Dealing with Desperate Dancers
How would you deal with a “desperate†dancer?
Dancer (in a non-extras club) hits you with some variation of “I need to make $1,000+ by the end of the week or I'll be evicted.†Do you:
A. Treat as SS and ignore/move on
B. Buy a sympathy dance
C. Follow-up and try to negotiate OTC price
Dancer (in a non-extras club) hits you with some variation of “I need to make $1,000+ by the end of the week or I'll be evicted.†Do you:
A. Treat as SS and ignore/move on
B. Buy a sympathy dance
C. Follow-up and try to negotiate OTC price
We all have issues, I don't need to support her.
Ask her for a sample of what you'll get in the VIP...and if she just says "come on back and you'll see" just forget it. Maybe offer to buy her a sympathy drink, but not a dance.
Let the stripper's actions speak louder than their words! If she is groping on your package while telling you this, then yes I might take the SS bait. But if she is just being a crybaby, I say NEXT!