
Comments by neoguy (page 3)

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    15 years ago
    "Do you want to tip me a $1?"
    I have never seen this before. My response would be, no thanks and look away. I tend to not watch the stage unless I want to tip the dancer up there. I do not watch LD's happening around me. I feel like I didn't pay for it, so don't watch it. Besides, when I am getting my dance I don't want anyone staring at us either. That being said, the other day I was sitting with my ATF and she caught me staring at a dancer getting dressed after a nude LD. I never seen this one naked before and was curious. My ATF told me I better not stare at that one...if she seen me staring she would come over and bitch at me about it.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    I go to a few clubs. The smaller clubs seem to be mostly white in customers and dancers. Another club that is a little bigger is like night and day. During the day there is usually one black dancer and very few, if any black customers. After 7 or 8pm, more black dancers show up and soon afterwards the black customers follow. My favorites are white, I can't help it. But I will say I just found a black dancer that is absolutely beautiful. And I want to find a way to make her a favorite also. Her shifts do not coincide with my visit times, I just lucked out one night.
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    15 years ago
    Ever "see" only one dancer @ the club?
    I have learned that by sticking to one dancer when at a club, you get more attention and GFE, if that is what your after. I tried spreading it around some, but now I decide who I want to see, and go in looking for her. Knowing most of my money will go in her garter, it keeps her at my table longer. The funny part is, on the days that I choose another girl, I get constantly "hit on" by the other girls when I am alone. It is fun to say no to beautiful women...not to mention the tricks they try to get me away from one and into them.
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    15 years ago
    (Half) Naked Girls
    My favorite usually pushes her top to the side, but knows I like it better when she takes her top completely off. And she looks so much hotter with it off.
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    15 years ago
    Paying in advance for dances?
    I have no plans of paying upfront for dances, I haven't been required to do so. BUT, I have given my favorite 3 or 4 dances worth upfront and collected as the night wore on. Even if we don't get all dances in that night, we just collect the next time i come in. She has never cheated me yet. The second girl in the stable is reliable to give a little extra cash to get drinks and or food. She brings the money back no problem, but she has tried to tell me we did 4 dances even when I know it was three. I stood firm, she caved. If she didn't, I would have walked away and forgot her.
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    15 years ago
    A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When the Stripper is . . . Talkin'?
    I am ok with a word or two, or if they laugh due to some odd moment. But I will wait to talk afterward...time is money and I want some grind when the meter is running.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Lady Gaga
    Than I must be wierd because I would in a minute!!...ohh lala. Honestly, there are times she looks super hot, then times she looks plain and forgetable. I would error on the side of not being cautious and do her several times.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    What is a pasty/pastie?
    Pasties are required in Ohio, but some of the girls will go without wearing them and just stay outta sight the best they can. Those are the dancers I want to have around me as they expect a good nipple sucking...and let me tell you, her nipples tasted great. Could it be then that when she seen me, she turned around and went into the bathroom, then came out and straight over to me? Knowing I love to suck her nipples...and that i will pay her for several dances, could she have taken them off and washed up just for me..??
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    15 years ago
    Fakes for looks, real for feel?
    I prefer real boobs, but not on a red head. Strangely enough I have found I do not mind smaller boobs. Many big breasted dancers think all they have to do is flash them big ole melons and they will get any guy to spend money on them. Smaller woman work in other ways to get my attention and I appreciate it.
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    15 years ago
    dollar dollar bill y'all - ever pay for a dance in ones?
    I never worry how I pay them...it all spends, so yes.
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    15 years ago
    from ATF to ROB in 15 minutes
    When I first started back to the clubs I would have thought like this, but now I know how the game is played. The strippers always have to go freshen up or smoke and it seems to take 20-30 minutes. I never go looking for them, but always think they are on the other side of the room grinding on another guy. Well I figure if they don't want to come back over to me, I will just find another dancer to spend my time and money on. A ROB is someone who tries to get you to pay for something you didnt ask for, you got what you paid for. If you want more, pay for more. Easy as that. Find out how much she wants for her whole shift and pay her that, it is the only way to guarantee her time with you..haha.
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    15 years ago
    Dealing with Desperate Dancers
    When I hear the line about needing to pay the rent or fix the car, I just wish them well with getting what they need and keep on talking about whatever I was saying.
