how long do you stay at a SC before you decide it's a dud day and you leave for greener pastures? some times is only takes a few minutes to realize that the cream of the crop girls are not on duty and it is a waste of time to hang around hoping the scenery will improve.
last commentDepends on how many girls are there, and if I know them. In a couple of clubs, the names are on a board, and if I don't see an unfamiliar name to check out, or a familiar name with whom to reconnect, I've left without even buying a drink.
If most of the girls are on the floor, and I see at least one or two that interest me, I'll generally at least buy one drink and see what happens.
In my regularly-attended clubs, there are certainly great days and then some merely good days, but never dud days. That's in part why they're my favorite clubs and I continue to return. I have, however, ducked out of a new club I'll sample while on the road somewhere, after only a few minutes in some cases. This is especially true if I walk in and girls are just sitting around and not dancing, it's deserted, the girls descend on my and appear to be ROBs, and/or there's some stupid rule like the girls can only dance with pasties on from a distance of 6 feet. All these things have happened to me, so why hang around? I even left my drink on the table one time...
No dancers on stage. Dancers parked with regulars. Loud DJ talking about himelf. It takes maybe 20 minutes to see that nothing will change. Time to go.
I''ll give most clubs 45 minutes to an hour to see who is working that shift. As we know, most dancers hide in the dressing room (bad business model) I'll enjoy my Miller Lite, and watch TV if nothing else while scoping out the dancers as they dance on stage.
It depends on my mood, if I'm just stopping in to have a couple of beers and kill some time it won't take long. If I'm in full on SC mode (meaning I'm there with money to blow with a purpose) I'll stick it out for quite a while. Like Vince said a lot of dancers will hide out in the dressing room if it's not busy enough for their liking etc. A good time to go (a trick I learned early on) is around 4-5 o'clock, you get in before they charge a cover and you can see to full run of the day girls and if that doesn't do it for you the night girls filter in and you can do an assessment of them as they arrive. Since they all arrive around the same time you won't wonder if that gem has been hiding in back all along. They have to walk in and most likely walk by you at the bar to go to the dressing room. I like seeing them in their street clothes and then come out in full on stripper gear. Sometimes they look better in the street clothes.
it depends.. now if its after midnight ill give the place about 20-30 mins because all the dancers should be there by then and that gives most of the dancers a chance to get out of the back .. if its before midnight ill say 45- 1 hour
Depends on how much the cover is. If it's $20 (BYOB joints), I'll try to stay for at least a full cycle of dancers. I may find one that I like and think it's worthwhile hanging around for. Only once I have left before that, and it was pretty recent. I got in there, watched a few dances, took a look around at the dancers yet to go on stage and got the hell out of there. A literal waste of money.
an hour or after I have shot my load whichever is first
In general, I'll stay at a sc for around two hours or less. Depends on the situation as has been written. If I have paid a big cover and its dead, I will hang for awhile and see a full rotation. Feel like I'm getting my money's worth for walking in. If I'm just popping in during the day at a place with no cover If I don't like what I see I can bounce. And as gatorfan so eloquently stated, If I find a dancer who makes me happy in a short period of time, I may be out in a quicker :-)
Some places I'll hang for a couple hours, others you can tell after finishing your drink that it's a waste of time and time to move on to a more plentiful playground.
It depends on the club, but usually its one full rotation of dancers. Sometimes, it's not even that, because you can see all the dancers on the floor and see they are collectively unapppealling, and then I'll leave. The club I visit the most, I often don't make it through a whole rotation since they have 30+ dancers, at least on weekends, but I'll get my lapdance from my one favorite there (and it's a given that she's there) and if the rest of the dancers are mediocre, I'll leave then.
It depends on the club, but usually its one full rotation of dancers. Sometimes, it's not even that, because you can see all the dancers on the floor and see they are collectively unapppealling, and then I'll leave. The club I visit the most, I often don't make it through a whole rotation since they have 30+ dancers, at least on weekends, but I'll get my lapdance from my one favorite there (and it's a given that she's there) and if the rest of the dancers are mediocre, I'll leave then.
I'll usually give it about an hour. Sometimes it takes time for the right girls to cycle out and around. After that, if the place sucks then I am out.
It depends on the club, but usually, it ends up being a full rotation. However, the club I visit the most, I'll not get thru a full rotation since they have 30+ dancers, at least on weekends, and many of them are mediocre, so I'll get my lapdances from the one favorite I have there and then leave (at least that's my MO lately). Other clubs, you see all of them on the floor, so you don't need to stick around for the full rotation.
This very thing happened to me today. I realized today that my patience for staying at a club in hopes of things improving is rapidly ebbing away.
Went to one of my favorite clubs & saw that there were only 4 dancers working. Three out of the 4 were worth a stay IMHO, but I wound up staying for all of 10 minutes when none of the three ventured out on to the main floor. To be fair to them, perhaps they all were busy giving LD's, but I didn't care. I left and went to my second choice and was richly rewarded with an ample selection of quality dancers.
I am a creature of habit. I have my favorite clubs and I will always wait it out if I don't see what I want when I first come in. When I do venture to a new club, one coke, 15-30 minutes is enough before I move on.
It depends on what else I think about doing or what other clubs I might visit. If I'm hungry, I'll be out the door in a heartbeat to get something to eat.
Most of my visits are about 2 drinks (30-45 min), then I am gone. But when I am not working, usually a couple of hours.