Private VIP rooms vs shared VIP areas

Just wondering if you guys are at a club with a shared VIP area do you still bother with extras? Typically extras there are cheaper so there is some benefit to them.
Just wondering if you guys are at a club with a shared VIP area do you still bother with extras? Typically extras there are cheaper so there is some benefit to them.
last commentAgain it all depends on the club. I have gotten FS in semi private rooms. Being discreet helps a lot. true, you do usually save a house fee for a shared room.
I need some privacy if I'm going to get busy. There's an extras club in CT here that has a dance room (it's such a dump I can't even call it a VIP) which is just a curtained off room with chairs. Totally open. I can't do it, I go to the extras club around here that has locked booths.
In some clubs there are certain seats in the shared VIP section where others can't get a good look at what's going on. The dancers know exactly where those places are, and if extra's is what you'll be having tonight, she will take you there. With time, I adjusted to the fact that Johnson might be out for all to see - but others probably can't see - so that doesn't bother me anymore. Besides, I've been to the late Chameleon Club in WP; there was little opportunity for modesty there!
I can't remember a club that had both shared and completely private VIP. Often times an upgraded VIP section features superficial status symbol type enhancements but not necessarily increased privacy.
MSC and MB in SF have fully private booths, which I don't really care for. Some of the excitement of doing extra's is doing them it in the presence of others without being detected.
I can definitely agree about the 'certain section' in the shared VIP, I love it when a dancer chooses that certain one purposely, I know i'm going to be in for a good time.
I used to require privacy, but the last few years here in Louisville have gone a long way to getting me over it. There's one club where the rooms are mostly private, but there's no door; anyone walking by can see. Most deliberately look away. Those that don't are almost as entertaining to watch as the girl bobbing up and down in my lap.
I've been in both. A shared VIP room & a Private VIP room. I have found a dancer is more likely to give extras in a private VIP room. Sapose to a chared VIP room.
My first visit to a wide open VIP resulted in a dick that resolutely remained limp. I had a heart-to-heart with the old boy and convinced him to try harder. Mr. Wood got the message. Now, he and I don't mind the shared VIP but the preference for both of us is OTC at the hotel.
only shared VIP that I've been in is Follies in ATL. the room is usually so dark, I don't think that you could really see what is going on at the other sofas. besides, a little moaning and groaning by a dancer getting it on with her customer might be HOT !!!
If I had a choice I'd definitely go for the Private VIP for "privates", thank you. I still want the allusion that I'm her one and only, so a shared VIP kinda defeats that fantasy.
Yes, samsung1, Bogarts is a good example as CT notes in another thread. Any thing goes on in the shared VIP "Mosh Pit" I prefer private booths, as Samantha said the other week at Bogarts. Allegedly, Mr Happy isn't supposed to come out any more in the public area. Might be SS, but I didn't complain as Samantha did her usual fine job in the private booth. Damn she has nice tits, and her lips feel so good on my dick.
Private VIP areas are definitely superior. But shared areas definitely vary from club to club. I've been elbow on stools, or on couches 10 feet from the main stage...these are not "VIP" areas as far as I'm concerned.
Cheeta's, Coliseum, and Tycoons on Eight Mile Road in Detroit had private booths with curtains. As close to a private VIP room you could get. The new regulations bans private VIP, but I hear that it still goes on. All Stars, Bouzouki and Club Rolexx had a VIP section with no privacy, just darkness. I require a private booth. Otherwise, forget about it.