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    15 years ago
    She Can't Dance
    My fav can dance and use the pole fabulously. But her new move is legs around you, facing forward and going to town like she is fucking you....that is a very hot move, lol. She puts alot into it and it shows. My other favorite just moves on stage, but nothing really fancy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Take a dancer on a trip???
    I am not the guy to answer this as I have never done it, but I have thought of doing it. If the chance presented itself, and my ATF accepted, I would do it without thinking. I am sure some responsing to this will be to set your expectations before hand. She must spend some time with you, not just get there on your dime, and leave you alone until the return trip.
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    15 years ago
    That big wet spot on your pants(or shorts)
    Last time it happened to me I had to leave right after and go to a meeting....in a well lit hall with hundreds of people around. Very embarassing to say the least. Lucky for me when I got home, no one was there....i was able to throw them in the washer and get the all clean before anyone came home. Almost busted a nut tonight though and I had tan pants on...thankfully the song ended and she was very prompt ending her dance...ha. I have gotten better at not getting close while getting a LD, but tonight she was very small (100lbs 5ft tall...mmm), this was her first day (or so she said..her LD skills WERE lacking some, but getting two hands full of tit and ass from a new girl made up for it) and it was a new club for me to visit. All of this made it so much more exciting.
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    15 years ago
    Best club visits - planned or spur of the moment?
    I plan my trips...usually at the end of my current visit. I know what day of the week I am going next by the girl I have the desire to see.
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    15 years ago
    Had a "different" experience last night
    I also have a foot fetish, and have rubbed a few strippers feet. The last one was a super hot 20 yr old. If they are hot and don't have ugly feet, I will do it anyday of the week, who cares if they have been dancing for hours, I can wash up later. All they need to do is ask, or I will mention it to them. MY ATF cannot stand to have her feet touched...true downer for me. If "she" is hot and young, I would do just about anything she wanted....uhm, but pee.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Emigratiion and The Interview"
    I might need to stop in Amber and try to figure out which dancer your talking about. I have heard bad things about Ambers though and have not been in a hurry to revisit there. There seem to be better clubs on the strip.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My ATF Turned On Me!!!
    I would go, enjoy the place and the other women. Do not try and connect with her. If she talks with you, be cordial, say hi or smile and look away at the other goods in the place. I wouldn't let someone push you out of your favorite place. It is all in how you handle things.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    saturday night dead ?
    Saturday's are slower than Friday nights in my best spots. It has been slow since just before Christmas to be honest. Many people are trying to replenish their bank accounts i would think.
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    15 years ago
    Do you remember your first time?
    I was 17 and went to Juicy Luicy's all nude club. A few of the women were disgusting looking and I think I ended up sitting at the bar talking to the bouncer, who was a friend of mine I played baseball with a few years earlier...he was 17 also. I remember thinking he had it made as all the strippers were all over him.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Back to my ATF
    To answer some of the points: She is my ATF because she does give the best dance in the place, is a great conversationalist, is very hot (love the pierced hood), respects when I say I am done, even though she knows there is more $ in the wallet, gives me a boner just by walking by and yes, because no matter how hard i try she won't give in to an OTC experience. OP? Yes I know I am a PL, but only with her. I have had other dancers try to convince me that the VIP room is better, blah, blah. I do not fall for their crap, i know better. I know what I am going to get there with each girl. At my ATF's club, I know the bouncers "some" as it is my most frequented club. Most guys going to the VIP area never pay anything from what I see. Clubber, that is what makes me a PL with this one. I am willing to shell out for the ride, no others in any club I go to make me think like this one does. The rest I just enjoy the dance and look for the next dancer. Plant my flag, yup! And she is not the best mileage girl, just the best dance. She fits perfect in my lap...that girl's ass is too big, but her's is just right!! And I never use a credit card, couldn't hide it from the SO. It is cash all the way.
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    15 years ago
    Playoffs? Playoffs!?
    Who cares about the game. See the girls, check out ESPN for the highlights.
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    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    How do you get free from a fave?
    I stop spending money on her...? I tell her I want to check out other dancers..
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Married guys who secretly visit clubs
    I have also caught a few signs recently that my wife knows "something" is up. I try to be very carefull, but something is amiss. Different than mreef, I go twice a week and think I might need to cool it for a little while....but of course I did go again today...ha.