Getting warmer outside...

avatar for Prim0

Slightly off topic...

God I love warm weather. The yoga pants and short shorts come out of storage and most of the hot girls come out of hibernation. Fuck yeah spring and summer are here!!!! (I hope)

Sorry...had to get that out of my system.


last comment
avatar for farmerart
13 yrs ago

Not out here in Alberta yet. There are still metre- high snow banks lining my driveway and yard. I was in Calgary yesterday and saw not a single sweetheart in shorts.


avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


Two words...

South Florida!

Ask vincemichaels!

avatar for steve229
13 yrs ago

Sun dresses!

avatar for georgmicrodong
13 yrs ago

Amen, steve. The girls at work are starting to dress up for spring, and it certainly does put a spring in my step to see 'em.

avatar for Gossage54
13 yrs ago

Ain't it funny like you said about coming out of hibernation. Where do they all go when the weather sucks? Me and a former co worker used to discuss this. I guess when you're young and hot things come so easy that you can just stay home if it's cold or rainy. I'll put anyone to the test on this one, if it's a cold shitty rainy day try count the amount of hotties that catch your eye. I'm not talking about what they're wearing of course they'd be more covered up if it's cold but just the amount of girls that catch your eye. Then watch when the sun comes out and the weather gets warmer, it's like the floodgates open. You can do this in the same day too if it's a day where it goes from beautiful to shit or vice versa. As soon as the clouds cover the sun and rain or inclement weather takes over they go back into their pods and we're left with dudes and middle aged women.

avatar for londonguy
13 yrs ago

Clubber, where does 'south' Florida start? I will be in Florida next month for a couple of weeks :-))

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

londonguy, Clubber can give the best definition as he is pretty much a life long resident in Florida, but he won't be online for awhile. To be more precise "South Florida" is better termed "Southeast Florida", the large collection of cities on and near the Atlantic Coast side of Florida, starting with the Palm Beach area and going south. Broward County and Miami-Dade County are the most target rich as far as clubs.

avatar for steve229
13 yrs ago


A few years ago I was in the DC Metro on a particularly dreary winter day, everyone dressed in drab winter jackets and overcoats, when I looked up and saw a stunning young blonde, wearing a bright yellow sun dress, walking toward me. I was mesmerized and couldn't take my eyes off her. When we passed by each other she gave me a dazzling smile, causing me to stumble into a concrete pillar. When I righted myself I tried to look back and catch a final glimpse of her, but she was gone.

I've often wondered who she was, and why she was dressed that way. I've also wondered if maybe I imagined the whole thing, sort of a winter induced mirage.

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


"pretty much"? I was born here! Why am I not going to be online, or were you talking about that pesky work crap?

Would be great to have lg get down this way when you are here as well.

avatar for WetWilly
13 yrs ago

Are we talking about the women in the clubs, or " normal " women? Oh, I see, normal women! I have been spending too much time in clubs!

avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
13 yrs ago

I went to Opening Day last Monday and it was actually sunny and in the mid-70s instead of the cold, rainy affair that we usually get in early April.

I was happy to see many young ladies in their more revealing attire. Including two hotties in tight crop tops & shorts, with makeup and movements that screamed "strippers". They we're posing with the main scoreboard in the background. The guy taking the cell phone photos definitely looked like a bouncer. I'll have to check the local SC websites and see if the photo are posted. At least one of the local SC does that sort of thing.

At the game, I was sitting on the rail with the main aisle right in front me and four feet below me. Nice view of quite a few ladies in their low-cut blouses as they walked past. But I had to resist the urge to drop dollars bills into the cleavage, especially with my SO sitting next to me!

avatar for farmerart
13 yrs ago

I went to the final home game of the Edmonton Oilers hockey season tonight. It was nice to ogle the cheerleaders. I sat near one of the exits where they do their routines throughtout the game. No cartwheels, however. DAMN!!

Oilers lost again.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

LOL, gotcha, Clubber. Yes, I was referring to the work crap. In our many conversations we have touched on your travels, that's why I said "pretty much.

avatar for 59
13 yrs ago

There was a hottie in tiny workout shorts in line ahead of me at the grocery store the other day. Nice. Gotta love spring.

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago


avatar for shadowcat
13 yrs ago

I wear shorts year round to strip clubs. Now I get a break from hearing "Aren't you cold".

avatar for vincemichaels
13 yrs ago

Oooops, I keep telling you guys. Come down to South Florida!! The eye candy on the street will drive ya crazy. And that's just on the steet. We can't let Clubber have free reign on all the babes. LOL

avatar for Clubber
13 yrs ago


avatar for steve229
13 yrs ago

Wondering how much longer until the Cheerleader car washes start up again...

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