately also known for their air dances and strict management who charges you to check your cell phone at the door.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Let's face it. Any woman who works in a SC and puts up with the shit that we horndogs demand has severe self esteem issues of one kind or another. It is no surprise, therefore, that we may characterize these hot women as bitches. They are just maladjusted women coping with life as they can but not as they would choose in their ideal world. Who are we to judge, anyway? In our own way, we hobbyists are just as maladjusted as these women with whom we consort. Bless the capitalist system for so efficiently matching supply and demand!
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    +1 farmerart! Hot girls in any club know they're in demand so don't waste time and tend to be curt, which can seem bitchy.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I have met several smokin hot women who turned out to just be painfully shy, when I had pegged them as super-stuckup bitches. These were the types that would sit in a corner of the room and not really talk or hustle anyone. Once I approached them, they often turned out to be sweethearts that just never learned to use their beauty as a means to get what they wanted from the world. But if you're talking about a hot woman that talks all kind of shit and makes it obvious that she thinks her shit don't stink....well that's something else entirely. And Prim0 - I suspect that straight women are saying the exact thing about you men.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    CTQWERTY, Funny you mention that song. When it was new and before I heard it in a SC, we made it a theme song for a friend. This was a few years ago. Just this week I was in my local watering hole and it was being played. It dawned on me the name of the group, Buck Cherry. Then it popped in my head Chuck Berry. I wonder if that was the inspiration for the name? ss1, Yes, there were some hotties in that club, but I never met one that wasn't somewhat stuck up. My favorite, other than Cheeks was behind Diamond's. I think it was on a road called Kingsridge??? Name was something like Pazazz.
  • potheadpl
    13 years ago
    I have to agree---but it's not just hot dancers who tend to be bitchy. ALL hot women have egos, for the reasons already stated. There are exceptions. I've found that girls under age 21 who are TALL tend to be nice. I think it's a result of them being taller than most of the boys their age at a young age. Being a tall teenaged girl makes them outcasts. It's only once they hit the bar scene that they realize how desirable they are.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    pot, I have seen that trend often. The "ugly duckling" that becomes the "swan", but still has the "ugly" mindset. Those can be a great find! Also, I will agree with the HOT=BITCH trend crossing lines of employment.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Lopaw...they can say what they want about us but men are pretty straight forward. We know what we want and have no problem saying so (most of the time). Women change their minds from one minute to the next which is what makes us crazy!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Prim0, You bring up an interesting point. Perhaps lopaw can provide input. In a lesbian relationship, does the dominate ("male") partner behave more like a man than a woman?
  • DougS
    13 years ago
    Even though it's a generalization, I tend to think from experience that it IS true. I smokin' hot girl will more frequently be a bitch, than a girl with a sparkling personality. Like was previously stated, these hot girls have learned from very early in life that they don't have to treat people nicely in order to have both men AND women wanting to be around them. On the other hand, those less fortunate in the looks department tend to be nicer because in order to make friends, they realize that they must respect people and behave like a friend. My curr fav is another former "ugly duckling" (according to her, but I'm sure she's always been pretty). She says she was a nobody in HS, and always very plain. When OTC, she still "plays that part" by not wearing makeup (still beautiful in my opinion), baggy sweatshirts, glasses, etc.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    i was approached by 2 different dancers in the hustler club last summer that were both pretty hot. the 1st one was very friendly, had a great personality, intelligent, and obviously had led a pretty well traveled and extravagant life for her age. the other one was all of the above but on a lesser scale. there was an underlying current though that i perceived with both of them that kept me from spending any money on them. even though they didn't really act like bitches in conversation it was obvious to me that they would probably turn into bitches if i bought dances from them and wanted to push the limits whereas they would probably expect that just dancing in front of me would be a good enough reward for my cash.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    I knew one HOT girl in HS that became quite famous. She was always thought to be bitch. After we had graduated, we ended up waiting in front of the school for our respective SO's. I got the chance to talk to her a lot, and she was really a sweetheart. Sort of lonely that most girls ignored her thinking her the bitch, and guys were intimidated by her.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Clubber, I think it depends totally on the dynamics in the relationship. In my case, although I look and act like a girl, I definitely "think" like a man, in terms of how I look at the world (and strippers!). My partner, on the other hand, is very much a typical crazy-ass female (as Prim0 pointed out) in every sense of the word - she looks, acts and THINKS like a woman typically does. Not sure if this answered your question or not....
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    lopaw, So bottom line, were your relationship conventional, you would be that man, and you are that way, correct?
  • tttclub
    13 years ago
    There's a reason I typically avoid the 9s and 10s in a club and go for the 7s. I think we all pretty much stereotype the hottest girls as bitches or stuck up. I often compare strippers to porn stars. Notice the absolute drop dead gorgeous porn stars typically are terrible to watch having sex? They get by on looks, while the above average, but not quite drop dead gorgeous ones seem to "try harder." Sure it's not a 100% proposal, but it's correct more often than not. I play the odds, and the odds say I am more likely to be happy with a 7 or 8 than a perfect 10.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Hot and bitch are the same in spanish
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    gf, AH, no. They are, respectively, caliente and perra. This pretty much holds true for Latin American, Mexican, and European spanish.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    As another data point, for some, almost certainly not the majority, "bitch" is at least partially a defense mechanism. One of my now "retired" regulars was a sweetheart, except to the guys she didnt want anything to do with, most of whome she described as creeps, assholes and jerks. She'd talk shit about them where they could hear, walk right past with a perfect sneer on her face and ignore them on stage. Mind you, she was never that way with me. Reserved at first, yes, but not a bitch. These others had earned her ire, and she wasn't shy about giving it to them.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Clubber, Due to the way my brain works, and the fact that I'm physically larger than my partner (I'm 5'7"/140lbs, she's 5'1"/110lbs), I usually assume the more masculine roles in our relationship out of sheer necessity. And because she tells me to. ;)
  • troop
    13 years ago
    lol lopaw ;)
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    lopaw, So you two are Frank with each other. One night she is Frank and then you the next. :)
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    lol Clubber! Ba-dum-ching! :)
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    lopaw, Just found out Saturday that one of my current faves is bisexual when she was talking about her ex-girlfriend. I have some wonderful visions in my head! :)
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